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Horror of Ivory Poaching in Africa of Elephants and Rhinoceros: Analytical Essay

There are many monstrosities committed against animals globally on a daily basis. One of the notable crimes against animals is the illegal poaching of rhinoceros and elephants for ivory. Ivory is one of the most precious materials and it is used for an abundance of reasons. The main reason poaching has become a problem is because western culture believes ivory has medicinal purposes. This makes ivory extremely valuable to the African people. One pound of ivory can be worth upwards...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Effects of Human Migration on Society as a Result of Industrialization: Analytical Essay

The overall development of a country depends on the maximum utilization of her people, resource, and technology & this world is a “globalized industrial world”. In present time production is mainly depends on the industry which refers to the production of goods, especially when that production is accomplished with machines & these machines drive by the human resources. Industrialization is the transition to an economy based on the large scale, machine-assisted production of goods by a concentrated, usually urban, the...
3 Pages 1123 Words

Poaching of the African Elephant: Analytical Essay

Case Study The majestic African Elephant is faced with the fight of its life, threatened by poachers all over Africa. Through non-governmental organizations and the support from local communities, there is still hope for the African Elephant to thrive. “My fascination with and love for elephants began when I first encountered a herd. I was on foot in the forests on the rim of Ngorongoro Crater,” says Jane Goodall, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and a UN Messenger of...
5 Pages 2081 Words

Francis Bacon and His Relationship with Anti-aging: Analytical Essay

The Pursuit of Anti-Aging Immortality has been a recurring aspiration since the ancient Greeks. The Fountain of Youth is a myth about a fountain that can restore the youth of its drinker that has its roots in ancient Greece. The search for this mythical fountain inspired explorations across cultures. There are also scientific roots in the alchemical endeavor to create an Elixir of Life, a way to prolong life. During the 16th century, philosopher Francis Bacon advocated for “extracting nature’s...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Summaries of Short Stories: Araby, Bellflower, The Bet, The Elephant’s Child, The Gift of Magi

1. Araby. By:- James Joyce (1883-1941) Summary:- The boy lives with his auntie and uncle on a rather quiet or road in Dublin, in a house in which resided a priest (who has died) . The kid is inspired and to some degree perplexed by the mildew-covered books, an authentic sentiment, a devout tract, and a criminologist life account, and different notices of the past occupant. The activity of the story starts with the kids' amusements, played in the paths...
5 Pages 2344 Words

Critical Analysis of the Article “The World is Flat”: Effects of Globalization

Introduction The rumbling tension between South Korea and Japan ever since the colonial period (when Korea was under Japanese rule from 1910 through 1945) has recently manifested itself. The tension escalated on July 4th of 2019 when Japan implemented heavy barriers and regulations on the export of three chemical materials – fluorinated polyamides, photoresists, and hydrogen fluoride - to South Korea (Chung, 2019). These three ingredients are vital components to chips that the semiconductor manufacturing industry in South Korea produces....
2 Pages 905 Words

Impact of Globalization and Technology: Argumentative Essay on The World Is Flat

Explain the “world is flat” argument (Friedman) and “the world is spiky” argument? Which one do you believe better explains the impact of globalization and technology on inequality and opportunities for workers? Why? Friedman argues that the world is flat for a few reasons. One of his reasons being that with technology growing as rapidly as it has over the past few decades Friedman feels that pretty soon all businesses will be done virtually and everyone will have the best...
2 Pages 908 Words

Smokey Bear Campaign to Prevent Forest Fires

Wildlife conservation is a tale as old as time. Who knows, maybe if there had been conservationists 65 million years ago, we would still have dinosaurs roaming the earth today. While the fact that animals go extinct is not old news, do people really understand why wildlife is so important? What steps need to be taken to preserve wildlife? How can one become involved in wildlife conservation? These are all important questions that need to be explored in order to...
2 Pages 1090 Words

The Importance of Solving a Social Issue of Environmental Plastic Pollution

Introduction Among the many tentative social issues that impact societies globally, the most pertinent are those related to the environment. Irreversible natural processes that occur across the planet are out of human control, and the scope of their advancement in force and frequency demands an immediate and qualitative change in the ways people interact with nature. Industrial societies have produced omnipresent consumerism that has led to the overproduction of waste, the most massive of which is plastic. This material, although...
2 Pages 1098 Words

Should Zoos Exist? Essay

Zoos are a popular attraction amongst children and adults. It has been suggested that animals have been kept in captivity for thousands of years, with the first zoo being established in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. However there is split opinion on having zoos within local communities. Some of the positives are it's a place of education, conservation, rescue and breeding programmes. The negatives are animals may suffer physically and mentally, the environment doesn't meet their natural habitat....
1 Page 549 Words

The Contributions of George Washington to The American Victory Over The British Empire

George Washington a man who is known for being one of the most prominent historical figures in American history. At the age of 21 years old, George Washington was a major in the Virginia militia during the seven years’ war. In 1753, George Washington was sent to Pennsylvania to demand the French to withdraw from the forts. The French refused to withdraw. In the spring of 1754, George Washington returns to Pennsylvania’s with about 160 men resulting in Washington defeating...
1 Page 458 Words

The Significance of The Houston Zoo in Promoting Awareness

The Houston Zoo is both a conservation and rehabilitation place for animals and education source for kids and adults alike. They provide easy to understand information about the animals that reside at the zoo. This is mainly done through the means of plaques, boards, and electronics devices that are stationed near the animal exhibits. Along with signs, the Houston Zoo has an educational center and programs. These help promote and educate the guests who visit or want to learn more...
1 Page 568 Words

The Impact of Globalization on the Business Management

Global changes in the world, changes in political, economic and commercial activities, such as the development of technology, transportation and communications, impose the need for companies to struggle to survive, change strategy and leave their country . Limited markets, high competitive pressures, the need for cheaper resources, and the dynamics of the postmodern era have forced business leaders to divert their attention from the traditional goal of successful companies and alternative measures for global market entry to form a competitive...
1 Page 450 Words

Alternative Sources of Energy Essay

In the U.S., fossil fuels produce up to 80% of all energy that we consume. Our current level of dependence on fossil fuels puts us on track for a rapid depletion of these finite materials. Meaning, if we’re not careful, we will run out of our precious, non-renewable resources. That means no more oil, natural gas, and even coal. Burning fossil fuels in power plants is hard also on the environment. We’re talking about everything from ocean and air pollution...
2 Pages 916 Words

Environmental Pollution Impact and Ways to Reduce It

Introduction Pollution can be defined as the introduction of contaminants into the environment which can cause environmental imbalances, instability and harm to living organisms. There are many forms of pollution. These include air, water, and noise pollution among others (Lalitkhungar, n.d, P.1). The individuals or organizations that cause pollution are referred to as polluters. My task here is to discuss the top five polluters and chemicals released in my county. These top five polluters are farmers, electrical power plants, mining...
2 Pages 1000 Words

The Discussion on the Necessity of Pennies in the Financial System

The price of zinc has soared over the course of the last few years, and with that the price to produce the penny has gone up. The U.S. Mint reports that it costs nearly 1.6 cents to product one single cent (Grenoble, 2013). A cent that, most of the time, goes unused. There has been a growing debate on whether we should keep the penny or let it go. In my opinion, the U.S. Mint should stop producing pennies because...
1 Page 571 Words

Death to the Penny: My Opinion in Penny Debate

The penny should be abolished, and no longer be accepted as currency, because it costs more to produce the penny than what it is actually worth, and its value is too low. The value of the penny is too small to be useful. When people start leaving a unit of cash at the register for the next person, the cash value is too low. Some people see pennies just lying on the ground and don’t even pick it up because...
1 Page 585 Words

Penny Should Be Eliminated: Go Penny Go!

According to an old superstition, it’s good luck to find a penny on the sidewalk. But whether or not you believe picking up that penny will bring you luck, one thing it definitely won’t bring you is wealth. Pennies are worth so little now that by taking five seconds to pick one up isn’t even worth it. Pennies are so close to worthless that many people, including me, argue it’s time to do away with them altogether. Pennies are pretty...
1 Page 599 Words

Critical Analysis of Annotated Bibliography on Gentrification

Alters, Sandra M., et al. 'The Law, the Courts, and the Homeless.' Homeless in America: How Could It Happen Here?, Detroit, Gale, 2006, pp. 63-71. This source talks about how gentrification forces out low-income families and changes 'skid rows' or single-room occupancy hotels to make them more modern to appeal to the middle and upper-class people which forces out lower class people into homelessness. It also discusses the harsh living conditions of the homeless and the laws that the government...
1 Page 520 Words

Bioremediation Technology Against Environmental Pollution

Pollution of the environment can be classified into various forms; air pollution, visual pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, noise pollution and water pollution. All these different forms of pollution contribute to health predicaments and also lower the quality of someone’s life. For example excessive noise pollution can lead to hearing loss. In addition, pollution contributes to climate change, depletion of the ozone layer and global warming. Water pollution refers to liquid spills, surface runoff, leakage into groundwater and...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Global Decline of High Value Large Old Trees and Impacts on Wildlife

Global decline of large old trees from anthropogenic alteration has gained considerable interest globally and could resulted in losses of numerous wildlife species. In recent decades, about 10-40% of the global species are facing critical threat of extinction. Some believe that sixth mass extinction event is perhaps in progress. Ross et al. 20183 described anthropogenic-related habitat loss as the biggest cause of biodiversity loss on a global scale. According to Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC),...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Why Zoos Should be Banned? Essay

Introduction Most of you here have been to zoos before, whether as a fun family trip or with your school as an educational experience, but have you ever considered how the animals you stare at for a minute or so before moving on are treated? Have you ever thought about how constrained they are, stuck in an enclosure with space a hundred times smaller than they would have in the wild? In fact, how would you feel if you were...
2 Pages 863 Words

The Impact of Social Death Enactments on an Individual’s Mental and Physical Health

Social death can be defined as the condition of people not fully accepted as human by the wider society. From various studies conducted on social death, three underlying notions have arisen: ‘a loss of social identity, loss of social connectedness and losses associated with the disintegration of the body’ (Králová, 2015). I will be exploring these factors in greater depth to demonstrate how enactments of social death, in those who are both biologically alive and dead, can impair an individual’s...
3 Pages 1426 Words

Water Quality Assessment: Environmental Impact

Maintaining good water quality is essential to human health; thus, the recent decades have outstandingly worsened the water across communities worldwide by pollution. A variety of areas around the world face different challenges regarding water conditions; hence, today’s report will focus on identifying issues in Longmont, Colorado, and investigate the reasons for particular water pollutions. Moreover, to demonstrate the solutions to these problems, multiple management practices to increase water quality will be provided. Overview of a Water Quality Report Longmont...
2 Pages 897 Words

Should Ecosystem Services be Given Monetary Value? Essay

Ecosystem services are ecological characteristics, functions, or processes that indirectly or directly contribute to human wellbeing and benefits such as food and materials that people derive from ecosystems (Constanza,1997). They are characterised by their amenities, goods, physicalities, or services (Everard, 2017). Created by living organisms interacting within their environment, ecosystems provide both conditions and processes that sustain life. Thus, they are essential to our existence despite being taken for granted. Natural capital, stock that yields service flow over time, interacts...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Does Democracy Affect Population Health? Essay

The rise of democracy over the globe raises the question of how effective democratic regimes are in maintaining the welfare of its citizens. Many well established democracies have high rates of positive population health, however, it is unclear whether the two factors are causally connected. My research question is: does democracy have an effect on population health? The dependent variable is population health and the independent variable is the level of democracy. To measure the relationship, I will be looking...
2 Pages 762 Words

Why Zoos are Important? Essay

A zoo is a place where animals live in captivity and are put on display for people to view. The word “zoo” is short for “zoological park.” Zoos contain wide varieties of animals that are native to all parts of the Earth. Though people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, those collections have not always resembled modern zoos. The first zoos were created as private collections by the wealthy to show their power. These private collections were called...
4 Pages 1690 Words

The Issue of Water Distribution in The Western Region of The Us

“There is not enough sufficient water to irrigate all the land which could be irrigated”. These are the words from John Wesley Powell when he argued that civilization would difficult to cultivate in the West due to the lack of water in the area. However, Americans went ahead and created civilization. In fact, early Americans established the biggest cities in the United States and the world such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. Nonetheless, Powell was not entirely incorrect about...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Industrial Pollution and Environmental Regulation

Summary In this chapter, the authors examine the impact of industrial activities on the environment. In the beginning, they discuss how the American landscape was transformed by sawmills, ironworks, or foundries (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 436). Furthermore, they discuss various threats that arise from the activities of many companies. For instance, one can speak about the dangers related to the chemical industry. Much attention should be paid to different forms of cancer and other diseases that adversely affect the...
1 Page 560 Words

Green Building with Concrete

The construction industry in Tanzania includes transportation infrastructures, real estates, and civil works, including water supply. According to the Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Construction industry contributed 13.6% to Tanzania’s GDP during 2015, reaching almost USD6b. From 2016 to 2017 the government of Tanzania had budgeted TZS5.47t, which is to 25.4% of the total budget, excluding public debt service, for infrastructure development projects. As seen it is a big industry not only in Tanzania but also all over...
5 Pages 2430 Words

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