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The Show Stranger Things: Friendship & Relationships Between The Characters

Stranger Things has become one of the most popular television shows on the planet with its mind-blowing science fiction-horror storyline. The plot of the show revolves around a young girl named Eleven (Milly Bobby Brown) who has supernatural abilities. At the beginning of the show, Eleven escapes from a laboratory where she was being studied and travels to a small town named Hawkins. This is where a young boy named Will Byers (Noah Schnapp) is abducted by a creature from...
2 Pages 1104 Words

The Elements Of African American Identity

The African-American experience in this country has long been a source of controversy. From the pre-slavery days in Africa to the current racial climate. While racism seemed to take a backseat, and was only thought to be a belief held by “backwoods rednecks,” we see that is not the case. Many of us have known that racism was around but in a more covert fashion, such as unfair lending practices, unfair hiring practices, and encounters with the police, just to...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Control And Reduction Of Racial Profiling

The current practice of racial profiling has been used significantly all around the world for centuries, demonstrating the need for control and monitoring to prevent and incite change. Gathering facts, statistics, and stories from the local news will further explain why racial profiling needs to be put to an end. Some issues that have occurred as a result of racial profiling would include unreasonable search and seizures, stop and frisk, and their impacts. Implementing guidelines to control racial profiling and...
4 Pages 1957 Words

Sex Typing And Gender Identity

Gender plays a key role for human’s everyday lives. The gender we are given to in birth can affect every aspect of our lives from personality to even the way we feel about ourselves individually. It can also affect the sort of hobbies and passion that we are interested in, to the way we dress and even socialise to even the sort of career path and opportunities we choose in life based on our biological features (genitalia). In this essay,...
4 Pages 1850 Words

The Effects Of Overpopulation On The Earth

The society is now facing an extremely serious issue. It is considerable and it can lead to the extinction of human and all other animals on the earth. Many countries and national leaders and even us thrashing around the pollution, global warming and poverty when none of them would exist if the population is under control. We have to look closer at this issue with understanding of its causes, the effects of overpopulation and how we can terminate it. Our...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Youtube: The Creation Of The Biggest Social Media Platform

YouTube has become one of the biggest social media platforms today. Its popularity has grown immensely in a matter of a decade and still continues to pull in millions of users each day. YouTube is a site that allows users to not only watch videos, but upload their own content to gain subscribers, views, and money. The platform was not always this mainstream, but it is interesting to see how much it evolved to be so in a short period...
1 Page 478 Words

Specific Ethical Principles And Standards Of Media

Media ethics is the subdivision of applied ethics which deals with the specific ethical principles and standards of media, including broadcast media, film, theatre, the arts, print media, and the internet. The field covers many varied and highly controversial topics, ranging from war journalism to Benetton ad campaigns. The duty of the media is to inform, educate and at the same time, entertain but in doing so, the media is to ensure that the standard of the profession is being...
2 Pages 874 Words

Social Impact Of Population Growth

God created humanity multiply and occupy the entire earth. He equally added that human beings should utilize the available resources for life sustainability. Initially, human population was small and the need to multiply quickly was necessary to escape the danger of extinction, which literally threatened humankind through various calamities such as floods, volcanic eruptions, wars, and threats from wild animals. As time rolled by, human population actually rose gradually to reach the current population explosion experienced in various nations across...
2 Pages 1130 Words

Communication Skills And Feedback In The Learning Process

One of the most important steps in the learning process is feedback, but some may not view it as such. Feedback should be harmless criticism with the intent to help. A problem may arise when people see feedback in a negative way. Some people may view feedback as an attack on their image or knowledge and therefore discredit the information given to them. There can be trouble not only in receiving feedback, but also giving feedback. Along with receiving feedback,...
1 Page 668 Words

Portrayal Of British Society In Victorian Era In The Play Pygmalion

For many years, people have come to criticize other people’s aspects without being aware of why they are that way. In English society, especially during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, social status has always been viewed as something significant. In this society power was determined by the way the language was spoken, the more proper the more power. This play is based off the play My Fair Lady. This play is about a man that idolizes a sculpture and imagines...
3 Pages 1245 Words

American Born Chinese: Stereotypes, Racism And Identity

American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang is a phenomenal graphic novel addressing self-acceptance, racist stereotyping, and identity. Not to mention, Gene Luen Yang blew my socks off with a brilliant intertwining of three rather unconnectable storylines. Gene Luen Yang tackles the negative stereotypes of a Chinese- American head-on, illustrating Chin-Kee to possesses the physical stereotypical qualities of a Chinese person. Including small eyes, two large teeth, and yellow skin. In addition to these, he carries non-mannered and uncivilized qualities...
1 Page 438 Words

Oprah Winfrey: A Living Example Of The American Dream

The American Dream is the belief that anybody, no matter where you’re from, how you look, or the class you were born into can accomplish their own sort of success in a society where status-seeking is possible for everyone. Oprah Winfrey can be seen as a living example of the American Dream. She has overcome many obstacles, received awards, and has done a lot of community service. First, Oprah overcame many obstacles throughout her life. Growing up in poverty, she...
1 Page 570 Words

Dialogue System In Conversational AI

ABSTRACT In recent times, with the increasing interest in conversational agents for dialog systems are being actively researched. A dialogue system consists of different components. Dialogue manager is the core component of every dialogue system. A dialogue management system can manage a dialogue between two or more agents, be they human or computer. The Dialogue Manager (DM) is the program which coordinates the activity of several subcomponents in a dialogue system and its main goal is to maintain a representation...
7 Pages 3374 Words

Short Biography Of Malcolm X

Before Malcolm X was even born, he had issues with racism and the KKK, while his mother was still pregnant with him hooded Klan members broke windows at his family home in Omaha Nebraska. Malcolm's father; Earl Little had previously made enemies with white supremacists by working with Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association. Earl was an abusive father to his children. However, Malcolm being the lightest on he was able to avoid the beatings by his father. In 1973...
2 Pages 711 Words

Community Values In Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart, written by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe, was written in 1958. The novel’s plot revolves around the clan of Umofia, a culmination of nine villages on the lower Niger in Africa. The clan is quite powerful, populated, advanced, and skilled at war. Okonkwo, the main character, is praised among the Umofians. He is the son of his effeminate father, Unoka, and strives throughout the book to model the opposite character traits. He is driven, brave, violent at times,...
2 Pages 902 Words

Professional Communication: Cultural Sensitivity

Introduction “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” -Mahatma Gandhi America is a land where immigrants and minorities from different cultural backgrounds and heritages come together to adopt one common culture. From the beginning of time, the term ‘culture’ has often been associated with social behavior, norms, values, identities and the way in which different people react to different circumstances. It is because of these very attributes that organizations including the healthcare industry...
3 Pages 1184 Words

The Relationship Between Caption And Dialogue

People get a common miss understanding between captions and dialogues. There is a big difference between them. Choosing between the two can have a drastic impact on the understanding of the graphic novel by the public. Since it can change the perspective of the audience. While captions and dialogs are similar in appearance, they are designed for two purposes. Dialog includes a text when collaborating on that particular scene with other characters. Captions, on the other hand, not only add...
2 Pages 718 Words

Freedom Of Expression Features In Turkey

Generally speaking, in the terms of media freedom and freedom of expression, Turkey has been always one of the most restrictive countries in the member states of the Council of Europe. Critisim is a way that we can point out the good and bad things in something, someone etc. Unfortunately in Turkey, critisim is considered as a crime. Critics makes something worthier than it was before because at that moment everybody understand it’s positive and the negative sides. It should...
2 Pages 779 Words

Anxiety Is A Growing Disorder Amongst Teenagers

Your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing, your knees are weak, and yet you stand there in front of everyone while they just blatantly stare at you. The sweat building up on your forehead drips into your eyes. You stutter, trying desperately to remember what you are supposed to speak about. Nothing comes to mind and you can’t read the blurred words faded across the paper shaking in your hands. You walk off the stage with your knees feeling...
3 Pages 1191 Words

The Approaches Of Multiculturalism And Interculturalism In Modern Europe

Multiculturalism is a project of coexistence of different ethnic, cultural and ethnic communities with different religions, languages and races. Is multiculturalism still a useful tool when talking about European society? Why (not)? What other paradigms may be useful for discussing the changing societal and demographic dynamics in modern Europe? In this essay, I will discuss three possible approaches to this pressing yet complex issue. In the first aspect to answer this question, we begin by taking a closer look at...
5 Pages 2187 Words

The Ways Information Can Be Collected On The Internet

The first instances of concerns relating to privacy through the development of technology in Australia was recorded in 1983. The main concerns for this recommendation from the ALRC were regarding the developments in information and surveillance technology, and lead to (ALRC22) concerning legislation containing privacy principles to be introduced. Specific privacy concerns related to developments in technology included: increased storage of personal information, speed at which information could be retrieved, reduction in the cost of handling personal information, enhanced linkages...
2 Pages 1006 Words

The Effects Of Rousseau's Childhood On His Views On Sexuality

“‘I want to show my fellow-men a man in all the truth of nature; and this man is to be myself’” (Rousseau, p.5). In an attempt to reach his audience, Rousseau in Confessions did what most would not dare in an autobiography: reveal ‘everything’. Confessions does not follow the conventions of a traditional eighteenth-century autobiography. Rousseau’s self-portrait conveyed himself through raw emotions and distorted ways and actions rather than what society expected: a presentation of exemplary qualities. For a man...
2 Pages 698 Words

The Issue Of Citizenship For African American In The Book By Niambi Michele Carter

In Niambi Michele Carter’s book American While Black, she analyzes black responses to immigration, developing a term “conflicted nativism” that she uses to describe black views on immigration and citizenship. This term is developed throughout the book through historical analysis and a case study approach to understand why blacks feel both sympathetic towards immigrants, but also view their arrival as competition. Carter’s research and analysis uncovers the complexity of this term, specifically looking at whether blacks choose to organize for...
3 Pages 1555 Words

The Key Differences In Abc And Nine Approach To News And Storytelling In Australia

Both the ABC and nine news networks are now an integral part of the radio, television and online production industries in Australia, in recent times both have played an important role in digital broadcasting and the introduction of new media services. The ABC being a national broadcaster has largely conformed to its service charter which requires its news to reflect on Australian national identity and diversity by requiring it to provide innovative and comprehensive broadcasting services of a high standard...
2 Pages 960 Words

Social Learning And How It Affected Richard Ramirez's Behavior

Born in the year 1960 Ramirez was any average extroverted kid, but that changed in his adolescence. When he was 10, Ramirez started to smoke weed which opened the gateway of drugs for him. Richard Ramirez was constantly being exposed to his dysfunctional family. Ramirez's father would constantly be in anger fits and physically abuse his older brother, Ruben. Ramirez was a loner and only really had his older his cousin as his only real friend to talk to. Ramirez's...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Frederick Douglass: The Soul Of America

Frederick Douglass was a social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman from the United States. He became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York after escaping from slavery in Maryland, taking note of his oratory and incisive antislavery writings. Frederick Douglass accomplished many things in the fight for freedom of rights of all his fellow African-Americans and occasionally women's rights. He inspires us to fight and win for the battle for our better angels in...
2 Pages 752 Words

Social Skills And Moral Development Of Young Children

Self-concept can be described as the development of individual identity and how children see themselves as separate from others with unique personality traits. The ages are meant to be general so that movement from one stage to the next is individualized and largely dependent on each child’s development. Emotional development in preschoolers is a balancing act between the need to learn and understand limits and the need for freedom and independence. Children at this age are beginning to understand that...
6 Pages 2994 Words

Background And Results Of Rwandan Genocide

The word ‘genocide’ is used for describing violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group or those with contrasting political opinions with the intention of destroying the entire group. In the Rwandan genocide, members of an ethnic group known as the Tutsi were killed because of their ethnicity. Their killers were extreme members of a similar ethnic group known as the Hutu, other than the Tutsi, the Hutu killers also killed other Hutus with less extreme or...
1 Page 622 Words

Refugee Situation In Iraq

The aim of this report is to understand Iraq’s refugee crisis, and analyse how it has come about. The report will start with general background information about Iraq, explaining their refugee situation. Following that, an evaluation of the international community. Finally, an outline of the actions within the international community in which help the refugee crisis. What causes people to become refugees in Iraq? Iraq is ranked as the 9th top country in which the most refugees flee from. One...
4 Pages 1586 Words

Social Inequality At The Workplace In Brazil

Social inequality happens when people are treated differently than others because of their social or physical characteristics. There are many causes of social inequality, like one’s religion, race, sexual orientation and gender, which can lead to various social imbalances. The situation where men receive higher income than women is called the wage gap, which is a social inequality that is rooted in patriarchal society. This essay will discuss the nature of the wage gap in Brazil, its historical and modern...
2 Pages 685 Words

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