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Understanding Mental Health and Mental Illness

4 Pages 1733 Words
This assignment will aim to provide the knowledge to understand the key symptoms of mental health and their treatment, it will go to explore signs of aggressive behavior and how to diffuse and control the situation. It will continue to identify the role of therapeutic communication skills in Mental Health both verbal and non-verbal as well as its strengths and...

Wonders of Giraffe

4 Pages 1689 Words
What do you get when two giraffes collide? A giraffic jam. The giraffe’s elongated shape and rather large body size causes it to have some unique aspects. Some of these aspects can be seen in some of their organ systems, such as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. These exclusive aspects also make the giraffe very different in many ways when...

Use of Psychoanalytic Concepts in the Treatment of PTSD: Article Review

2 Pages 738 Words
Traumatic experiences are a terrible thing for anyone experience. But they do happen to people. When these events transpire, it is possible that the victim of the incident will start showing symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The DSM-5 lets us know that some of the people who are most likely to be affected by PTSD are the “survivors of...

Use of Lasers in Dentistry

3 Pages 1385 Words
Laser was put in or introduced in dentistry in 1960s. Then, a persistent range of studies were made on various applications of laser in dental practice. The two major types of lasers were came in terms of clinical implementations: hard lasers such as (CO2) carbon dioxide, neodymium–yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG), and erbium–yttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG) with both hard and soft...

Role of Biomedical Science in Cancer Diagnosis

3 Pages 1163 Words
Biomedical science involves using a range of laboratory techniques to diagnose and find treatments for various diseases. In this essay we will focus on the role that biomedical science plays in diagnosing various types of cancers. The different approaches in biomedical cancer diagnosis that will be covered are: biomarkers (i.e., miRNA), biopsies (i.e., liquid biopsies), blood tests and histology image...

Purpose of GMOs

3 Pages 1400 Words
GMOs are genetic materials that are used to prevent foods from rotting. GMOs, known as genetically modified organisms, are organisms that alter a segment of DNA from other organisms (‘GMO Facts’). Farmers have said if this is safe or not. Many scientists say that GMOs are safe due to long-term feeding research which says, “the organism does not cause harm...

Problem of Stigmatization of Mental Illnesses in Modern Society

4 Pages 2031 Words
‘Stigma’ is a very basic word within the study of sociology that could be described by someone as a harmful mode of negative labelling towards someone else with a differentiating characteristic or attribute such as a form of mental illness or an intellectual disability which can lead to stereotypes, discrimination and even societal rejection possibly further damaging a person’s mental...

Need to Change GMOs

2 Pages 1017 Words
GMOs have changed the production of crop with all of the benefits they have added throughout the development. They have not only helped farmers produce more crops, but they have also helped the world over come major issues and still continue. Climate change will start to have major effects on crop production if there is not GMOs developed before changes...

Influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Future of Work

2 Pages 744 Words
The fourth industrial revolution will impact everyone through the innovation of new technologies by merging that which is physical, biological and digital (Hinton, 2018). More so, the Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly altered the way humans currently live. These two events are likely to set a ‘new normal’. This paper will discuss the influence of the fourth industrial revolution and the...

Importance of Safe Food

1 Page 568 Words
According to dictionary, a food is any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. Eating is one of the key nutrients that nourishes our body and keeps us strong and healthy and above all from illness. Nutrition is the most vital component of our body's energy so...

Importance of Optimism in Hospitals

5 Pages 2118 Words
Optimism attempts to explore the concept and its relations with mental health, physical well-being, coping, quality of life and healthy lifestyle and risk perception. Optimistic behavior allows a human being to look at the world with the mirror of positivity. In this outline, hospitals are not only limited to providing treatment but also tend to give hope and faith to...

Importance of Mental Illness Awareness

4 Pages 1695 Words
Over the course of ten years education has changed, sometimes good and sometimes bad. For the most part, our education is missing some important pieces of information. Mental health is something that has changed but has also become less talked about throughout societies. The education for it has decreased and is continuing to decrease. In future years the education for...

Importance of Food

7 Pages 3288 Words
There has been research-proven by scientists that there needs to be a balance between stress levels. If it is too much, it can either lead to dangerous side effects like depression, heart disease, fatigue and much more, however, having a low to moderate amount of stress is actually necessary for growth. According to, eighty percent of adolescents have stress...

Importance of Eating Breakfast: Persuasive Speech

1 Page 449 Words
People need energy to do activities. The energy can be obtained from carbohydrate, fat, and protein that contained in food. Breakfast is one of the important actions so the body gets enough energy intake to do activities. However, according to Riset Kesehatan Dasar year 2010, 59% of Indonesia people skipped breakfast even though it had an impact for health. I...

Importance of Breakfast

1 Page 456 Words
Eating breakfast is important among many other things. Lots of people, including young people start their day without breakfast. Most of them feel as if they don’t have any time when they wake up before their daily activities or just don’t have an appetite right away. I feel that it is truly vital to start off your day with a...

Impact of Stress on the Progression and Recurrence of Cancer

5 Pages 2255 Words
Cancer consists of a large number of diseases where cells from a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably, which end up infiltrating and destroying normal body tissue (MayoClinic, 2020). This uncontrollable growth and reproduction occur as a result of interference of the normal genetic process involved with cell growth and reproduction (Conquer Cancer: ASCO, 2020). Each individual...

Impact of Junk Food on Health

2 Pages 766 Words
Adults and kids these days eat drive-thru food without knowing its consequences for the body and general wellbeing, hence we will understand the healthy benefit of what we eat with the end goal to comprehend whether we require it or not. Low quality nourishment is a deprecatory term for sustenance containing countless from sugar or fat with minimal dietary fiber,...

Impact of Exercise on Cancer Mortality for Adults

5 Pages 2374 Words
Cancer is a disease associated with the growth of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and destroy normal body tissue. Skinner et al. (2005) cancer is not a single disease but rather a term that defines the uncontrolled spread of cells. Furthermore, a study by Dennis J. Kerrigan et al. (2013) found cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity...

History of Cooking

1 Page 676 Words
When you sit down at the dining table and eat your perfectly roasted dinner, you probably chat with your family about your day at school or what you want for Christmas, right? But have you ever wondered about the history of the delicious meal you’re consuming? In this essay, I discuss a little about our favorite rodents. Who Was the...

History of Chocolate in Europe and Beyond

4 Pages 1894 Words
Chocolate has had an extensive history throughout Europe and beyond. Along with its base ingredient, cacao, chocolate has vastly changed in terms of use, form, means of consumption, and purposes served within society. Within this paper, a chronological depiction, analysis, and comparison with contemporary contexts will be conducted regarding chocolate’s origins, and its roles, significance, and use in Europe. Cacao...

Grey Wolf Organ System Vs the Human Organ System

4 Pages 1870 Words
The human body is the structure of the human being, and like the grey wolf it is composed of many different types of organ systems. Among all those organ systems the reproductive and respiratory system have very important roles. For example, the respiratory system is very important because it takes in carbon dioxide which converts into oxygen which helps us...

Effectiveness and Importance of the Dog-Human Relationship

1 Page 656 Words
Are dogs really a man’s best friend and important? In many ways, dogs are important. This is because many dogs positively influence people with diseases or with a disorder. Relationships between dogs and humans are important because dogs can help people with Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and autism spectrum disorder. To begin with, many studies have proven that dogs impact people...

Effect of Chocolate on the Heart

5 Pages 2134 Words
In this essay, I'm going to discuss whether there really is a relationship between chocolate consumption and heart health problems. I will formulate my conclusions based on the analysis of studies devoted to this topic. Studies Review First of all, I want to review the studies that have been conducted and highlight their results. For example, Veronese et. al. (2018)...

Deformities in the World of Dentistry

2 Pages 917 Words
There are many deformities that exist in the world of dentistry ranging from the head down to the neck. Deformities are common condition that are linked to birth defects or genetics (Merriam-Webster, 2019). They can be mild abnormalities to more severe defects that can require surgical correction. Because some conditions can be severe and detrimental to the patient’s well-being, they...

Dark Side of the Beloved Chocolate

2 Pages 1096 Words
When most people are asked if they like chocolate they will say yes. There are more people who do than don’t. This answer though is an uninformed response. As far as most people are concerned chocolate comes from the store, we are unaware of the process that gets it into the pretty packages we bring it home in. However, there...

Benefits of GMOs: Persuasive Speech

1 Page 675 Words
Have you ever known that GMOs is safe for human’s life? GMOs is considered to be safe and dangerous by some people. There was a debate in 2018 that showed about genetically modified food, which is created for preventing from pests, infecting from virus ad contaminating from some insecticide chemical. There are some advantages and disadvantages of GMOs. For the...

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