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Analytical Essay on Cystic Fibrosis: Etiology, Pathophysiology and Treatment

6 Pages 2836 Words
Abstract Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multisystem disorder that originates in the respiratory system of individuals. It is caused by a malfunction of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane receptor protein (CFTR). Improved understanding of the CFTR gene has opened doors to better understand the disease itself through research and experimental procedures. Understanding the pathophysiology of the CFTR gene itself has also...

Reflection on Human Immortality and Longevity Drugs

1 Page 667 Words
’Immortality is eternal life, being exempt from death, unending existence. ’ Wikipedia, 2003. Human immortality is humans being able to live indefinitely and overcome death. In the 1800s, the average life expectancy was only 25 years. This has increased dramatically as we are now able to live longer, with an average life expectancy of 82 years. This is because of...

Causes of Malnutrition in Nursing Homes: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2133 Words
Introduction Nutritional issues, especially Malnutrition has been an ongoing challenge for the Long-Term Care industry. During the 20th century, the United States witnessed an 11-fold increase in the elderly population, summing it up to 33 million (Crogan & Evans, 2001). Out of the 33 million, an estimated 5% of the people aged 65 years and above reside in nursing homes...

Analytical Essay on Ebola Virus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Etiology and Pathogenesis

4 Pages 1725 Words
Introduction Ebola is a haemorrhagic fever that is formally known as Ebola Virus Disease. According to the Wold Health Organization, Ebola causes a severe, serious illness which is often deadly if left untreated. Stats from WebMD show that Ebola kills up to 90% of infected people. “Ebola is a deadly disease caused by a virus. There are five strains, and...

Analytical Essay on the Ebola Virus Outbreaks

3 Pages 1457 Words
In 1976, the Ebola virus was first exposed. It happened in the areas in northern Zaire and southern Sudan when two outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever occurred (Cenciarelli et al, 2015). Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is the origin of hemorrhagic fever and said to be one of the most severe viral disease with 40-50% high case-fatality rate (Cenciarelli et al, 2015)....

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy: Analysis of Health Care Policy

4 Pages 1825 Words
Identify and discuss health policies that apply to the topic. (This requires approximately 600 words and is to be supported with evidence and in-text referencing). Throughout this review on the health issue of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) explore and examine the policies and guidelines applied to the health problem. According to Mayo Clinic (2018) that Sudden infant death Syndrome...

Essay on Cognitive Dissonance: Analysis of The Free Choice Paradigm and Theories

4 Pages 1996 Words
What is cognitive dissonance? Cognitive dissonance, coined by Festinger (1957) refers to an unpleasant psychological state in which an individual's beliefs and knowledge do not align with their actions. Cognition refers to people's ideas and knowledge about the external world, their immediate environment, and aspects about themselves which include attitudes, emotions, behaviours and beliefs. Persons seek to reduce unpleasant states...

Analytical Essay on the Opioid Epidemic: Analysis of Policies and History, Proposed Change

4 Pages 1949 Words
Problem Overview - Magnitude, Scope and Population Affected On October 16th, 2017, the United States Government stated that the American opioid epidemic was now a national health crisis (Department of Health and Human Services, 2019). According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from 1999 to 2017, more than 700,000 individuals had died from a drug overdose, making...

Descriptive Essay on Ebola Virus and Its Prevention in UAE: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1285 Words
Introduction In 1976, a very fatal and dangerous Virus started to infect people in a small village in DRC (Democratic Republica of Congo) and leaded to multiple deaths. People was deteriorating very fast, all having similar symptoms of Fever, bloody vomiting, diarrhea and then deaths. This deadly new virus was called Ebola virus referring to the Ebola River where the...

Antivaccination Culture: Analytical Essay on Smallpox Vaccination

5 Pages 2424 Words
Thesis: The opposition to vaccination was cultural and built upon societal value in money which resulted in the spread of mass religious hysteria, propaganda, and falsified data. Smallpox is a disease where small blisters pop up on the face, arms, and body. These then fill up with pus and customs develop a rash. It’s a deadly disease. Vaccinations and the...

Analytical Essay on Study of Skeleton in Forensic Anthropology

5 Pages 2221 Words
Forensic Anthropology is the discovery and analysis of human remains for medicolegal (medical investigators e.g. the coroner) reasons resulting from unexplained deaths, this involves establishing identity from a range of cases including mass disasters within the role of the anthropologist’s investigation of the skeletal remains is to create a biological profile of the deceased which includes ancestry, sex, age at...

Determining the Sex of Skeletal Remains: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1995 Words
There are many ways to identify human skeletal remains and create a biological profile. One of the ways of creating a biological profile is to determine the sex of the skeletal remains. To identify the sex of the skeletal remains can be done by using several different bones in the skeleton. The most common used bones are the pelvis and...

Analytical Essay on Hepatitis C: Consequences, Transmission, Manifestation and Avoidance

6 Pages 2646 Words
Hepatitis C: HCV is a viral contamination causing aggravation of the liver. It is transmitted from individual to individual through unscreened blood transfusions just as debased needles and instruments utilized for inking and body penetrating. Sharing sullied individual consideration things, for example, razors and having unprotected sex are less normal methods of getting the infection. Hepatitis C infection causes both...

Dysphagia Screening for Multiple Sclerosis: Adapting and Validating Oropharyngeal Screening

5 Pages 2261 Words
Introduction Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) defined as a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (Faezah, 2020)(Printza, 2019). A possibility to be an autoimmune neurological disease (Aghaz, 2018). M.S could involved motor, sensory, cognitive limitations in addition to swallowing and problems in communication (Barrera, 2019)(El-Wahsh, 2019). a long-lasting progressive disease (Solaro, 2019). MS could be classified as, Relapsing Remitting...

Causes, Manifestations, and Effects of Neuroplasticity: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3016 Words
How similar are the brains of London taxi drivers, United States Navy SEALs, and elite athletes? The answer: more similar than they seem at first glance. While they all perform drastically different tasks – from driving a car in a maze of a city, to combat in extreme circumstances, to cycling exceptional distances – their brains have metamorphized to be...

Systemic Lupus Erythematous: An Overview of the Disorder

4 Pages 1976 Words
Systemic Lupus Erythematous Intro/An overview of the disorder Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE) is an autoimmune system, chronic, relapsing, provocative, and frequently multi-fundamental disorder of connective tissue, characterized by involvement of the skin, joint, kidney, and serosal membranes. Typically, the safe framework shields the body's tissues from intruders. Along these lines, this implies the resistant cells begin assaulting the cells they...

Analytical Essay on Situation with Lupus Disease in America

6 Pages 5405 Words
Prеviеw Lupus disеаsе аfflicts mоrе thаn 1.5 milliоn Аmеricаns аnd оvеr 5 milliоn pеоplе wоrldwidе. 9 оut оf еvеry 10 lupus pаtiеnts аrе wоmеn аnd thоsе in thеir childbеаring yеаrs (аgеs 15-45) аrе thе mоst suscеptiblе аlthоugh thе cоnditiоn cаn аffеct pеоplе оf аll аgеs, bоth mеn аnd wоmеn. Lupus is clаssifiеd аs а chrоnic аutоimmunе disеаsе. Whеn sоmеоnе hаs...

Morality of Animal to Human Organ Transplant: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2497 Words
Morality is rarely clear-cut without objections or questions. The morality of animal to human organ transplant is no exception. With innumerable factors created by beneficial techniques and harmful tactics, the dispute is far from irrelevant, especially with its crucial influence on life and death. Animal organs being transplanted into humans is lifesaving; however, it is also life taking and therefore...

Significant Growth of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Australia

1 Page 582 Words
In the last decade, the medical industry has seen a significant growth of complementary and alternative medicine. It is estimated that two out of three Australians have used a complementary or alternative medicine, (Andrew Bonney,2016). This can be attributed to their increased credibility, consumer desires for a more holistic approach to health, wanting to prevent sickness and disease and people...

Leukemia, Its Types, Symptoms, and Role in Destroying the Cells of the Body

4 Pages 2005 Words
Definition: It is a blood cancer that affects white blood cells that affects children, but it may sometimes affect adults and is less complicated than blood cancer, and it is more common in men, This occurs when the rate of white cells resulting from their normal limit increases, As it is the white blood cells that are responsible for immunity...

Potential of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells to Repair Damaged Cardiac Tissue in Vascular Disease Patients: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2279 Words
Research report Claim: Stems cells have the potential to improve life. Research question: Does umbilical cord stem cells or 3D printed mini heart have the most potential to repair or replace damaged cardiac tissue in vascular disease patients? Rationale Cristy Lytal from the Keck School of Medicine of USC claimed that ‘if you lose a limb, it’s lost for life....

Use of CRISPR to Treat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1553 Words
Introduction: An ongoing investigation has indicated that CRISPR can be utilized as a generative method that can treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Because of an examination in mice, it could be created as a remedial choice for humans Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a defective gene for dystrophin. Duchenne muscular dystrophy occurs in about 1 out of every 3,600 males...

Issue of Drug Addiction in Australia: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 841 Words
Medically supervised injection clinics are a topical, yet controversial approach to the issue of drug addiction in Australia. Substance abuse negatively impacts many Australians and it is essential that these implications are minimised. Injection facilities have proven to be effective in decreasing mortality, successfully encouraging drug addicts to seek further health treatment and promoting sanitary practices that reduce issues such...

Discursive Essay on the Development of Drug Addiction

3 Pages 1331 Words
Nowadays, as substances are widely used across the nation, substance use disorder becomes a more prevalent disorder in the US. Drug addiction can be defined as compulsive drug use and a loss of control over drug-taking (Zangen, 2010). It is a severe psychological and pathological disorder, which risks body homeostasis and causes cognitive impairments. To understand how addiction develops, scientists...

Research Report on Hospital-acquired Infections and the Dominance of Hand Hygiene in This Sector

6 Pages 2622 Words
Introduction Hospitals are the trusted entities for people when they are affected by serious disease conditions. However, it is an irony that hospital itself creates several complications and puts the needy in a greater dilemma. Hospital-acquired infections are one of the most common complications affecting hospital patients, in which most of them make raises the morbidity and mortality rate among...

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