Sociology essays

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Is Technology Killing Creativity and Humanity?

2 Pages 971 Words
Creativity is a word that is hard to define. It might have a a lot different definitions , but through the use of imagination, creativity in its simple terms refers to the act of making something authentic, original, or unusual. And humanity is basically humankind. So, when we presented the real question, “is technology really killing creativity and humanity” many...

Femicide In Latin America: Not One Woman Less

2 Pages 993 Words
Femicide. The brutal and cold-blooded murder of innocent females, an epidemic which is rapidly increasing across Latin America. This is defined by the killing of girls and women just for being females that can be traced back to the earliest points of history. The region of Latin America includes 5 of the 12 countries with the highest rates of femicide...

Gender And Crime: Serial Killers

4 Pages 1752 Words
Introduction Within this end of course assessment, I am going to be talking about Gender and Crime. A brief explanation into the differences in male and female criminals, criminological theories including the chivalry thesis. Crime & media in popular culture also falls into the category for this assessment which talks about cultural criminology and representations. The main body of this...

Advertising, Marketing And Brand Management

6 Pages 2908 Words
Introduction Marketing and brand management is the concern which requires a depth know how to assess the impact and the significance to be able to sell the enterprise and supply the desirable improvement to the corporation. It does not have the most effective simply regarding the product or maybe the emblem as an alternative that is extra immoderate than it...

The Peculiarities Of Advertising And Promotional Management

3 Pages 1466 Words
Sales promotion has been defined as a direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the sales force, distributors, or the ultimate consumer with the primary objective or creating an immediate sale. The incentive is the key element to the promotional campaign that can speed up the selling process and maximize sales volume. The promotional...

Using Communication to De-escalate Conflict Situations

1 Page 591 Words
The combination of pain, stress, uncertainty, and a lack of control can be a cause for conflict among children with learning disabilities and challenging behaviours. At lavender house, sometimes a combinational booking does lead to other children being upset with their colleague’s behaviour during the night. This is because other children are unable to settle to sleep while others are...

Cross Cultural Marketing And Advertising

2 Pages 1033 Words
With the growing influx of a variety of means of communication and varying consumer patterns, the term ‘cross-cultural’ has become more relevant in the world of today which has transformed into a global village. Here’s what it means: Cross-culture is an idea that perpetuates bridging of various mindsets, ideas, and lifestyles to connect people of various nationalities, ethnicities, and different...

Male Attitudes towards Women in Othello

3 Pages 1446 Words
Shakespeare as well as other renowned writers during the Elizabethan time profusely explore the theme of controlling natures of men towards women in their works to highlight the strict patriarchal values of Jacobean society. Desdemona’s subservience acts as a signifier of the control men had over women. The concept of men controlling women can be seen and encouraged through women’s...

Coronavirus and Its Effect on FDI, Trade Policies and Logistics/Global Production

2 Pages 1105 Words
The coronavirus has been labelled a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation, due to its effect on society. This has left countries no choice but to implement strict lockdown measures to prevent the spread, which is likely to trigger a global recession, this is primarily due to the sharp rise in unemployment, decrease in demand, and their knock-on effects....

Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre: The Maturation Of A Girl Into A Woman

4 Pages 1876 Words
Middle class women were brought up to “be pure and innocent, tender and sexually undemanding, submissive and obedient” to fit the glorified “angel in the House” (Thackeray’s The Angel in the House). Women were not expected to express opinions of their own outside a very limited range of subjects, and certainly not be on a quest for own identity and...

The Spread of Disinformation and False Claims about Coronavirus Discredited

2 Pages 903 Words
The Coronavirus pandemic has led to an outbreak of false information with well-meaning individuals sharing false remedies and circulated news to friends and family on messaging platforms including Facebook and WhatsApp resulting in a rapid increase of false claims. Nearly half of UK adults online have been exposed to misleading or false information claims Ofcom has warned. Here is a...

Social Class and Mental Health

2 Pages 800 Words
This literature review will be looking into how Social class inequality has effects on mental health. Mental health plays a major role in society today and studies have shown that it has different factors and falls into many categories, which changes a person’s behaviour drastically. It is said that social class and poverty has a profound impact in who mental...

The Economics in Terms of Coronavirus

3 Pages 1546 Words
Introduction The first COVID-19 outbreak happened between September 13th to November 7th in 2019 in Wuhan province in China (Forster, et al., 2020) and has now become a global pandemic. Under this context, by comprehend empirical evidence, this paper aims to explore the economic impact on unemployment but we also will discuss wage, indirect effect to GDP growth caused by...

Victorian Perceptions Of The Ideal Woman

6 Pages 2623 Words
The Victorian era took place between the dates of 1873 and 1901, it was called such because this is when Queen Victoria herself was in power. So, it seems rather fitting to think about the perceptions of the ideal woman during this time, when a woman herself was the one at the head of the monarchy. To be a woman...

The Idea of Collective and Individual Identity in The Dead, Daddy, Brave New World and The Handmaid’s Tale

7 Pages 2999 Words
This essay will focus on the ideas of collective and individual identity and how they are presented in ‘The Dead’ (1914) by James Joyce, Brave New World (1932) by Aldous Huxley, ‘Daddy’ (1965) by Silvia Plath and The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) by Margaret Atwood. The idea of identity, in general, is a central theme in all of these texts. Gordon...

The Relation of Equity and Social Justice

1 Page 438 Words
Social justice has been part of the discussion within Scottish Parliament since it was established in 1999 with one of the first policy programmes focusing on social justice (‘Social Justice: A Scotland Where Everyone Matters -Scottish Executive, 1999). Social justice is concerned with socially marginalised groups and how society responds to this. Inclusion is education’s response to social justice and...

Collaboration: Case Study Of Flood In 2018

2 Pages 906 Words
Introduction The flood started on the 8th of August 2018 and ended on the 30th of August 2018. The main dilemma was that the dam was not opened so as days went the rain started and the dam got filled . Then this got into a huge topic to alert the other districts as they were also under threat. So...

Taming Of The Shrew: Mistreatment Of The Women In Renaissance

2 Pages 797 Words
In 1999, the cult classic “10 Thing I Hate About You” came out. This movie rode on the ideas of Third wave feminism, which was highly prevalent in the 1990s and early 2000’s, unlike its original source material: Taming of the Shrew. Written in the late 16th century, Taming of the shrew is reflective of the renascences misogynistic, patriarchal and...

Deception In Franz Kafka’s Die Verwandlung

2 Pages 1041 Words
According to the Cambridge Dictionary deception is ‘’the act of hiding the truth, especially to get an advantage’’. Yet according to the Merriam Webster dictionary deception is ‘’the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid’’. Although both definitions of deception have different meanings, the two can be seen in Die Verwandlung. The...

Gender and Sexuality in the Taming of the Shrew

6 Pages 2742 Words
Since gender and sexuality are interpreted as a construct of society and since literature is a method of cultural representation, works of literature can both emphasize gender norms and construct newer, less restricting portrayals of gender and sexuality. This fluctuating state of gender identity based on current societal values is conveyed in works ranging from Renaissance Shakespeare to Romantic Mary...

The Relationship Between Race, Gender And Social Change In The U.S.: Gay Marriage

4 Pages 2085 Words
What is the relationship between race and social change in the U.S.? One of the many unfortunate realities of our society is that race has played a major role in how people are treated—that is, how they have been allocated power, given service (i.e., at restaurants, through government aid, etc.), and acknowledged on the street. Historically, at least in Western...

The Importance of the Government’s Intervention with Indigenous Child Poverty in Canada

5 Pages 2099 Words
Introduction An adverse childhood caused by low income status and poverty can act as an unstable base for one’s adulthood. The issue of child poverty is surprisingly an ongoing country within high-income countries, such as Canada. In Canada, the demographic most impacted by poverty are the indigenous populations. These specific populations are generally disadvantaged in Canada and thus struggle with...

Concept of Perseverance In Chinese Cinderella

2 Pages 943 Words
Chinese Cinderella is a compelling autobiography written by Adeline Yen Mah. Chinese Cinderella is an extraordinary book that shows the reader how cruel we live in. Many wise lessons are woven into each sentence. While reading, the reader connects the book to the world, making the audience realize how cruel society and the world we live in can be. This...

Gender In The Classroom: Gossip For Men Versus Gossip For Women

1 Page 676 Words
Everyone is different. Some people are apprehensive. Others get comfortable with their surroundings easily. Stereotypes say that women endure more self-absorbed while; men express their thoughts out loud. This doesn’t have to do with gender. It depends on the individual and how they feel with the place, people and topic. In her article, Deborah Tannen observes her classroom and the...

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