Psychology essays

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Psychoanalysis: Strengths Versus Weaknesses

5 Pages 2300 Words
Psychoanalysis is a collection of ideas surrounding the deeper inner workings of the human brain. The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud and looks at the human life as a whole, in which the adult life is influenced by their earliest years. It carries the idea that humans are driven by desires which are often hidden in their ‘unconscious’ and...

Role Play And Reflective Essay On General Practice

2 Pages 1088 Words
In this essay I am going to be reflecting on the role play when I was a General practitioner and meeting a patient who is 55 years old , self-employed and has type 1 diabetes . I will be demonstrating the working skills with one-to-one client. It will also look at the effective communication, listening and good technique of asking...
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Essence of Political Thought in The Enlightenment

2 Pages 817 Words
Enlightenment period took place between 17th and 19th centuries and it witnessed significant developments in political thought that became the building blocks of Modern Western system of state and liberal democracy. The English, French and American Revolutions were inspired from reformist political ideologies of the time such as social contract, rights, liberty, separation of power, general will and free market...

Tom And The Problem Of Stealing : Psychoanalytic Case Conceptualization

3 Pages 1607 Words
Problem Identification Tom is a 30-year-old unmarried male currently employed as a junior faculty member at a prominent eastern university. For the last 4 months, Tom has resided with a previous female student he had mentored while she was a graduate student. While fond of this female, Tom has difficulty maintaining a long-term relationship, causing him to become increasingly irritable...

Achievement Motivation Among Government and Private School Students of Mansa District

3 Pages 1535 Words
Abstract: The motive behind the teaching-learning process is to provide right direction which is the appropriate beginning point of achievement motivation. The aim of the present research is to study the achievement motivation of school with relation to their Gender in the villages of Mansa district. The sample consisted of 60 Secondary school going students randomly selected from two villages...

Freud and And His Impact On Psychology

4 Pages 1744 Words
Abstract In this paper, we will be discussing Freud’s impact on Psychology. We will deep dive into what exactly made Freud the Father of Psychology and his journey leading up to it. We will learn how his theories, mainly psychoanalysis, still affect the field today despite his passing in 1939. Understanding his early life will help us see how his...

Review Of Attachment Theory And Perspective To Challenges Of Clinical Work With Adolescent Mothers And Their Children

5 Pages 2339 Words
Introduction The roots of attachment theory were first established in the 1930s and 1940s when a number of clinicians observed the negative effects of maternal separations early in life. The theory of attachment was first proposed by John Bowlby who described it as a ‘lasting psychological connectedness between human beings in 1988. Attachment theory is the joint work of John...

Childhood And Elderhood Suicide Factors And Characteristics

5 Pages 2274 Words
Every 40 seconds an individual commits suicide, making it the tenth leading cause of death globally (Karaman, D., & Durukan, Ä°., 2013). However, research on the risks and characteristics of suicide throughout human development has a lot of limitations. In this research paper, we will review the risk factors and characteristics of suicide as an individual develops from birth to...

Influence Of Big Five Personality Traits And Self-Efficacy On Person's Life

6 Pages 2739 Words
The three big questions that we are constantly trying to answer throughout our lives are, “who am I?”, “How do people differ?”, moreover, “What is my future?” These are the questions we regularly ask ourselves because we are never delighted with the answer each time. Personality psychology is an area of study within psychology that investigates how the major mental...

The Impact On An Individual Of A Conflict Between The Structures Of The Mind Identified By Freud

4 Pages 2053 Words
The question I will be answering is Discuss the impact on an individual of a conflict between the structures of the mind identified by Freud. Some well-known psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, carl rogers, and Ivan Pavlov made major contributions in the field of psychology in the understanding of the human mind and behaviour, some of these psychologists...

Major Psychological Theory: Psychoanalysis By Sigmund Freud And Adlerian Psychology Alfred Adler

6 Pages 2912 Words
Introduction Amongst the many psychological theories, the oldest and rigorously studied are Psychoanalysis and Adlerian/ Individual Psychology by Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler. Both these theories made a mark on the history of psychology. Adlerian therapy refers to a growth model that emphasizes on assuming responsibilities, creating a person’s destiny and finding ways, means, and goals of creating a meaningful...

Resilience Paradigm and ‘At Risk’ Paradigm Essay

5 Pages 2097 Words
Introduction Resilience and the ‘at risk’ paradigm are both widely used frameworks that help address health issues in youth. Both have been used to help youth with addressing the issues found in sexual health. Therefore, the purpose of this essay will be to define the two paradigms, explain how they link to health, compare the main ideas, explain the shift...

Music And Memory: Memory For Melodies And Lyrics In Alzheimer’s Disease

5 Pages 2041 Words
Introduction Music is the universal language of mankind, allowing communication across cultural and linguistic boundaries. It is expressed and shared by all ages from an unborn child to an elderly person. Every culture around the world has some form of music and song, each with their purpose, some might be to accompany a dance, soothe an infant, express love or...

Applications of Motivation Theory Using English Songs into EFL Learners in Japan

6 Pages 2536 Words
Introduction A large number of researchers have tried to explore the efficacy of utilizing songs to enhance English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ motivation (Millington, 2011; Limbong, 2012; Nipattamanon, 2018, Paquette & Rieg, 2008). In recent years, there has been a renewal of interest of the relationship between improving learners’ English lexical, grammatical and phonological abilities and implementation of...

Attachment Theory: Secure and Insecure Attachments In Children And Adults

4 Pages 1777 Words
“Secure attachment was once viewed as important for infant development. More recently, it has been deemed the most important ingredient for successful relationship formation, strong self-identity & confidence to function and achieve in our lifetime.” Introduction A child's experience in their early formative years largely influences their later development. The influence largely accounts for the development of their cognitive skills,...

Multidimensional Approach to Human Development Versus Attachment Theory

3 Pages 1458 Words
Introduction The purpose of this study is to review relevant literature surrounding the topic of John Bowlby’s Attachment theory. Firstly we will be highlighting the key principles of Louise Harms Multidimensional approach to human development and how an individuals inner and outer worlds are interconnected, followed by an examination of what Bowlby’s Attachment theory is and how it is used...

A Shift In Self-Identity Because Of Chronic Illness

2 Pages 955 Words
When diagnosed with a chronic illness, suffering can be all-encompassing, and those affected with experience a shift in self-identity (Charmaz, 1983). Self-identity, simply, is ones perception of themselves, shaped by formative experiences and values, and used to guide decision-making and actions in ones life. Ones self of self is closely tied up with self-image, whilst also contingent on the gaze...

Importance of Critical Reflection in Social Work

4 Pages 1824 Words
Critical Reflection plays a significant role in social work, when practicing social work, it is important to reflect on new but also old experience for present and future learning. In Gardner’s Being Critically Reflective: Engaging in Holistic Practice she writes a section called ‘Theoretical Underpinnings’ which talks about the four theories that both Jan Fook and she ‘use the primary...

Impactors Of The Unconsciousness Of The Human Brain

5 Pages 2204 Words
Introduction: Acute traumatic, nontraumatic brain injuries, degenerative and metabolic brain disorders, and severe congenital malformations of the nervous system all lead to the state of unconsciousness. An individual who is medically induced or traumatically induced is in a deep state of prolonged unawareness and cannot be forcefully awakened. This may be due to the lack of oxygen and blood flow...

Critical Reflection of Teaching: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1430 Words
When applying at James Cook University for a Bachelor of Secondary Education I had to explain why I wanted to become a teacher. At the time that I submitted my application, my response was “Through school, I was fortunate enough to be exposed to some excellent teachers that were brilliant at what they did, people I aspire to and developed...

The Best Customer Archetype For A Car: Case Study Of Australia

5 Pages 2071 Words
Australia is about 25 million people where about half of its population possess a passenger car. It has been found that the best customer archetype for a car worthing around 25 000 AU$ are the young men between 25 and 34 years old. They represent 1.66 million people within the country and most of them lives on the Est-coast, when...

Dream Interpretation: Sigmund Freud And Carl Jung

3 Pages 1581 Words
What are dreams, what allows them to happen, and what do they mean? Today I will discuss with you two theories of dreaming. Sigmund Freud’s 1899 ‘Interpretation of dreams’ (Freud, 1995) theory as well as Carl Jung’s The Archetype and The Collective unconscious (Jung, 1971). Modern-day psychologists perceive dreams to be the result of unsystematic brain activity that occurs while...

Growth Mindset and PERMA: Brain and Learning Essay

4 Pages 1823 Words
Part A: A growth mindset is the ability to look for strengths even after the biggest failures. For example, a subject perhaps maths at school is known to be a challenging aspect for students to cope up with. Growth mindset is the capacity of not giving up even after one is criticising and/or facing tough challenges yet continually learning from...

Perception of the World and Information in the Allegory of the Cave

3 Pages 1321 Words
Plato was born 428/427 BCE, Athens, Greece—died 348/347, Athens, and a loyal student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle. Plato was raised during the Peloponnesian war and reached adolescence around the time of Sparta’s final defeat on Athens. Unlike Socrates, Plato was of respected Athenian lineage, although, he left his wealth and social respect once he devoted his life to...

Review on JPA Based ORM Data Persistence Framework

4 Pages 2043 Words
Introduction: Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) is a method toward transforming information since the object-oriented model is hooked on the personal database model. Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) remains founded happening units, while the social files management system (RDBMS) disreputable arranged families and elds towards stock information. Designed for a creator, separated charting sheet denounces the difficulty of the boilerplate cipher [1]. ORM hush-up...

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