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Panopticism as Privacy Prohibition

1 Page 448 Words
And while London is in urban decay, the whole of Oceania is a totalitarian society that can also be described as a Panoptic society. The Panopticon is a prison model created by Jeremy Bentham where the inmates are under constant surveillance by guards, who are not seen by the inmates. The inmate does not know whether he is being looked...

Tragic Effects of Water Pollution

3 Pages 1443 Words
There is a lot of natural resources that are needed to survive, but none can be obtain without water. Water is the main source of life. However, most of the U.S. rivers and streams are polluted largely due to agriculture. Even though there is laws to protect the rivers they are often contaminated by runoff, or illegal disposal of chemicals....

Statement of Purpose of a Chinese Student for Stanford MBA

2 Pages 856 Words
China is facing an unprecedented challenge as its people struggle with a myriad of social problems arising from the incredible economic growth in the past decade. I aspire to meet the challenge and effect positive social changes by leveraging my bicultural background, business experience and passion for philanthropy. Unlike more developed countries where the combination of social enterprises, non-profit organizations...

Acid Mine Drainage: Origins and Assessment of Methods

10 Pages 4452 Words
An Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is water that drains out from coal deposit mining areas and has a lower pH which has been occasioned by the presence of sulphuric acid. In other words, an Acid Mine Drainage is usually acidic although not all mine drainages are acidic. This acidity is due to the high concentration of sulphuric acid. Rainwater is...

Improvement of Forest Practices With Forest Certification

3 Pages 1267 Words
Forest certification is a mechanism by which an independent organization issues a written assurance that a product, service or process meets specific requirements (Auld, Gulbrandsen, & McDermott, 2008). This may be followed by issuance of a symbol on products from certified companies, to easily identify them in the market. The idea of forest certification is aimed at rewarding foresters who...

The Law on Hazardous Waste Management System

1 Page 556 Words
Comment The law on hazardous waste management systems was published in the Federal Register on July 24, 2012. Besides, it was majorly designed to make some vital changes to the hazardous waste identification rules. These unsafe rules were put in place by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). According to various reports from the environmental management section, the United...

How Anti-poverty Campaigns and Efforts Display Challenges

3 Pages 1529 Words
When we are speaking of whether a country is well developed or not, Human Development Index (HDI) is always be mentioned while Human Poverty Index (HPI) rarely appears in papers. As a matter of fact, this two indexes should be measured together but not separately. Usually, countries with relatively higher poverty level tend to have lower values in HDI, yet...

Rapunzel': The Difference Between a Book and a Film

2 Pages 987 Words
We all grew up hearing it. Rapunzel: a tale of a beautiful, dutiful maiden, locked in a tower awaiting a gallant prince to save her from her isolation. But its 2020. Not all girls are weak and feeble. Not all men are bold and strong. Not everyone wants a prince.Since the earliest version of Rapunzel, some 400-years ago, the context...

Piezoelectric Powered Sidewalk as an Alternative Source of Electricity

5 Pages 2490 Words
The cost of producing and distributing electricity from depletable energy resources continues to grow more and more expensive over the years. In connection to this, the use of renewable energy can greatly contribute to a cleaner environment and a good alternative source of electricity. Collecting energy from vibration or pressure is possible because of the element called piezoelectric. Piezoelectricity is...

Argumentative Essay on Gentrification: The Positive and Negative Impacts of Gentrification

6 Pages 2654 Words
Gentrification is the complex social process by which large amounts of money and investment, pour quickly into lower income communities. Thus, leading to the displacement of many longstanding residents and local independent businesses. The effects of this process can be observed across almost every major city in The United States a prime example being, New York City. When New York...

Sustainability in South Africa

6 Pages 2853 Words
As population levels and consumption patterns continue to increase the impact on natural resources also increases. Conservation of the natural environment and economic development are slowly being recognized as being on the same side of the coin, rather than representing opposing faces. Development is seen as a way of funding conservation efforts, or as the process through which technology or...

The Effects of Global Warming Will Be Devastating

7 Pages 3192 Words
Global warming (climate change) is a topic discussed worldwide. A long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system has shown negative effects in many environments and populations. In the article, “Climate Change: How Do We Know?” from The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), “The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is...

Pollution - a Global Issue that Needs to Be Addressed with Urgency by The Citizens of The World

6 Pages 2819 Words
WHO air quality model affirms that 90% of the total populace live in places where air quality levels surpass WHO’s Ambient Air quality guidelines. This news is definitely not a surprise to many of us as it has become rather common to look up the sky and see smoke or haze blocking the sun. Before we dive into the topic...

New Poaching Market For Africa

2 Pages 689 Words
Poaching which is an illegal act of hunting wild animals to take off some vital parts for commercial purposes or for subsistence has become a call for concern lately. Initially, subsistence farmers did poaching as a diet substitute but today, it is being done for commercial purposes; mainly for their body parts or alive as pets in the case of...

The Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) Program

5 Pages 2265 Words
Abstract Management and preparedness of an emergency is essential in mitigation of possible effects of natural disasters. In aquatic regions, hazard reduction depends on assessment of geographic and natural factors. Even though risk prevention and resilience are connected they are not similar since the former is a pre-disaster strategy that helps accomplish the latter. Resilience increases the capability of accommodating...

Gentrification and the Continuous Impact Throughout New York City Communities

2 Pages 794 Words
Generations of all kinds have arrived to this nation with dreams of living a life of success. Gentrification removes lower class citizens, and in turn increases the cost of living and leads to major demographical changes. Gentrification certainly has some advantages, but overall it has led to the increase of the homeless population, culture loss, increased group based tensions, increase/change...

Annihilation of Caste': Sriticism of Caste Systems

3 Pages 1598 Words
The book written by Dr. Ambedkar, “Annihilation of Caste” which is also known as the undelivered speech which was supposed to be delivered at a Conference being organized by Jat-Pat-Todak Mandal of Lahore and was cancelled because of controversial and objectionable content against the Hindu religion, but it was published by Dr. Ambedkar as a book in which he aimed...

Role of Family and Relationships in Our Lives

3 Pages 1347 Words
Family plays a very significant role in the life of an individual. Each author represents family and relationships in his/her own unique way as people see things from a different perspective. Some writers represent a loving, caring and supportive family in their literary works. However, some writers show the negative side of the family to the readers such as conflicts...

Joseph Desjardins' Perspective on The Rapid Growth of Population and Our Responsibilities to Future Ancestors

2 Pages 1136 Words
Joseph DesJardins, environmental ethicist and author of Environmental Ethics, began the fourth chapter of his book, titled “Responsibilities to Future Generations,” by denoting the world’s growing population and the resulting consequences. Mankind’s increasing trends in consumption, without intervention, will cause environmental and economic collapse due to resource depletion. DesJardins introduced the theory that humanity’s effect on the environment is equivalent...

Climate Change: An Epidemic Faced by the Indigenous and Global Population

6 Pages 2756 Words
There is no denying the problematic truth of climate change. The effects of climate change can be seen through the global temperatures rising, the oceans warming, the ice sheets melting, retreating glaciers, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, and extreme events (Government of Canada, 2015). As the temperature continues to increase, it is changing the structure of the surrounding areas that...

Impact of Media on Tourism

5 Pages 2399 Words
As opined by Cheng (2016), the tourism industry over the years had emerged as one of the most important industries of the world on the score of the economic contribution that it makes towards the national economies of diverse nations. For example, the net revenue generated by the concerned industry in the year 2016 was more than $7.6 trillion while...

Gentrification as a Product of Globalization

5 Pages 2291 Words
Gentrification is a product of Globalization. But, what even is Globalization? According to Richard C. Longworth in Caught in the Middle, us, Hoosiers don’t even know what it is - let alone have a working understanding of the concept. Globalization by definition is the “connection of different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and...

Review of a Vietnam Women’s Museum: The Role of Women in the History

2 Pages 849 Words
Several weeks ago, I have got a chance to visit Vietnam Women’s Museum for a better understanding of the roles of Vietnamese women in daily life throughout generations. The term “Men build the house and women make it home” means that men are breadwinners who take charge of earning money and shoulder financial responsibilities in the family, while women are...

Why is George Washington was So Important? Essay

2 Pages 808 Words
George Washington Carver or ' peanut man ' was an American Agricultural scientist known for crop rotation, peanut farming, and for inventing ways to prevent soil depletion. George Washington Carver was born in Diamond Missouri on a plantation in the early 1860s. (The exact date is currently unknown) George was born before slavery was abolished. His master, Moses Carver, was...

Black Boy: Richard Wright’s Autobiographical Novel

2 Pages 1061 Words
Richard Wright’s autobiographical novel, Black Boy, describes his life during the 1900’s, especially of the segregation and discrimination the Negroes had to go through. As Richard grows up, he notices bits and pieces of the unjust treatment blacks are given, eventually having to conform to this culture. Richard never really understands how and why his character is unacceptable, but unwillingly...

Rethinking the United States’ Decision of Commitment in Vietnam

1 Page 448 Words
Were the U.S.’s decision of commitment in Vietnam flawed? From what I have read about the Vietnam war, what I keep coming back to is the United State’s basic misunderstanding about what it was that the Vietnamese (North and South) were actually fighting for. The United States saw themselves as taking a stance against the “march of communism” while the...

Individual Resurrection from a Collective Death in The Wasteland

6 Pages 2606 Words
In his seminal poem “The Wasteland,” T.S. Eliot vividly externalizes what he perceives to be a very internal death of pandemic proportions. Calling upon a vast catalogue of religion, classical writings, music and art, the work depicts an entire Western culture virtually dead spiritually in the wake of World War I. Some are aware of their death yet many are...

Why Preserve Biodiversity? Essay

1 Page 443 Words
Biodiversity is an amalgamation of two words – biological and diversity. Therefore, the definition of the term ‘biodiversity’ encompasses a large variety of living organisms coexisting in an ecosystem. Biodiversity ranges from the tiniest microbes to the largest mammal. It also includes several species of bacteria, plants, animals, and humans. The recent study discovered 8.7 million different species worldwide, out...

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