Psychology essays

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Pros and Cons of Bullying Essay

1 Page 576 Words
Introduction Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals across various age groups and environments. While it is widely acknowledged as a harmful and negative behavior, it is essential to examine the topic from a critical perspective to fully understand its complexities. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of bullying, shedding light on different viewpoints and...

Peter Singer’s ‘Rich and Poor’: Critical Essay

1 Page 684 Words
Introduction In his thought-provoking essay 'Rich and Poor,' philosopher Peter Singer delves into the complex issue of global wealth distribution and the moral obligations of the affluent towards the impoverished. Singer challenges conventional notions of charity and argues for a more radical approach to addressing poverty. This essay will critically analyze Singer's arguments, examining the strengths and weaknesses of his...

Joshua Tree: 'The Glass Castle' Reading Essay

1 Page 302 Words
“Mom frowned at me. 'You'd be destroying what makes it special,' she said, 'It's the Joshua tree's struggle that gives it its beauty'.” When Jeannette devises a plan to right the Joshua tree which has grown sideways in the direction of the constant wind that passes over it, Rosemary does not like the idea. Rose Mary claims that the tree...

Characteristics of an Effective Counsellor: Informative Essay

1 Page 405 Words
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a counselor is someone who is trained to listen to people and give them advice about their problems. Within the framework of psychology, effective counseling requires, first of all, the cooperation of the client and the consultant. To be an effective consultant, you need to be able to first assess your client; it opens the...

My Health Behaviour Change Project: Proposal Essay

3 Pages 1436 Words
I have been giving it some thoughts about slimming down on my weight and just overall wanting to feel healthy. I have tried all the diets that you can think of, but never fully committed to one as I always see no results and eventually give up. I have been doing some research and looking into video ideas of what...

Why People Might Do Harm to Others

2 Pages 953 Words
After the events of the Second World War, the world was left in disbelief as to why or how so many seemingly ordinary people, were capable of committing such terrible crimes, excusing their actions and behavior as ‘following orders’. Psychologists sought to understand why people would act in the way that they did, but also how it happened on such...

Using the Humanistic Approach to Learning

3 Pages 1530 Words
There are different theories that explore the different ways in which we learn. However, there is not a set way that anyone learns. Moreover, there is a mix of different theories in which everyone learns. In this essay, using the humanistic approach to learning, I will explain how being motivated through grades, feedback, and pay has helped me and how...

Three Schools of Thought in the Context of the Educational Process

2 Pages 902 Words
In this essay, I am going to examine three main schools of thought, namely - cognitive, behaviorist and humanistic - in the context of the educational process, and decide which of them seems best for the learning circumstances. Cognitive School of Thought Cognitive school of thought refers to how someone learn which is through mental processes, mainly on how people...

Theory of Mind in Relation to Non-Human Animals

2 Pages 950 Words
Although many species have behaved as if they have a ‘theory of mind’ in various behavioral tasks, it is still an extensive debate as to whether they can attribute mental states to others. This essay’s main aim is to explain the concept of theory of mind and describe the methods used to assess mind-reading abilities of non-human animals. Theory of...

Theories of Prosocial Behavior

2 Pages 824 Words
Prosocial behavior occurs when people act to benefit others rather than themselves. So basically, prosocial conduct is described as acting in a way that benefits others or society as a whole. Prosocial behavior may come in many aspects, like helping others in need, comforting, sharing personal resources, and cooperating with others to achieve some common goals. Feeling empathy and concern...

Role of the Accumulation of Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Health of Adults

6 Pages 2926 Words
Evidence from a rising number of epidemiological and neurobiological studies show that adverse childhood experience (ACE) such as abuse, neglect and related adverse experiences show long lasting impacts on brain function and physical health, resulting in a predisposition to physical and mental health disorders throughout their lives. Community surveys from Europe and worldwide show the great prevalence of physical (22.9%),...

Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Intelligence

5 Pages 2122 Words
Socioeconomic status (SES) can be defined as the social and economic standing of an individual or group, relative to others. Components that typically determine SES are occupation, education and income. The Equality Trust (2017) presented figures that showed the top one-fifth of households in the United Kingdom have 40% of national income. In contrast, the bottom fifth have just 8%....

Socioeconomic Status and Intelligence

4 Pages 1941 Words
Socioeconomic status (SES) is a widely studied concept within the social sciences due to its predictive value with a number of life outcomes. Although much debate has occurred as to exactly what SES represents it is generally quantified as a measure of parental education, family income and occupational status. Examining the relationship between SES and intelligence has historically proven difficult;...

Society Vs. the Individual

1 Page 627 Words
Through freedom can be characterized as the capacity of one to settle on a decision uninfluenced or unconstrained by any outside variables. At the point when an individual activities his through and through freedom, it basically implies that his activities have not been impacted by magical, physical, social or mental compels. In any case, the degree to which people can...

Social Facilitation, Social Learning and Obedience to Authority within Educational Development

2 Pages 1000 Words
Social psychology is the study of people’s emotions, including their thoughts, behaviors and how they are influenced by actual, imagined or implied presence of others. Social psychology can be used within educational development to further develop the understandings of social facilitation, social learning and obedience to authority. Social facilitation is the question of whether the presence of others has the...

Sense of Smell and Eating

5 Pages 2375 Words
Visual and auditory perception play fundamental and primary role in vital human activities such spatial orientation, communication and forming perception of objects within day-to-day activities of human beings. By these reasons, vision and hearing are considered objective and universal in conjunction with thoughts and decisions. Otherwise, sense of smell, taste and touch are involved in feelings and emotions such as...

Religiosity as a Determinant for Prosocial Behavior

1 Page 607 Words
Prosocial behavior, or behaviors intended to help other people, is a research area for psychologists seeking to understand what motivates and under what contexts people engage in these behaviors. Religion is a phenomenon that is present in every culture, and most have an aspect of prosociality. Many religions have dominating notions of sharing, donating, and helping others support the image...

Prosocial Behaviour Increases Happiness

3 Pages 1332 Words
Do you have some spare change or extra time on your hands? If so, deciding to spend it on someone else might make you happier than spending it on yourself. The following literature review addresses that topic: the effects of prosocial behavior on people’s happiness in light of three scientific articles. Simply put, the first article focusses on how spending...

Motivation Letter for the Swedish Institute for Global Professionals

1 Page 640 Words
With this appeal, I wish to express my desire to pursue a master's degree at the Swedish Institute for Global Professionals under the scholarship program. I am a postgraduate and a bachelor of electrical engineering degree holder student from the National Higher Polytechnic Institute of the University of Bamenda. I plan to follow up with a two-year master’s degree after...

Media Influence on Young Adults and Their Identity

3 Pages 1463 Words
We live in a society where people, especially young adults, are constantly striving to be original. Many go so far as to denounce the original, classifying it as ‘mainstream’, while those perpetrating unoriginal acts are deemed as ‘posers’. Whether we like to admit it or not, we live in a society where almost every aspect of our lives is somehow...

Is the Mind Reducible to the Brain?

2 Pages 829 Words
In this essay, I would like to present my views on the mind-body problem, taking the stance that mind is reducible to the brain, this is, the physicalist theory. The physicalist theory says that the mind is reducible to physical matter and gives the argument that all mental states are physical states, and hence mind is reducible to brain. Though...

Influence of Multicultural Environment on an Individual

1 Page 656 Words
The multicultural environment is maintained by a group of individuals from different nationalities, languages, religions and ethnicity in same place. At present days people engaged in a multicultural environment due to the reason for their work, migration and study activities. The number of individuals including in multi-culture expanding day by day. It found that in 2001/2002 the quantity of international...

In What Ways Can Social Media Affect an Individual?

2 Pages 1030 Words
In our situation now, many of us rely on social media pages and websites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and many more to connect with our family and friends and also to find something that we can do while staying at home. Many people are looking for the companionship of others online, looking for someone to support them, and finding platforms...

Humanistic and Psychodynamic Approaches in Understanding Psychological Distress

4 Pages 1716 Words
Psychological distress is a feeling or emotion which arises when external events or circumstances exert demands on an individual, who is unable to manage and is overwhelmed. Unpleasant thoughts and feelings influence a person's level of functioning, which can lead to unfavorable opinions on his or her surroundings and daily activities. Unhappiness, anxiety, being distract, etc., are symptoms of psychological...

Human's Uniqueness in the Understanding of the Theory of Mind

5 Pages 2064 Words
Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states which includes goals, beliefs, intentions and desires to oneself and to others. This essay is looking at theory of mind of adults and social cognition of infant and children. The presumption of humans’ uniqueness in understanding theory of mind is largely true and will be discussed in this essay through...

How Well Do Theory of Mind and Executive Function Theory Explain Key Deficits in Autism?

8 Pages 3659 Words
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive and restricted patterns of behavior and interests (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It has been argued that cognitive deficits may underlie the disorder. Thus, two cognitive theories have been proposed to explain key deficits in autism: theory of mind hypothesis and executive function...

Examining the Effects of Interference and Distraction on Immediate and Delayed Recall of Meaningful Words

5 Pages 2032 Words
The short-term memory is the very first system we encounter when we decide to recall information at the conscious level. The system register also gets information for a brief moment at an unconcious level. But before information can be transferred to the long-term memory, it needs to undergo rehearsal. Rehearsal maintains the validity of a code of information in the...

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