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The Peculiarities Of Human Genome Project

A genome is a segment of DNA that provide the instruction for making specific proteins, which contains the information of a person’s body. A genome information is needed to maintain and build the organism throughout the life. It’s impacts are shown through a person’s hair, eyes, skin, and more. Additionally, the more principle role of the genome is it can influence a person’s risk of developing diseases and responses to medications. The half of the genome comes from a biological...
1 Page 527 Words

Will We Find Planet Nine?

What if every science book became outdated at the same time. The long thought constant that there are eight planets in our solar system could be wrong. A completely theoretical ninth planet may lie at the edge of our solar system. This theory all originated in 2017 when scientists absorbed that some asteroids in the Kuiper belt were orbiting the wrong direction(Sako). The only thing that they could think of is that there is a planet looming at the edge...
1 Page 685 Words

Difference Between Dialect And Accent

Today's content is all about dialects and accents, and what makes them totally unique to one another. This is a subject that many people struggle with, so we want to show you how to make full sense of it. A 'dialect' and an 'accent' is something that we all use every day to help form a normal part of our communication. An accent is usually a little easier to detect and understand than the other, (a dialect.) We're going to...
2 Pages 986 Words

Corona Virus (COVID-19): Introduction To Biochemical Engineering

What Is Corona Viruse (COVID-19) Corona viruses are a wide group of viruses that in animals and humans may cause disease. Corona viruses are known to cause respiratory infections in humans ranging from mild colds to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Since being first identified in southern China in 2002, 26 countries continued to be affected, resulting in more than 8,000 cases and 774 deaths. The Coronavirus which was recently...
3 Pages 1468 Words

What Is Success?

When considering attending college, there are many questions to be asked. For some it may be as simple as, where should I go? For others, there are a multitude of questions. Can I afford college? Am I too young? What do I want to major in? It is not an easy choice, and the decision will affect your life for years, in some cases decades to come. Many students are not decided on majors or even the idea of college,...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Stability Of Sodium Nitroprusside In Aqueous Solutions

Introduction Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is red-brown odorless crystal, stable in air but photosensitive so it should be protected from light, also small amount of moisture with light is enough to photodegrade sodium nitroprusside. Beside the photodegradation, sodium nitroprusside undergoes many reactions which some of them are undefined, or it yields Prussian blue, cyanic acid and nitric oxide [1,2]. Sodium nitroprusside is a strong, rapidly acting hypotensive agent in the emergencies, heart failure and for controlled hypotension during surgery. It is...
4 Pages 1833 Words

English First Additional Language Didactics

Introduction EFL is the place the educator instructs English to students in a nation where English isn't the local language. For instance, a Chinese understudy learning English in China would fall under this class, (William, 2009). Since the commencement of showing dialects, a few distinctive training approaches and procedures have been attempted and tried with some being more famous and compelling than others. The purpose of takeoff here is that to advance correspondence and understanding, it is important to know...
5 Pages 2368 Words

The Use Of ICT For Learning Malay Language In Primary Schools

Over the years, the evolution of technology has made significant changes to the education landscape in Singapore. This advancement has brought about the usage of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in classrooms. This effort by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to prepare students for the digital future is part of the fourth Masterplan of ICT in education. Teachers are now aided with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) which are technological devices such as software programmes, Ipads, learning portals online in...
1 Page 582 Words

Language Of Generation Z In Social Media Sites: A Discourse Analysis

Language is a system of communication wherein sounds, signs or a combination of the two conveys actions and ideas. Language is one of the most precious gifts God gave us. It is a characteristic that makes a man fully human. Humans are above the animals because they have the ability to convey messages and information formally. According to Mayell, H. (2003), language is ultimately important because it is the primary means through which humans have the ability to communicate and...
2 Pages 799 Words

Detection Of Bacteria Using The pH Level Of Water And Arduino Uno

Abstract With people suffering from the lack of clean water or people that are not sure if the water they are drinking is indeed safe, therefore many people catch illnesses caused by unsafe water. By having enough knowledge about the quality of water they drink, they can avoid these situations. The device aims to detect the pH levels of water to determine if it is safe to drink. This study used the ADDIE Developmental Design to allow further enhancements and...
3 Pages 1237 Words

NASA’s Artemis’ Program Will Send The First Woman To The Moon. Why Is This Important?

Space is a place full of unsolved mysteries for humans to solve, setting endless goals; meanwhile, there are a huge number of possibilities for humans to make other discoveries in space. Government agencies and private companies such as NASA and SpaceX are leading the way towards the unknown universe. However, NASA, one of the most important agencies, has been sending mostly male astronauts for decades, leaving women as minorities in the space programs. Starting with Yuri Gagarin, 565 male astronauts...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Ketogenic Diet In Obese Patients

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Even though many researches have looked over the short-term consequences of a ketogenic diet in bringing down the weight in obese patients, its long-term outcomes on different physical and biochemical factors are unknown. OBJECTIVE: To find out the results of a 24-week ketogenic diet which comprised of 30 g carbohydrate, protein equivalent to 1 g/kg body weight, 20% saturated fat, and 80% polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat) in obese patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this research, 83 obese patients...
4 Pages 1604 Words

The Fundamentals Of Molecular Biotechnology

The basic concepts of the fundamental units of life, encompassing DNA replication, transcription and gene regulation are studied in molecular biotechnology. Other vital biological phenomena such as transformation, conjugation transduction, recombination and horizontal gene transfer are also discussed here. Simply, molecular biology responsible for transmission is the understanding of mechanism and expression of genetic information that ultimately governs cell structure and function. Emergence of Molecular biotechnology The timeline of biotechnology is classified into three stages: Ancient biotechnology Classical biotechnology Modem...
2 Pages 725 Words

Pre-column Fluorescence Derivatization With Liquid Chromatography: The Determination Of Amino Acids Content In Tea Species

Analysis High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with the Pre-Column Fluorescence Derivatization is a method in which the separation and ultra-sensitive detection of a substances occur. This sensitive method simultaneously detects eight amino acids (AAs); glycine, alanine, serine, glutamic Acid, arginine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. These AAs has been developed and validated in different species of tea. Moreover, the method was validated and successfully applied to determine the AAs content in tea species (the tea products (green, black, oolong, and white)...
5 Pages 2234 Words

Metagenomics: Application Of Genomics To Uncultured Microorganisms

Due to the transformation that microbiology has experienced over the past 25 years, microbiologists now have an altered view of microorganisms and how to properly understand them. Now that the microbiologists know it is difficult to grow most microorganisms in pure culture, they have acknowledged their degree of ignorance about the variety of metabolic and organismal diversity that exists. Very few persistent scientists suggested that a pure culture alone is not enough to completely understand the full spectrum of modern...
1 Page 627 Words

Identification And Characterization Of Microorganisms Present In Food And Environments

ABSTRACT Street vended food and beverages prepared are often contaminated with several organisms. However, there is less information regarding common microorganisms present in food selling environments. This research sought to isolate, identify and quantify microorganisms present in food selling environment in a University in Ibadan, Nigeria. Culture media were prepared and taken to 5 different eateries selling food to students. Swabbing was done floors and table tops of the canteens, Dish washing water was sampled, and culture media plates were...
5 Pages 2306 Words

The Ethics Of Genetically Modified Babies

A newlywed couple steps into their local geneticist’s office excitedly. Today is the day they have been looking forward to for years. With a loan from the bank, genetic insurance, and financial aid from their parents, the couple has finally collected enough money to design their perfect child. As future parents, they must ensure a perfect life for their first child, untouched by disease and challenges, perfectly arranged for a bright childhood and prosperous career. These decisions are heavy and...
5 Pages 2370 Words

Description Of Drug Diclofenac Sodium

It is a first NSAID ( nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent). it is derived from the chemical phenyl acetic acid . it mainly acts as analgesic and antipyretive . the recommended dose of the drug is 100-150mg. the administration of the drug is done through several ways mainly through oral, rectal, intramuscular , Capsule ,Gel ,Drops. There are different Brand names of the drug voltaren, Cataflam , Cambia . The mechanism of action involved in this is it reacts with Arachidonic acid...
1 Page 564 Words

Vaccination And Autism Correlation

Through the past years, parental refusal of child vaccinations has steadily increased throughout the United States in pediatrics and public health. Although vaccines have been considered to be one of the greatest public health achievements, it has recently taken a fall due to rising concern with the connection to autism.1 Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complicated condition in which there is a deficiency in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, obsessive behavior, and repetitive movements that...
5 Pages 2454 Words

Optimization Of Coconut Husk As Natural Adsorbent On Heavy Metals In Flowing Fluid

Introduction Coconut husk is a waste product in the coconut industry and has a capability of being an adsorbent in certain constituents. Surface runoff in metal rich soil are ignored as it is known to be a natural phenomenon that is costly and difficult if it is to overcome. Valuable metals could still be hoarded as natural adsorbents exist in course of the runoff. Removing of copper ions from wastewater is important, and how to do it is a huge...
4 Pages 1647 Words

How Much Salt Does It Take To Melt Ice

Once Winter arrives people tend to go crazy in order to get rid of the ice they see on the streets. Utilizing salt is one of the most useful ways to melt ice. However, there’s no need to pour tons of salt on your block to melt the ice. It is important to know how much salt you’re going to utilize because the more we harm the environment the more dangerous it will be for us to live in. There...
1 Page 596 Words

Advantages Of Eating Plant Based Meat

Introduction Do you eat meat? If you don't, you can still enjoy all the rich and savory flavors of meat through Plant Based Meat. In this memorandum i will be focusing on three main concerns about plant based meat. What are the disadvantages of eating plant based meat? What are the advantages of eating plant based meat? What would happen if everyone starts eating plant based meat? Background Plant Based Meat is what it sounds like. It is made up...
1 Page 439 Words

The Features Of A Customised English

Abstract Recent commercial developments in the South-eastern Sea Islands threaten the survival of African American communities known as Geechee or Gullah. Descended from slaves brought to the southeast United States between the early 17th and mid-19th centuries, the Gullah-Geechee of South Carolina and Georgia in the United States, have developed distinctive, culturally-expressive Creole communities. The African-American people who were brought to the New World during the time of the Slave Trade are descendants of the tribesmen. They live in this...
3 Pages 1372 Words

The Absolute And Explicit Need For DNA Databases

Abstract In this Research Paper, the reader will be able to learn what is the meaning, the purpose, and how DNA databases are used. DNA databases are not just lists of DNA collected by law enforcement from individuals and crime scenes, and they are also created by profit and non-profit organizations. This paper also has my personal opinion as the author, in which I am not aiming to persuade you, I am aiming to inform you on why I believe...
6 Pages 2631 Words

Methods Of Protein Isolation And Purification

Introduction In most or all living systems, proteins are the principle structural and functional polymers made up of single amino acid monomers. They have a wide range of functions, which include but are not limited to, the catalysis of metabolic reactions and transport of vitamins, minerals, oxygen and other fuels. On the other hand, some proteins form the structural skeleton of tissues whereas others serve a role in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, cell motility. Other functions include functions in the...
2 Pages 921 Words

One Titanic Uprightness For Mankind: The Moon Landing And Neil Armstrong

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” said Neil Armstrong. There is still uncertainty prevailing around the ‘supposed’ moon landing in 1969. The moon landing took place when Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins made history as the first humans to land on another celestial body on July 20, 1969. It marks a substantial leap in the technological advancement of humanity. Yet according to some conspiracy theorists, the moon landing never took place and it...
4 Pages 1924 Words

The Aspects Of Feminism In Language

The issues of oppression of women have been a burning problem since time immemorial. The constant struggle of women to change the concept that they are the “weaker” sex is prevalent in world history. This concept works through the intertwining of ideas about the physiological nature, ascribed social roles and the psychic structure. There is some overlapping in the roles to females and males, but in all societies sex status is the major determinant. The gender divide enforces women’s role...
2 Pages 710 Words

How Different Levels Of Sodium Chloride Affect The Growth Of Harvester Green Bean

Introduction High levels of salt concentration can have detrimental effects to the plants that are growing there. Rising salinity levels is one of the biggest attributes to the lack of growth within a plant population (Qados 2011). Salt concentrations in soils worldwide create problems each year and lead to loses of crop or even single plants (Garcia, Dattamundi, Chanda, Jayachandran 2019). Salt collects in soils that are artificially watered and once evaporation takes place there is a residue left behind...
3 Pages 1482 Words

The Aspects Of Pant Transitions

The beginning of plant transitions happened a couple million years ago,it was hard to figure out the dates because they were not much fossil evidence available to observe and calculate. The cooperative arrangement with fungi aided in the transition and developed into a Bryophytes ,for example, mosses, liverworts and hornworts and Tracheophyta such as ferns and other plants. Most plants transition to land to get more sunlight ( the need for photosynthesis), more carbon dioxide, oxygen, more space to grow,...
2 Pages 829 Words

RPL And Gene Polymorphism

There are several physiological changes that occur during normal pregnancy, hypercoaggulabilty state is one of them in which some coagulation factors increased in blood in harmony with decreased blood level of others. These changes are needed for normal fetal growth and development with complete return to the normal physiological state after labor and purperium without leaving any harm to the mother. However, hypercoaggulabilty state of pregnancy may be exacerbated by alterations in the coagulation/fibrinolysis cascades together with associated vascular stasis...
2 Pages 932 Words

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