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Effect Of Temperature On Aerobic Respiration Rate Of Zophobas Morio Larvae And Germinated Pea Seeds

ABSTRACT This experiment examined how much O2 was consumed by germinated pea seeds and Zophobus morio Larvae under different temperature conditions. Four different temperature conditions were tested. Those temperature conditions were at 10 degrees Celsius, 20 degrees Celsius, 30 degrees Celsius, and 40 degrees Celsius. An oxygen sensor and a data logger were used to measure this consumption. The germinated pea seeds and Zophobus morio Larvae were put into test tubes. The test tubes were inserted into water baths at...
4 Pages 1970 Words

Anti-semitic Beliefs And Judaism

Theological anti-semitism is a dislike or intolerence of Jewish people based on their religious thought and beliefs. That is today's definition of anti-Sematism. If you look at the Ancient Origins power point it gives a list of semetic speaking languages. Anti-Sematism actually means a dislike of the semetic speaking languages, including: Arabic, Maltese, and Hebrew (Morisson-Santana, 14). When the word was first created it meant disliking people that speak semetic languages but the connotations it gives today is a dislike...
3 Pages 1516 Words

What Makes A Language A World Language?

Introduction A world language can be defined as a language that is spoken around the world and learnt by many people as a second language (Baker & Jones, 1998). However, what exactly makes a world language, a world language? There are five common assumptions typically associated with world languages and in this essay, they will be discussed and evaluated along with other relevant factors. Assumptions of world languages The five assumptions are: 1. World powers make world languages The concept...
6 Pages 2650 Words

Integration MOOC On Creativity And Entrepreneurship Into Tertiary Foreign Language Teaching

ABSTRACT The formation of creativity of future entrepreneurs still remains one of the important issues of modern training at university. Future graduates should be able to think, analyze and be imaginative in finding solutions in situations that follow the procedures of professional training and personal development. It is extracurricular activities in a foreign language that enable us to engage a student in active, imaginative, research and cognitive activity and provide the building of a professional foreign language competence of future...
5 Pages 2434 Words

The Factors Of The Fear To Fail Among Students

“Regardless of age, ethnicity, academic background, educational goals, or the path to college, students reveal tremendous anxiety about their educational trajectories and ability to succeed in college” (Cox 20). Change in life can be scary, but it is something that everyone must face at a certain point. The transition from high school to college is a drastic change that brings forth more challenges but also more opportunities as well. Author Rebecca D. Cox highlights these points in her book titled...
4 Pages 1794 Words

DNA: The Silver Bullet For Crime Scene Investigation?

Many believe that DNA is the silver bullet in a crime scene investigation, to which I strongly disagree. Quoting Chris Alpen, ‘DNA can never replace a thoughtful, creative detective with the right resources’, and that ‘technology is ultimately a system run by humans where mistakes can and will be made, regardless of how advanced it is.’ DNA is powerful in its ability to identify a person; ¬its discovery can determine the innocence or guilt of a suspect. Trace amounts of...
1 Page 501 Words

Big Mouth And Judaism

“Big mouth” is an adult animation sitcom which is about the Jewish teenager daily life story in Westchester county, New York. The drawing style was very similar with “The Simpsons.” It was not my personal taste but number of my friends told me that the “Big Mouth” has similar laughing code and it was quite fun to watch. It looked like the author is trying to make fun some of the factors to reduce antisemitism. Anyway, the show does include...
3 Pages 1550 Words

Should Student Athletes Be Paid?

While college football and basketball make billions of dollars every year, none of it goes to the people who generate this money – the players. Added on to their regular schoolwork, hard enough for many students, players must dedicate their life to the sport. This raises one of the most discussed question in college sports – should student athletes be paid? There are two sides to this argument, both with different points. Zion Williamson, one victim to the NCAA’s robbery...
2 Pages 821 Words

The Development Of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the amount of worth people assign to themselves. It has been a topic of interest for many generations. This is because self-esteem affects the day-to-day lives of everyone. Given its importance to society, it is one of the many things worth investing time and effort into investigating. This article discusses new information learned from recent studies on the development of self-esteem. In order to establish a valid study, controls have to be set up. These researchers made sure...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Personal Goals From Teacher And Students' Points Of View

From a teacher’s perspective, one of the single and probably most fundamental goals is to so equip students with an arsenal of skill to develop strategic methodologies to solve problems, to irritate the thought process through discussion relating to teaching and learning as well as to uphold and encourage teaching that will alleviate hurdles to the learning process and hope to contribute to shaping student to become productive members of a developing and changing society. Nonetheless, from the student point...
1 Page 418 Words

Effects Of Loneliness On Humans

At the beginning of the book Frankenstein, there was some foreshowing on how Victor dislikes ugly people. When Victor decided to create a monster out of dead human and animal parts he didn’t think about how hideous it would be. When he created the monster it was so ugly that he abandoned the monster which made the monster very lonely. The monster became evil after he was abandoned. Dementia and depression are linked to loneliness. Being lonely can get worse...
1 Page 633 Words

Purification Of Plasmid pBR322 DNA From E. Coli Cells

Abstract An important method used in biology is plasmid purification. What makes this method so important is because a purified plasmid sample is essential for many experiments, including important techniques like DNA sequencing. Purified E.coli plasmid pBR322 using gel electrophoresis and a calibration curve were used in this experiment to quantify the size of the purified plasmid. Examples were examined using gel electrophoresis and were measured to the known size of pBR322, this helped determined if the plasmid was the...
2 Pages 797 Words

Coaching Psychology And Its Tasks

Coaching Psychology Is a type of service that people can access and get professional help for if they feel that they may need the help to have a happier and healthier lifestyle. Coaching Psychology focuses on the positive aspects of ones life, and is based on ones positive and strengths and looks at ways that you can utilise these strengths to make an individuals feel more content about life, achieve goals and become more prosperous. Within Coaching Psychology there are...
2 Pages 959 Words

STEM Education Vs. STEAM Education

The arts, whether it is music, drama or fine art, all provide a channel for great creativity and imagination. Within STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) the focus is on improving the status quo within science and technology to increase the number of educated workers for the future. When STEM was introduced it was to tackle the apparent decline in support for science. Has STEM gone too far? Has the equilibrium become unbalanced once more? Creativity and innovation are...
3 Pages 1276 Words

Personal Experience Of Volunteering As A Teacher

The influence that a brilliant teacher can have on the life chances of children should never be underestimated. I learned this through my own personal experiences throughout secondary school, with one particular teacher investing her time in me and never doubting my capabilities - helping me achieve more than I ever thought I could. Her support undoubtedly had an impact on which path I chose to take next. I believe my passion to have a positive influence on others will...
1 Page 632 Words

The Groups And Streams In Judaism Religion

Intro Certain patterns congregated in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth during the late 17th century that led to the emergence of Hasidic Judaism. Including the spread of mysticism in Jewish belief, such as Kabbalah, and the decline of authority figures in mainstream Judaism, with noblemen having such a sway over the power of a rabbi that many mainstream Jews lost trust in their ability to act unbiased in acts of arbitration, so turning to Hasidic charismatic leaders filled the gap left from...
4 Pages 1928 Words

Personal Developmental Skill Learning Points

Personal development skills represent what is an individual’s personal maturity levels, how much of clarity the athlete has on self -identity, interpersonal competence, sense of relatedness, overall personality, well- being, discipline, dedication and determination. Personal development skills also include mutual trust in the form of empathy, tolerance, appropriate communication and unconditional acceptance of others. By developing personal development skills, athletes express their values, beliefs and response to a situation. This helps to improve one’s own understanding and concerns, improve quality...
1 Page 318 Words

The Aspects Of Plant Based Teaching

Introduction Encouraging as many students to study botany is becoming a major priority for universities across our globe. The Royal Society of Biology have highlighted the lack of plant based teaching in current tertiary education [1]. Out of a total of 130 UK universities only 22 offer any sort of plant/botany based degree as of October 2018. The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University have given report upon the fact that universities are failing to develop adequate...
3 Pages 1535 Words

Language, Literacy And Numeracy Development

There are 6 stages of language development. Firstly, the Prelinguistic stage occurs early in a child’s life when they are exploring speech and sound. They will often cry, babble and try to mimic others. Approximately, around 10-13 months is when the child reaches the holophrase or one-word sentence phase. They are not yet able to speak full sentences so they communicate by using single words to express a complex idea in order for their needs to be met. An example...
3 Pages 1545 Words

The Peculiarities Of Welsh Language

Abstract To write an abstract, finish your paper first, then type a summary that identifies the purpose, problem, methods, results, and conclusion of your work. After you get the details down, all that's left is to format it correctly. Since an abstract is only a summary of the work you've already done, it's easy to accomplish! 2.Introduction Background History Welsh language is one of the oldest languages in Europe as it approximately derived from 4000 years ago. [3] According to...
2 Pages 727 Words

The Extraction Of DNA From Buccal Cells To Obtain DNA Quantification And Purity

The reuptake of dopamine within the brain is initiated by proteins referred to as “Dopamine Transporters” (DAT) found in-between neurons. DAT act on the pre-synaptic neurons nerve endings and allows them to absorb the dopamine neurotransmitter, thus terminating the transmission of a message. The reuptake and regulation of dopamine results in a steady and level headed mental state. Dopamine as a molecule is a monoamine neurotransmitter, a term that refers to its chemical structure and the fact that it derives...
3 Pages 1463 Words

The Logistics Of Living On Mars

Introduction Since I was a child, I was always fascinated by the solar system, space, astronauts and whether or not there is another life that we have not yet encountered. In high school we had a very special guest visit us to tell me and fellow students that anything in life is possible, Buzz Aldrin, who on July 21st, 1969 took his first step on the moon along with Neil Armstrong. That to me, being in the same room as...
2 Pages 882 Words

Have Direct Measures Of DNA Variation Now Become Educationally Useful?

In the last few decades there has been an increasing interest on how genes affect children’s learning processes and development. Nowadays, researchers are trying to find out what exactly is contributing in education, what are the important outcomes any educational professional should know and how education can be improved. Biological factors are actually being measured in different studies to be able to understand how do genes come up in each individual and if there is any relation between them. We...
5 Pages 2486 Words

The Standards Of Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is one of the most important features when it comes to any type of research published or used to succeed and progress at an academic level. All the work prepared by anyone must be correctly referenced, so the ideas within the work would be correctly credited to the people who are the owners of the intellectual property. It means that research conducted by others can be still part of your work, however the right referencing techniques must be...
2 Pages 860 Words

A Discourse Analysis Of News Coverage Related To The Geographies Of Wealth And Inequality In The UK

Introduction Rural homelessness in the UK has long been an overlooked issue, unlike urban homelessness, it tends to be hidden. Since 2010 the number of people sleeping rough in largely rural areas has increased by 32% according to the Institute for Public Policy, warning its difficult to relieve or prevent rural homelessness compared to cities due to problems covering large areas, as well as lack of funding and specialist resources (Slawson, 2017). In 2015-2016, 6,270 households in England were considered...
6 Pages 2593 Words

The Integrity Among Royal Malaysian Police (RMP): An Ethical Perspective

The integrity of civil servant is always questioned by the society, so it raises public awareness of misconduct and abuse of power during delivery services, especially in the uniform department such as the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP). For that reason one case study on integrity among Royal Malaysian Police (RMP): An Ethical Perspective had been done by Haniza Hanim Mustaffa Bakri, Jamaliah Said and Zulyanti Abd Karim (2015). The objective of this study to evaluate the present level of integrity...
2 Pages 1026 Words

Plant Leaf Disease Detection And Classification Using Multiclass SVM Classifier

Abstract Plants play a significant role in human life. Plants area unit helpful for manufacturing oxygen(O2) by taking the carbon dioxide(CO2) that is free by humans by the method of chemical change. The chemical {process| chemical change| chemical action} process is principally applied by leaves. The diseases that cause plants area unit on leaves because of the microorganism, fungi, etc. The identification of the sickness in time and see for the answer is that the task to any human by...
2 Pages 941 Words

The Types Of The Cell Respiration In The Yeast

INTRODUCTTION Cellular respiration is the food molecules or organic molecules are broken down to harvest chemical energy which is them stored in the chemical bonds of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and all organism need energy to survive and continue their live .There are also occurs in three stages which are glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport. Glycolysis is breakdown of 1 glucose(6C)molecule in a series enzyme catalyzed reactions into 2 molecules of pyruvate (3C).Krebs Cycle is complete the breakdown of pyruvate...
3 Pages 1234 Words

Gamification In English Language Teaching

What is Gamification? Gamification is introducing elements of a game to a language learning activity. Game is a form of play that includes game rules, goals, competition, and an element of chance [4]. The main aim of gamification is engaging and motivating students. Basically, the outcome is developing intrinsic motivation by associating learning with fun, and thus enjoyment [3]. Game elements that engage and motivate can be points, badges, levels, leader boards, and challenges [2, p. 21]. Points give students...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Critical And Political Discourse Analysis Strategies

Introduction Language is an important means of communication. Human beings tend to express their feelings using their words and expressions which are an intermediate for the understanding between the speaker and the listener. In addition to that, the use of speech serves as a tool to communicate feelings, thoughts and ideology, especially in political and social contexts. South Africa’s Prime Minister Cyril Ramaphosa delivered a speech concerning the issue of Xenophobia, mainly tackling the discriminatory attitude of citizens towards foreigners...
4 Pages 1882 Words

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