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The Peculiarities Of Music Therapy

5 Pages 2161 Words
The elements of music are all around us and within us as we move through our lives; from the changing rhythm of our beating hearts, the rise and fall of the breath in our lungs to the moving contours of pitch in the words we share with one another. But what if our understanding of these experiences in sound aren’t...

Management Of Autistic Child In Dental Clinic: Case Study

2 Pages 1058 Words
Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) defined as neurodevelopmental condition that has affect on 3 main domains: (1)Language delay, (2)social interaction and impairment communication, (3) repetitive actions (1). Also, autistic mostly associated with intellectual disability, gastrointestinal disorders, epilepsy and immune disorders. The word “autism” was first used by Kanner in 1943 (2). Etiology of ASD remaining unknown but genetic factor play...

Exploration Of Drug and Alcohol Abuse In Books

4 Pages 1956 Words
It’s not drugs that make a drug addict, but the need to escape reality. I have chosen to explore the them Drug and Alcohol abuse. This theme is evident in books The Dirt: Confessions of the worlds most notorious rock band written by Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars, Tommy Lee and Neil Strauss, I am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne...

Heroin: Definition And Process Of Addiction

5 Pages 2370 Words
Definition of addiction- WHO definition: The Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems (ICD-10) defines the dependence syndrome as being a cluster of physiological, behavioural, and cognitive phenomena in which the use of a substance or a class of substances takes on a much higher priority for a given individual than other behaviours that once had...

Treatment Of Heroin Addicts

5 Pages 2623 Words
The Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health stated that “an estimated 2.1 million people in the United States [were] suffering from substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers in 2012 and an estimated 467,000 addicted to heroin. (Volkow)” Opioids are the most commonly prescribed drugs for managing moderate-to-severe chronic pain. This type of pain...

Male Infertility: Case Study

2 Pages 957 Words
Introduction Ben and Sarah had tried to conceive for months, but couldn't, as Ben's sperm was not sufficiently motile. This means his sperm could not effectively move towards the egg. To combat this problem, the couple tried IUI, which in summary, is a non-surgical fertility procedure, in which a sperm sample is inserted into the uterus. It is usually quick...

The Causes of Drug Abuse among Teenagers in Maldives

4 Pages 2034 Words
Abstract Maldives has been categorized as Paradise in the world. Beyond the waving palm trees, sandy beaches and crystal clear water there is this ugly horrible problem of drug abuse among. Maldives being hundred percentage Muslim community drugs and alcohol is strictly prohibited. It’s against Muslim religion to use any kinds of drugs which diverts the normal brain function of...

Streetcar Named Desire: Illustration Of Trauma Theory And Stigmatization

5 Pages 2287 Words
The illustration of Trauma Theory and stigmatization has recently been the center of academic discussions as well as theatre productions. Trauma holds a central role in Sydney’s Theatre Company “A Streetcar Named Desire”. One of the reasons why the play has a poignant and affecting stimulus is because, through creative vision, performance and stage directions it illustrates what most productions...

Abstinence-Only Sex Education: Arguments For And Against

2 Pages 1128 Words
NEGATIVE: Abstinence is a window of clarity through which one can better find one's work and one's mate. — Lance Morrow, an American essayist and writer for Time Magazine Introduction Hello Judge. My name is Preston Peterson, and I am the first speaker for the negative side of the resolution: The United States Board of Education should continue to teach...
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Music Therapy: Impact On The Behaviour Of Elderly People With Dementia Experiencing Agitation

8 Pages 3521 Words
The aim of the literature review is to explore how music therapy impacts the behaviour of elderly people with dementia experiencing agitation. The term ‘dementia’ describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss, mood and behaviour changes, reasoning and language (Alzheimer Society, 2015). These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by certain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease...

Study of the Phenomena of Commercial Surrogacy in India and Analysis of Legal, Political and Economic Responses to It

8 Pages 3571 Words
Introduction Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) have revolutionized infertility treatment in the last century. It has given hope to hapless couples, and enabled children to be conceived, who have no genetic relationship to one or both of their parents. ART is also being used by persons without infertility problems to minimize the risk of transmitting certain genetic disorders such as in...

Blood Donation Motivation, Barriers And The Eligible Target Market

3 Pages 1412 Words
This research topic is about what are blood donation motivation, barriers and the eligible target market Background Australian Red Cross Blood Donation administration was established in Victoria in 1929. At present, association budgetary is supported by the legislatures of Australia which incorporate the majority of the states and regions. Red Cross Blood administration center around the administration of blood donation...

Sleep Study: Patterns, Issues And Reflection

2 Pages 738 Words
Introduction Over the course of the past couple weeks my sleep and work schedule have been completely interrupted by operational commitments. My normal sleep schedule is from 0330 to 1030 in the morning. Followed by a simple morning routine of waking up around 1030, making a cup of coffee and going to the gym. I would get home from the...

Nutrition: My Diet Analysis

3 Pages 1189 Words
MyDiet Analysis Diet Analysis is a way to track the entire food one eats for a period of time and analyzes the foods eaten to determine the overall nutritional value of one’s dietary intake. It also helps to determine one’s diet “weak spots,” potential food allergies or disease management issues. The results of this analysis help determine a personal Diet...

Surrogacy: Arguments For and Against

4 Pages 1665 Words
Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Concept Throughout the years the craving of having a tyke by a fruitless couple has been fulfilled by the way toward embracing a youngster. In the present occasions, fruitless couples or same-sex couples or single people who look for parenthood can settle on different alternatives like Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART), In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intra-Uterine Injections...

A Study Of Multiple Personality Disorder: Dissociative Identity Disorder As Seen In The Work Of Martin Scorsese

8 Pages 3491 Words
Introduction The dissertation tries to portray the condition, Multiple Personality Disorder from the movie Shutter Island. Multiple Personality Disorder is a type of psychological condition where a person comes across several personalities in himself. Multiple Personality Disorder is otherwise known as Dissociative Disorder. It was Dr Jean Martin Charcot, a physician at a hospital in Paris who discovered the disease...

Extent Of Applying Artificial Intelligence In The Diagnosis Of Skin Cancer

7 Pages 3200 Words
Before delving into the content of this essay, it is crucial to understand why this argument is valid. Cancer is a fatal disease and the chances of survival, especially for skin cancer, vary greatly depending on how early and accurately it is diagnosed (The Skin Cancer Foundation, 2019). Recognising cancerous cells from benign ones requires not only medical knowledge but...

Music Therapy As A Non-Pharmacological Treatment Of Mental Disorders

5 Pages 2087 Words
Recent studies have been designed to investigate the non-pharmalogical treatments in the world of mental disorders. A variety of mental disorders are set to have a (possible) psychotic component: schizophrenia, psychosis, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. Non-pharmalogical treatments exist of exercise therapy, cognitive therapy, art therapy, relaxation and music therapy. Zooming in on the music therapy gives us reason to...

Lung Cancer Detection and Classification Using SVM

4 Pages 2085 Words
Abstract— Image processing techniques are widely used in several medical problems for image enhancement in the detection phase to support early medical treatment. In this research, we aim to improve quality and accuracy of early detection of lung cancer through a combination of image processing techniques and machine learning. The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) dataset has been used for training...

Bulimia: Parent and Teacher Perceptions in Childhood Eating Disorders

5 Pages 2350 Words
Disagreement between what constitutes abnormal and normal behaviour in childhood disorders is a recurrent issue in the field of child psychopathology. For parents, identifying problematic behaviours within their child is not an easy or obvious task. Many parents lack knowledge of childhood disorders and may not be able to recognize the signs and symptoms that accompany a disorder, especially when...

Preventing The Spread Of HIV In The Philippines

3 Pages 1245 Words
Introduction Sexually transmitted illnesses (STDs) are infections that spread person to person through intimate contact, STDs have an effect on everyone even babies, teenagers, healthy people, prosperous or the poor. According to WebMD (2019), it produces bacteria, parasites and viruses that have an effect on everyone, it causes many health problems but it can be more extreme for women. Human...

Postpartum Depression: Causes And Ways Of Treatment

2 Pages 754 Words
Depression is a mental illness effecting behavior as well as thinking and function. It can happen at any time during life and to any one regardless of age, upbringing, sex, race, or spirituality. Postpartum depression is depression that occurs after a baby is born and differs from the baby blues most women experience after birth. Baby blues occur in most...

Understanding Prevention and Support in Community Setting: D.A.R.E Program

7 Pages 3293 Words
Introduction What is prevention? “Prevention can be defined broadly as policies, programmes and practices designed to reduce the incidence and prevalence of drug use (including alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs) and associated health, behavioural and social problems.” (Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, UK, 2015) Defining drug prevention and education There is no commonly accepted definition of „drug prevention‟ in...

A Study on Impact of Organizational Factors on Job Satisfaction among Doctors of Teaching Hospitals

6 Pages 2824 Words
Abstract Job satisfaction has different perspectives. Considering the point of view of an employee, it reveals the benefits people might be looking for while taking the job. And these benefits are agreed by the employer considering their own strategies, benefits and profits. Moreover organizational factors that affect their satisfaction articulate employees’ aspiration to utilize their potential to make a valuable...

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