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The Spread of HIV/AIDS In Kenya

4 Pages 1749 Words
Introduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a global disaster for people all over the world. According to a report by UNAIDS, as of 2018, the Eastern and Southern Africa region remains the most affected by the HIV epidemic, accounting for 45% of the world’s HIV infections, and makes up 53% of people living with HIV globally. (UNAIDS, 2018) In Kenya,...

Malnutrition As A Global Problem

2 Pages 792 Words
Malnutrition is a significant public health issue facing the world today. It is seen in every country. Worldwide, nearly 2 billion people are overweight and nearly half a million are underweight (WHO, 2016). Generally defined as “deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in energy intake or nutrients” (WHO, 2016). If malnutrition occurs during pregnancy or pre-two years of age – negative physical...

The Rates of Obesity in the United States

2 Pages 973 Words
Recently in our world, the childhood obesity rate has sky rocketed and is becoming a problem. Nationally, obesity rates of children under the age of fifteen and under is averaged to 20.6% which may not be a high number but in reality, it is. In 1980, obesity rates were at a low of 5% and since then has quadrupled. The...

Fecal Transplant May Be The Ultimate Cure For Acute Malnutrition

1 Page 422 Words
In 2017, I was privileged to study, for a short period, in Kyungpook National University. Three other students and I, were given a task of reviewing latest studies, which showed the relationship between malnutrition and gut microbiome, and to think of an appropriate solution to malnutrition based on gut microbiota. This is what I will briefly share with you. Under-nutrition...

Gamification In Diabetes

4 Pages 2054 Words
Introduction Reports indicate that 30.3 million people are diabetic worldwide as of 2017 and it is estimated that 23.1 million are in early stages of diagnosis. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) report, about 28.8% of the world population suffer hidden diabetes (1). The prevalence of diabetes is estimated as 6% in the Iranian population, and it...

The Factors Of Osteoporosis Diseases In Women

1 Page 645 Words
Ailing health in our nation is the national issue. Money related limitations, nourishment deficiencies, absence of sustenance learning and superstition are the primary reasons. Moms and kids are the basic and toxic casualties of lack of healthy sustenance. The individual's most loved is his life. So everybody's heart wants to endure. An existence without sustenance can not be envisioned. So...

The Obesity and Overweight Epidemic

2 Pages 997 Words
Introduction Numerous of studies prove that obesity becomes a worldwide epidemic. Popkin and Doak (1998) state that, in the last quarter of the 20th century, obesity emerged as a worldwide phenomenon in the developed and non-developed countries. It has been observed a huge increase in obesity proportion in many populations around the world regardless the differences in income, poverty, and...

Prevalence of Obesity Diet Environment and Genetics

5 Pages 2463 Words
Eyeing to ground the research on academically acknowledged accounts, the researchers reviewed related and relevant literature and studies in the field of inquiry. The current chapter is pronged into two headings. The first section reviews the literature on weight management framework and highlights the behavior modification in pursuit of obese-reduction. This heading also delves into the exploration of eating habits,...

Global Burden Of Diabetes

3 Pages 1505 Words
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the most common reasons for death worldwide according to world health organization statistic the deaths related to (NCDs) is equal to or more than the total number of deaths that related to other reasons, and NCD responsible for forty-one million deaths out of fifty-seven million deaths occurred worldwide, that means NCD accounts for almost 23 of...

China: The Efficient Approach To Malnutrition In The Countryside

4 Pages 1983 Words
When you take a trip to China, you mainly take a trip to the bigger cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou, very popular tourist areas. However, rarely any outsiders visit the countryside, an area so scenic, yet suffering. In the countryside, hundreds of people are starving or eat imbalanced diets. The reasons include less money, overpopulation, and sometimes bad...

The Correlation Of Diabetes And Periodontal Diseases

5 Pages 2141 Words
Introduction Periodontitis, which is a common chronic disease of the tooth-supporting structures, is caused by bacterial deposits accumulating on the surface of the tooth [Moghadam>>>1,2], leading to local oral inflammation. Local oral inflammatory process may induce systemic inflammation which could also aggravate systemic diseases including cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus [Moghadam>>>3]. Diabetes mellitus (DM), a metabolic...

The HIV/AIDS Pandemic in the World

5 Pages 2467 Words
Introduction Many communicable diseases have been evolving around the world resulting in millions of deaths and no cure. Communicable diseases are infectious diseases that can spread easily through direct contact such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is an infection that causes AIDS and can weaken the immune system. It has become a global and public health concern causing approximately...

An Analysis Of Malnutrition In Africa

6 Pages 2948 Words
Abstract This paper examines the relationship between climate change and malnutrition in Africa, specifically through the scope of rice production. Although Africa depends heavily on rice for sustenance to feed its growing population, this paper explores alternative options to rice due to rice’s nutrient depletion over time. The paper first delves into the history of rice in Africa and compares...

The Role of Biology in Obesity

1 Page 472 Words
It’s all too common to see someone and make a snap judgement about them. We are all guilty of forming preconceived notions about others, whether they’re regarding race, gender, clothing, or any other superficial feature. Disappointingly enough, one’s weight falls under the umbrella of prejudice. The stigma surrounding obesity is in part due to the stereotype that obese people are...

Impact of Obesity of Health Care Costs

5 Pages 2248 Words
About thirty-three years ago obesity was recognized as the most nutritional disease in all prosperous countries. Studies have shown that approximately two out of three Americans are either overweight or obese. Obesity has become an epidemic and the Federal Government states parents, schools, advertisers and genetics have produced this epidemic. Obesity is known to be cause by excessive amount of...

Infectious Disease: Biological And Drug Defences

4 Pages 2019 Words
Microorganisms are small living organisms that you are unable to see without a microscope. They live inside of the host (endoparasites). There are five main types of microorganism’s; bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and parasites. Microorganisms are also known as pathogens and are around us daily, in every environment. There are different shapes and sizes and can survive in various habitats....

The Obesity in Teenagers of Ecuador and England

1 Page 399 Words
Obesity is currently a problem that causes serious health problems, especially in adolescents because it is a nutritional disorder presented by some factors such as psychological syndromes, anxiety, depression and the quality of life that each person has. In England, many young people are obese, especially adolescents who seriously compromise their health with diseases such as two different types of...

The Aspects Of Malnutrition In India

1 Page 478 Words
The people in India do not have the money or funds needed to buy food for themselves and their family, causing the worldwide issue of malnutrition. In particular, TLQ “It is estimated 23.6% of Indian population, or about 276 million people, lived below $1.25 per day on purchasing power parity”(action). About a quarter of the population currently living in India...

Cause of Obesity, Health, Implications and Treatment

3 Pages 1186 Words
Abstract Obesity is a medical condition in wich the body fat is accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. To calculate if a person is obese or not we use the formula of body mass index (BMI), in wich weight (in kilogram) is divided by height (in meter) squared. If the BMI of a...

Prevalence of Obesity: Genetics, Diet, or Environment

2 Pages 901 Words
Good health is the key to carrying out one’s functions in the society. Hindered with this vital property of life, maximizing one’s potential growth and questing for one’s personal objective would be a difficult endeavor (Importance of Good Health, 2017). May the aspect be on occupational success, socio-emotional space, or personality building, health touches the over-all well-being of a person....

Dance Movement Therapy And Parkinson’s Disease

1 Page 657 Words
More than one million people in this country are living with Parkinson’s disease (Parkinson’s Disease Foundation), and by 2030, the number of people living with PD is expected to double (Dorsey ER, Constantinescu R, Thompson JP, et al 2007), its symptoms including bradykinesia, rigidity, tremors, freezing, problems in gait and impaired balance and coordination. Coupled with this are also several...

The Peculiarities Of Alzheimer’s Disease

5 Pages 2437 Words
Abstract Alzheimer’s is a progressive degenerative disease that ultimately leads to death due to the degeneration and plaque build up within the brain. Memory is an important aspect of daily life and for performing every day activities and when that is hindered it could be detrimental to the individual and how they are able to function throughout their life. Alzheimer’s...

Segregation and Stigma of HiIV Positive Prisoners

3 Pages 1478 Words
Human immune-deficiency virus HIV (human immuno-deficiency virus) is a virus which damages a person’s immune system and weakens the ability of a person’s body to be able to fight infections (Haas, 1993). Segregation of HIV positive prisoners was a common practice during the first discovery of the disease, due to added pressure on prison officials to reduce the growing spread...

Introduction To Alzheimer’s Disease And It’s Prevalence

2 Pages 1088 Words
A German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer first observed some strange behavioral symptoms, including short-term memory loss in his patient Auguste Deter. Upon her death, he carefully studied her brain and found some anomalies, of what later became known pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common form of dementia that is associated with progressive decline in memory, cognition...

Child and Adolescent Obesity in the USA

3 Pages 1249 Words
In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970’s. There are many reasons for this increase, but the most impactful causes are usage of modern technology, unhealthy eating patterns, and lack of exercise. Although there are many ways young children can prevent obesity, they still continue with unhealthy habits....

The Sociology of Obesity

4 Pages 1938 Words
Obesity as defined by WHO (2018) is having ‘’abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health ‘’. Most commonly measured using Body Mass Index (BMI) -which is based on height and weight-a score of 30 or more is considered obese. It can lead to several serious and potentially life-threatening conditions such as: type 2 diabetes, heart disease,...

To What Extent Does Political Corruption Impact Malnutrition In Children?

6 Pages 2775 Words
Abstract Political corruption influences various state welfare sectors, thereby impacting various socio-economic and public health areas, which affect millions of people around the globe. One of these focus areas is malnutrition among children, which this research design proposal investigates the relationship into. With support of existing literature in related fields and publicly available data, this work aims to answer the...

An Anthropological Look at the Socio-cultural Factors Influencing HIV/AIDS

3 Pages 1187 Words
HIV/AIDS is a precedent setting epidemic faced by humanity. This epidemic is dually medical and social in nature. Medically, it is a serious, fatal disease with numbers far greater than the norm. Socially, it is an event that disrupts the life of communities. The epidemic of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized in the United States in 1981...

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