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The Great Explorer Marco Polo

1 Page 504 Words
Marco Polo was an Italian merchant and explorer, famous for introducing Europeans to China and Central Asia. He inspired future travelers, including Christopher Columbus. Born presumably in the Republic of Venice around 1254, Marco Polo played an important role in cartography. His pioneering explorations of East Asia, as depicted in his iconic book, led to the 1450 Fra Mauro map...

The Duty of Sound: The Importance of Sound within Video Games

6 Pages 2934 Words
We often have preconceptions of how things should sound, as we hear them in day to day life without even taking notice of every single sound. But what is sound design? It can provoke a mood or feeling, and it can also inform the gamer with information such as doing a task with an audio prompt, or locating important clues...

Advantage of Recycling Essay

1 Page 422 Words
Introduction Recycling has become an important call in the world these days. With increasing population and rapid industrialization, the amount of waste being produced has increased manifold. It is important to recycle this waste so as to protect our environment. We need recycling for many reasons. But most importantly, it will help us to save our planet. Besides, recycling saves...

History of Batteries, What Is a Battery, Recycling of Batteries

6 Pages 2966 Words
History of Batteries (Types – Production – Consumption) in Europe, the USA and China One of the most revolutionary ideas at the time of the invention was the battery. A battery is defined as a device where energy is stored and delivered through electrical means. Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery in the early 1800s. Based on his theory...

Is Perpetual Motion Possible to Build

2 Pages 850 Words
For the science project, I selected to try to a perpetual lightweight motion generator. I am about to be building motion lightweight generator. The fan goes to run the motor that goes to power electricity through a wire which can power the light bulb. The light bulb can continue forever till you stop it. It'll essentially cut back the employment...

How to Take Care of Trees? Essay

1 Page 444 Words
Some trees can stand the test of time, like Methuselah, the pine that has lived through thousands of California summers. Then, of course, there are the trees that hold a special place in our hearts. We can enjoy them for most of our lives–if we take care of them. That’s why Rachel, a Davey blog reader from Utah, asked, “We...

Infection of Rubber Trees Caused by South America Leaf Blight

2 Pages 1104 Words
Rubber tree or rubber plant, Hevea brasiliensis is belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. It has soft wood, high, branching limbs and a large area of bark. These trees are generally found in low-altitude moist forests, wetlands, riparian zones, forest gaps, and disturbed areas which located in rainforests in the Amazon region of South America. It is the most beneficial, useful...

The Benefits of Zoos for Animals

2 Pages 866 Words
Zoos are meant for the rehabilitation of animals, but is it possible that it actually hurts those beautiful, strong living beings? Ultimately, it depends on the specific case in question. For cases like Willie the gorilla in ‘The Zoos Go Wild’, and the macaws in ‘Our Beautiful Macaws and Why They Need Enrichment’ the zoo specifically made an environment that...

The Urgent Problem of Pollution in Modern World

2 Pages 933 Words
For decades our environment has been deteriorating due to all of the pollution around us. There are many different types of pollution. It affects us as humans, our living organisms, and our planet itself. Pollution is the cause of climate change and the reason many animal species have gone extinct because their habitats are being ruined by pollution. The pollution...

Animal Cruelty Problem Analysis

3 Pages 1212 Words
Our planet Earth is a very beautiful place. Here, all the living organisms are dependent on each other and live together. We, humans, are considered as the most intelligent species on Earth. But, we sometimes become very insensitive to the creatures who cannot express themselves, especially the animals. We harm them just to fulfill our needs. We have an essay...

The Painful Experiences of Animals in The Zoos

2 Pages 736 Words
Imagine a wild animal, for example an elephant. It has all the freedom in the world. Suddenly, the elephant is trapped and taken away from its family. It is put in a small crate, unable to move, starving, and alone for what seems like years. When the elephant is finally let out, all it can see are cage bars and...

Cruelty to Dairy Cows

2 Pages 1040 Words
How would you like being separated from your mother the minute you were born? Never being able to see her again. Or your expected lifetime being 20 years shrunk down to 4 or 5? For dairy cows that is their harsh reality. Factory farming animals suffer in harsh conditions. Such as, neglective and abusive behaviour, the overcrowding of lots and...

The Four Idols of Francis Bacon: Modern Examples

3 Pages 1462 Words
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is considered to be the founder of English empiricism. He belonged to a noble English family. Bacon’s father was a major dignitary – the guardian lord of the great royal seal. Bacon spent his young years in France, where he witnessed the struggle between Catholics and Huguenots. Returning to England, he began to pursue a political career,...

Quantum Mechanics and its Application

3 Pages 1366 Words
Quantum mechanics has been controversial since its birth, and its abstract, uncertain nature makes it hard for the public to understand. However, with the development of science, more and more quantum theories and interesting facts has been discovered. Some of the theories have already been applied to many fields such as the quantum computer. The purpose of this essay is...

The Competitive Environmental Forces of The San Antonio Zoo

3 Pages 1397 Words
The competitive environmental forces for San Antonio Zoo are largely from the local leisure industry. Notable competitors include Fiesta Texas, SeaWorld, and Doseum. However, the firm is in a relatively less competitive environment due to the nature of its operations. In this regard, the unique features of the zoo give it an upper hand in the sense that the experience...

Polar Bears and Climate Change Essay

1 Page 464 Words
Climate change is quicker and stronger in the Arctic than in most of the. The Polar zone is now getting more warmer at a rate of twice the earth’s average. In Polar zone, it gets warmer quicker than the the world. As the Polar zone loses snow and ice, rock and water absorb more and more of the sun’s energy,...

Epistemology of Falling Trees and Sound

2 Pages 1112 Words
Introduction The question about whether a tree falling in the forest makes a sound when there is no one to hear it is a philosophical puzzle, which has elicited unending debates in various circles. As Livingston argues, humans need coherent answers to archetypal patterns (12), and thus the answer to this question could be “yes” or “no” depending on how...

Systemic Factors Behind the Replication Crisis in Psychology

6 Pages 2767 Words
Systemic Factors Behind the Replication Crisis in Psychology Professional incentive systems shaped by a systemic preference for statistical significance play a key role in psychology’s replication crisis. Though scientific progress hinges upon the accumulation and dissemination of new knowledge, those involved in the publication process have mistakenly equated new and important findings with statistically significant results. As a result, journals...

Baby Boomer Statistics on Birth, Retirement and Empty Nestling

1 Page 615 Words
The baby boomer generation plays a significant part in almost every aspect of today’s America. They made an impact to every age cluster they get to belong. Baby boomers have the diverse potentials that uplifted their group in history. Fast statistics show that the fifty plus age group of baby boomers are earning roughly two trillion dollars, in control of...

Methods Used to Reduce Heat Loss

1 Page 675 Words
Cavity wall insulation is method used to reduce heat loss through the walls filling the air space with material that inhibits heat transfer. Cavity walls are constructed in houses. It is an outside wall and an inside wall with a space between the two walls which is air. This is known to be an effective way preventing of the wall...
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Report on Energy Sustainability

1 Page 445 Words
Determining a good balance between a rising economy, the need for environmental protection and social responsibilities in order to provide a good life for the current and future generation is what is energy sustainability. In other words, it is meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the future needs. In this day and age where the energy demands...

The Sound of the Trees, and the Noise of the People

1 Page 558 Words
Robert Frost was a prolific American poet born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco. Although he holds the absolute record for the number of Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry awarded to a single person, Frost struggled to find any recognition in his early years. In fact, he had to work at a farm for some time just to support his...

City Trees and Climate Change: Act Green and Get Healthy Essay

4 Pages 1641 Words
Introduction Nowadays, rapid climate change occurs due to active urbanization, as the growth of cities contributes to the urban heat-island effect (Gill et al., 2007). City trees play a critical role in ameliorating the heat-island effect and in removing particulate matter (PM) from the air (Gill et al., 2007). Consequently, increasing the number of city trees in spatial design could...

Global Warming Impact on Animal Species Disappearing

2 Pages 1003 Words
“We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words” (Anna Sewell). There is without a doubt evidence that animals are being affected by climate change. Many effects are hard to measure but there are different ways animals are being affected. Because...

Louis Pasteur and His Great Achievements in Chemistry

3 Pages 1230 Words
Born in Dole, France, on the 28th day of September 1822, Louis Pasteur would become a chemist who helps to develop methods of sterilizing and safe-proofing many of the things we take for granted today. Before he was a renown chemist, he went through high-school as an average pupil, his grades where nothing to write home about. It was his...

The Importance of Different Types of Enrichment for Elephants

3 Pages 1246 Words
Animal Enrichment, is actions in which allows different species to show their natural behaviour. There are many different types of enrichment for animals, some of these include sensory enrichments for example smell and taste. Also includes food enrichments, which creates a way to challenge the animal for them to receive their food. Another is toy enrichment which can include the...

Role of Genetics in Mental Disorders

1 Page 616 Words
The question of whether genetics have a role in the development of mental disorders remains a big concern to various researchers and scholars. Various researches have been conducted to verify the ability of genes in influencing mental illness. Various authors have contributed a significant amount of information concerning the subject. Understanding the relationship between genetics and mental illness requires a...
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Global Warming: Harmful Impact on the Polar Bears

1 Page 547 Words
Over the last 50 years, human activities have considerably worsened the ecological situation. The Earth suffers from heat-trapping gases that lead to global warming. The rise of temperature increased the sea level that made the Arctic ice melt. As a result, the survival of polar bear population is under the threat of extinction. Global warming caused the disappearance of ocean...

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