Sociology essays

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Social Responsibility Regarding The Environment

2 Pages 886 Words
Social responsibility regarding the environment is one of the crucial areas in today’s corporate social responsibility. In order to sustain in this competitive world most of the industrial and corporate houses globally are incorporating the concept of environmental element in their business operations. These industrial houses are clear in their perspective that along with the quality in their businesses they...

Climate Change as a Real Issue Across America

4 Pages 1891 Words
“People’s minds are changed by observation not argument.” Many millennials have taken action to better the world, whether it be global warming or lack of education. But studies show that many millennials are starting to care more about the future of the planet. Climate change is a big issue that more people should care about because the effects are a...

Green Technology - a Key to Eco Friendly Environment

3 Pages 1189 Words
Green technology, also known as Environmetal technology or Clean technology, is the application of one or more of environmental science, green chemistry, environment monitoring and electronic devices to monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. It uses the National R&D (Research & Developement) projects to minimise the effects of...

The Conjuring of Ridiculous Things: Value of Mexican Philosophy

3 Pages 1524 Words
An occupational hazard of studying, writing about, and teaching Mexican philosophy is that there will always be someone who asks, “What makes it ‘Mexican’?” Or, “What’s so different about Mexican philosophy?” A more pernicious line of questioning might include dismissive queries such as: “Why study ‘Mexican’ philosophy at all?” At some point, I ignore these entreaties as background noise. But...

The Portrayal of Gender Roles in The Media

1 Page 508 Words
Often when we see in advertisements, movies, or the media in general we see gender stereotypes. Where men are shown as tough, show no emotions, messy and unclean, lazy, like to take risk, and are predominantly dominate. Women are shown as more domestic and don’t play sports, love to sing and dance, are nurses instead of doctors, suppose to look...

Carbon Finance as a Solution of The Protection of Environment

2 Pages 1025 Words
Climate change is a much debated issue at the highest political level as evidenced by the COP-23 and the world’s first comprehensive climate agreement drafted in 2015 called Paris Climate Agreement summit. Bhutan’s national assembly unanimously ratified the Paris climate agreement in 2016 being the 175th country reinforcing the nation’s continued leadership in climate action. In addition, Bhutan has been...

Pros and Cons of Biodiversity

3 Pages 1231 Words
rotecting forests and restoring wetlands are some of the actions companies and governments are taking to make up for biodiversity lost as a result of their development activities. These measurable conservation actions - designed to compensate for unavoidable impacts, on top of prevention and mitigation measures already implemented - are known as biodiversity offsets. The goal of offsets is to...

Disaster Management: Evacuations from Gulf Coast Hurricanes

4 Pages 2008 Words
Introduction Managing evacuations from hurricanes and other natural catastrophes present recurrent challenges to the people responsible for such evacuations. A major challenge is how to best inform and direct the public responses to the imminent emergencies. A chronic challenge for emergency personnel is gaining public acquiescence with directives to evacuate or shelter. States and authorities have been reviewing evacuation plans...

Pollution and Noise as Environmental Health Issues

3 Pages 1399 Words
Abstract Such an area of study as environmental health is becoming increasingly more important these days as discoveries about the influence of the environment on human health are made. This paper explores the concept of environmental health and the issues related to its use. On the whole, a detailed explanation of the term “environmental health” is provided, a synopsis of...

Counter Insurgency Failures of Vietnam

2 Pages 767 Words
Without a doubt, the United States of America has, throughout recent world history, been considered to be one of, if not the biggest, superpowers and fiercest fighting forces in the world often using “military power as a means of political influence”. With this being said, a highly relevant question is how did a superpower lose a conflict to militarily weaker...

The Boy In Striped Pyjamas' Analysis

1 Page 600 Words
A universal theme represents a central idea about the human condition , that applies in both the boy in the striped pyjamas and the book thief in both a positive and negative aspects . These aspects give people something they can relate to and giving them a larger understanding of the context . ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ Written...
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Plastic Pollution As a the World’s Most Pressing Environmental Concerns

1 Page 552 Words
I chose to explore the issue of plastic pollution. I think this issue is important because it has become one of the world’s most pressing environmental concerns. Plastic is a substance the earth cannot digest, however, due to the development of thousands of new products, plastic has transformed and revolutionised the modern age and nowadays, a society without plastic would...

Introduction to Water Collection & Treatment

2 Pages 726 Words
Unique water-related activities, behaviours or ideas you can implement in your dayto-day life to live more sustainably. Bamboo drip irrigation Drip irrigation is commonly known for reducing water usage in irrigation, and Bamboo drip irrigation is one step more ecofriendly than usual methods. This method is commonly used in North Eastern states of India by the native farmers for centuries....

The Principle 'Polluter Pays'

2 Pages 821 Words
The ‘polluter pays’ principle is an environmental policy principle which requires that the costs of pollution be borne by those who cause it. The ‘polluter pays’ principle is normally implemented through two different policy approaches: command-andcontrol and market-based. Command-and-control approaches include performance and technology standards, such as environmental regulations in the production of a given polluting technology. Market-based instruments include...

Baby Boomer Statistics on Birth, Retirement and Empty Nestling

1 Page 615 Words
The baby boomer generation plays a significant part in almost every aspect of today’s America. They made an impact to every age cluster they get to belong. Baby boomers have the diverse potentials that uplifted their group in history. Fast statistics show that the fifty plus age group of baby boomers are earning roughly two trillion dollars, in control of...

The Mangrove Trees and Coral Reefs Should Be Conserved

2 Pages 1011 Words
Ningaloo is Australia’s largest fringing barrier coral reef, one of longest in the world and the only fringing reef on the western side of a continent. The Ningaloo coast has been named a world heritage site for its marine and terrestrial flora, fauna, natural forms and cultural value. A master management plan is in place to protect these features for...

Essay on Importance of Biodiversity

2 Pages 980 Words
Essay on Biodiversity: Biodiversity is the presence of different species of plants and animals on the earth, which means it’s crucial that we take care of these precious creatures and preserve their habitats so they can thrive in today’s world. This Essay on Biodiversity on the importance of biodiversity will teach you about the vital role biodiversity plays in our...

The Student-Teacher Relations Dynamics and The Conflict Theory

2 Pages 803 Words
After completing my education, I hope to enter the field of foreign language education. In the education field in general there are very specific communication skills required. To be what would be considered a good teacher, one must have good public speaking skills, the ability to maintain relationships with their students, and be able to handle conflict well. These skills...

The Analysis of The Article 'Panopticism' by Foucault Michael

1 Page 427 Words
In the article “Panopticism in discipline and punish,” by Foucault Michael. The author objective was to help really emphasize on this idea of that you were constantly being observed. He utilized the term Panopticism which gleaned from this prison idea the panoptikum. Where detainees were continually being watched through a reflective glass. The author perceived that present day society was...

What Type of Citizen Does a Democracy Need?

4 Pages 1862 Words
Introduction to Democracy's Evolution Democracy is a political idea of which there is great significance in many societies today for which we can thank fifth-century Athens. Democracy was created and molded throughout the years by Greeks who had great societal and political influence. In antiquity, the common form of government was an aristocratic and tyrannical form of government in which...

The Sound of the Trees, and the Noise of the People

1 Page 558 Words
Robert Frost was a prolific American poet born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco. Although he holds the absolute record for the number of Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry awarded to a single person, Frost struggled to find any recognition in his early years. In fact, he had to work at a farm for some time just to support his...

Water in the World: Water Crisis in Jakarta, Indonesia

4 Pages 1766 Words
With nearly 70% of the world covered in water, only about 2.5% is drinkable, causing some countries to have limited or no access to fresh water. One of these countries suffering from a water crisis is Jakarta, Indonesia. Having more than 10 million people living in Jakarta, there is not enough fresh water available to drink and use for everyday...

River Nile Water Treatment Using Micro-Nano Bubbles and Bio Filtering System

2 Pages 893 Words
Egypt is the most popular country -in the basin- agriculturally and industrially. The Nile River in Egypt provides a significant source of drinking water to the community and has important fishery values. Anthropogenic Activity including, agricultural runoff, industrial and municipal wastes, potentially affected the Nile River water quality. According to (Agricultural Policy Reform Program, 2002) the flow rate of the...

Risk Adverse vs. Risk Tolerance in Biodiversity

2 Pages 860 Words
In the case of risk adverse situations, it is possible to make contradictory preferences when the problem comes in different forms. In other words, choices are made depending on the circumstances. The risk aversion occurs when the positive outcome is smaller, though with greater certainty. The situation is different when the reward is greater with less uncertainty. On the other...

Gender Roles, Norms, & Sexual Attitudes in Rap/Hip Hop Music Lyrics

4 Pages 2005 Words
Music is an enormous role in adolescents' understanding of sex, relationships, and self-identity. 'Entering relationships are part of the adolescent experience and factors contribute to the nature and potential of these relationships'. The avenue most adolescents take to learn about relationships, sex, drugs, etc. is music. The way an adolescent learns about relationships, where and whom they learn it from,...

Rhetorical Essay: Dear Dads - Save Your Sons

2 Pages 756 Words
Not every day does a person get lucky enough to come across a tad of literary work that comprises of limited words but leave a lasting effect on the readers. Such texts are successful not only in catching the attention of the readers but also in moving their hearts. These kinds of texts are an outcome of several literary techniques...

Global Warming Impact on Animal Species Disappearing

2 Pages 1003 Words
“We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words” (Anna Sewell). There is without a doubt evidence that animals are being affected by climate change. Many effects are hard to measure but there are different ways animals are being affected. Because...

Iron Fertilization: Solving Global Warming

8 Pages 3634 Words
Global warming is an undisputed international problem. The discourse surrounding this issue has attracted disparate opinions from lawmakers, investors, and the public among others. One of the ideas and approaches that have been adopted is iron fertilization. Iron fertilization is a form of geoengineering, which involves the intentional introduction of the micronutrient iron into certain areas of the ocean with...

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