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Vaccination And Autism Correlation

Through the past years, parental refusal of child vaccinations has steadily increased throughout the United States in pediatrics and public health. Although vaccines have been considered to be one of the greatest public health achievements, it has recently taken a fall due to rising concern with the connection to autism.1 Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complicated condition in which there is a deficiency in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, obsessive behavior, and repetitive movements that...
5 Pages 2454 Words

Childhood Vaccination Should Be Mandatory

Introduction to the Importance of Childhood Vaccination Vaccination was one of the greatest health inventions of the 20th century. Vaccines have saved millions of lives for more than 50 years. Most childhood vaccines are 90% to 99% effective in preventing disease (Vaccine Safety). The problem here is that some people are concerned about how safe vaccines are and doubt that they are effective therefore do not vaccinate their children. The main concern parents have is the false rumors that autism...
4 Pages 1691 Words

The Relation Of Skin And Pollution

The world is continuously changing at fast pace. As our body is adapting to this rapidly changing life style our skin is still under the greatest assault from pollution and toxins from the environment. It has not yet adapted to neutralize the effects of pollution on its own; a proper skin care regime has to be followed to combat the effects of pollution on skin. If you think pollution does nothing to your skin then you are completely wrong, you...
1 Page 647 Words

The Pope An Condoms And Aids

Every day, around us are policies implemented by the government that keeps us safe without us ever even noticing. We were fortunate enough to have learned that such things are normal and often are taken for granted. We bathe in clean water, eat at restaurants that have safe food thanks to health inspectors, we flush toilets and use septic systems to minimize spread of infection and for sanitary reasons. All these policies and more were created for the safety of...
1 Page 608 Words

The Importance Of Robert Kennedy’s Words On The Death Of Martin Luther King Junior

Often times, some of the most impactful moments are not planned, nor do they come in the best of tidings. This is no exception for Robert Kennedy’s words on the assassination of Martin Luther King Junior. The speech, which was largely improvised moments before it was given, was initially intended to be a routine stop for Kennedy’s presidential campaign trail. “Then, a rumor began circulating that someone had tried to assassinate Martin Luther King, Jr., but that he had survived”...
2 Pages 1199 Words

The Necessity Of Instant Blood Notification System

INTRODUCTION The last decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the field of technology. Everything is fast and instant in this modern world of smart technology. Today, there is no place for error and very much time-consuming works. Currently, we are developing a website, the website is a collection of pages on the www (World Wide Web) that contains specific information which was all provided by one person or organization. Blood notifies website provides information about the need for blood....
3 Pages 1507 Words

Possible Treatments And Prevention For Alzheimer’s Disease

Abstract Alzheimer’s Disease is relevant among most of the world’s population today. It is a disease that effects the cognitive function, memory, and language in an individual’s daily life. Now Alzheimer’s Disease has no cure, is untreatable, and the most significant cause is not really known. Also, traditional methods of diagnosing and care are not that efficient. Researchers have been driven to making a connection between the composition of the microbiota inside the gastrointestinal tract and cognitive decline. It is...
9 Pages 4264 Words

Language And Brain

Language plays big role in our mind map it is what distinguish us from other objects. as human being we should be so thankful that our god make us different language serve many function with the human experience .since it is a tool of communication there is controversial with those psychologists who agree with importance of language such as Chomsky and Piaget while other disagree from this prospective .many theories has been conducted in the last decays. Chomsky, the first...
1 Page 405 Words

Emotional Labor: Psychological Stress In The Workplace

“During my work as a police officer, I encountered many emotional demanding situations in which my colleagues and I often seemed to act unfelt emotions or suppressed emotions that would better not be displayed at that particular moment. For instance, during my first weeks of duty I wondered how police officers could stay seemingly untouched while being confronted with drunk and offensive people. One colleague once told me: “I don’t take it personally, it’s part of the job and so...
5 Pages 2069 Words

Gene Therapy And Cloning

The cloning process is taking cells from an individual and replicating genes or DNA. In the process of cloning the gene is entered in the plasmid, which is a piece of the DNA (Overview: DNA cloning, 2019). There are four steps into the cloning process (Eric J. Simon, 2016). The steps are as follow; Put the gene in the plasmid and restricting the enzymes Add plasmid into bacteria Make more protein, harvest and purify protein (protein production) Uses of DNA...
1 Page 635 Words

How Does Shyness Stem Into Social Anxiety?

Shyness refers the quality or state of being shy. It's synonyms are bashful, reserved, introversion, being timid, fearfulness, nervousness, hesitation and doubt. Having social anxiety however, refers to the intense fear of being judged or rejected within a social setting. Synonyms of anxiety are worry, concern, unease, angst, nervousness, stress, suspense, disquiet and fearfulness. So how does shyness relate and stem into social anxiety disorder? Shyness, on one hand, has many causes. It could be caused from biological differences in...
3 Pages 1534 Words

The Great Vaccination Debate

Imagine going to Disneyland with your kids to have fun and then returning home to learn your child has measles. There have been outbreaks of preventable diseases spreading throughout the United States due to citizens not receiving suggested vaccinations. When there is not enough evidence to convince parents that the vaccines actually work, the more people will continue to become sick. Americans who have not received the protection provided by vaccinations contribute to the spread of preventable diseases. As suggested...
4 Pages 1918 Words

Effects Of Body Shaming Leading To Depression Among Women

Introduction Have you been humiliated by people when they comment on your appearance? You have become so fat? Why you are so thin, parents don’t feed you? Hence, these lead to body shame. Body shame can be defined as the way in which an indivual is humiliated by their weight or body size. Body image disturbance has become so prevalent in women that it shows discontent with physical appearance on the part of women and leading to negative emotion. Body...
4 Pages 1644 Words

Abused Children And Depression

Abuse of children, unfortunately, has become a common thing that happens in society. Many children are abused. The lucky few are removed from their abusers and given therapeutic help, if available, while others’ abuse continues to go unreported; emotional abuse seems to go unreported because people tend to brush it off. People who are emotionally abused at a young age are more susceptible to depression because their emotional neglect leads to feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt that could trigger...
3 Pages 1434 Words

How Namaz Improve Immunity

Through prayers of Namaz, Muslims surrender to Allah five times in a day. Ask forgiveness for their own sinful deeds, seek forgiveness for all the sins committed in the creation of the world. Seek the help of Allah in every rakhat in every prostration, to be guided to the easy and straight path. Concentrated prayers purify the mind as well as the body, making it holy, pure, active. A Muslim prayer namaz five time, in a day. it is mainly...
1 Page 568 Words

The Interaction Between Cytoskeleton And Life Cycle Of Coronavirus

An ongoing outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 has raised global concerns in 2020 with millions of confirmed cases, which is identified as another clade within the Betacoronavirus genus, Coronaviridae family. This article will help to figure out how this kind of virus infect human body by introducing the interaction between the four stages of the life cycle of coronavirus and the cytoskeleton. The first stage: virus invasion The first stage of coronavirus infection is Spike(S) protein-mediated attachment to the cell surface via...
1 Page 594 Words

The Nutritional Considerations Of Athletes

The nutritional considerations that athletes need to be aware of in order to improve their performance are categorised into 3 sections, pre-performance, during-performance and post-performance. Pre-performance The athlete must be aware that it is important to be well-fueled and hydrated. Tennis players need to pay special attention to their pre-match meals and beverage choices as these foods and fluids may need to last for hours during tennis matches, (Nutrition and hydration tips for tennis). During competitions, glycogen reserves can be...
3 Pages 1570 Words

Arthritis And Musculoskeletal Conditions

The elderly people are one of the most vulnerable minority group towards Arthritis and Musculoskeletal conditions. To be an elderly, the individual must be 65 years or over, according to the Social Security Administration (Katie. 24th July 2017). The most common reason for arthritis in elderly people is due to stress and strain on the joints over the years. The body undergoes a lot of wear and tear as you age (Sharma. B. 12th October 2015). Arthritis is a joint...
2 Pages 774 Words

Can The CRISPR-Cas9 Enzyme Free An Individual Of Inherited Cardiovascular Disease?

Rationale The research question that was decided was formed from the claim 'Crispr can produce individuals who are free of genetic disease.' An article posted on the Morning Edition mentioned that a New York scientist conducted gene-editing experiments which, although raised some ethical concerns, could someday prevent many inherited diseases. Before the final question could be developed, numerous elements from the claim needed to be considered and broken down into key questions. Examples of these include ‘What is CRISPR?’, ‘What...
2 Pages 1136 Words

Plant-based Alternatives Vs. Meat

There has been an evident growth in the demand for plant-based alternatives in food within contemporary society, mostly due to increasing consumer concerns over the environment, health as well as animal welfare (Lang, 2020). Thus, it may appear tempting to switch to a plant-based menu in-order to capture value from this rising demand. The present paper seeks to examine the potential benefits and costs associated with each menu (meat vs. plant-based) through factors including health, social, environmental, and how they...
2 Pages 909 Words

Epidemiology Of Skin Cancer In Nambour

Epidemiology is the study of the spread and causes of health-related events such as disease, and the application of this study to the control the disease. It is a tool that public health authorities use to determine the cause of a disease and affected populations. Epidemiology can also assist in developing strategies to improve public health and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies in place to treat the disease. It is practiced through studies in which analysis data is performed allowing...
2 Pages 763 Words

Lack Of Sleep, Memory And Academic Performance

Introduction Sleep is a fundamental physiological process for human survival and health; however, its common deprivation is an increasing area of concern for many students. Studies have demonstrated the significance of sleep for daily cognitive function, as it strengthens the synaptic connections made during the day, storing information for long-term use. However, with constant academic pressures, paired with students’ social pursuits and numerous extracurricular activities, sleep deprivation of adolescents is a common issue that ultimately affects their academic performance in...
3 Pages 1487 Words

Identification Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Present In Curd By Using Plating And PCR

Introduction Production of curd by using Bacterial Probiotics Acidification of milk is one of the methods used in preservation of milk. Acidification, gives the milk a sour taste and it is achieved by bacterial fermentation or by the addition of an acid (for example: lemon juice or vinegar). The acid causes milk to coagulate and solidify fully or partially. Coagulation of milk inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and improves the dairy product's shelf life. Soured milk that is produced...
5 Pages 2314 Words

The Correlation Of Work Stress, Work-family Conflict And Burnout Of Firefighters

The main focus of this study is to see the picture of the relationships between work stress, work family conflict, and burnout and firefighter safety behavior outcomes. The most important things is, this study provides confirmation that burnout, as a stress-related process, does negatively impact safety performance in the fire service. The data was collected from 208 professional firefighters from a city fire and rescue department located in the southeastern United States. Work related stress, and particularly burnout, has been...
2 Pages 940 Words

Nutrition In Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition characterized by loss of kidney function over time. The kidneys play a vital role as an excretory organ and are crucial in managing the homeostasis of endocrine, fluid, electrolyte, mineral and acid-base balancei. The deterioration of the kidney’s ability to function makes nutritional derangement inevitable in patients with CKD. Because of this impact, the nutrition care process is an important component of treatment, which can help slow and prevent the progression of CKD....
3 Pages 1285 Words

Religion, Death And Burial During The Ramesside Period

Magic and personal piety, were fundamental concepts within religion during the Ramesside period. Source A reveals the remains of 30 shabti dolls found in Nefetari’s tomb, with spells from the Book of the Dead carved in each, which ensured the dolls participation of hard labour in place of the deceased during the afterlife. This reliance on magic was largely a by-product of their religious beliefs. However, Shabti Dolls were restricted only to the wealthy and those of lower classes were...
1 Page 616 Words

Life In The Shadow And Cloning

Over the last few years, the science of reproductive cloning has sparked ethical debates. Though most fears associated with reproductive cloning are valid and significant, there are certain misconceptions that have led to unnecessary fear and trepidation. The most significant arguments against reproductive cloning are that it is wrong to make a copy of someone as it affects the uniqueness of the clone, violates the autonomy of the cloned individual, it is unnatural, affects human dignity, causes identity and psychological...
4 Pages 1780 Words

Alzheimer’s Disease And Gene Therapy

The clinical symptomatology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is considered to be the result of an extensive destruction or disorganization of the cerebral cortex, as the patient’s cognitive functions become impaired. Late onset Alzheimer’s disease affects 5-10% of people over the age of 65 years old and while the case for this disease has not yet been fully understood, it is believed that a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors affects the risk for developing the disease. Researchers have not...
3 Pages 1400 Words

The Removal Of Copper By Coffee

ABSTRACT Water is the most essential piece of the puzzle on how the human body functions and is constantly being used to maintain cell, tissue and organ functions (Laskey and Sinha, 2019). Humans loose water through breathing, digesting and sweating so it is important to remain hydrated. However, water is constantly being recycled so any contamination can be hard to remove which can disrupt the cycle and can have harmful side effects such as acid rain or a person’s health...
3 Pages 1240 Words

Biotechnology: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reproductive Cloning

Introduction Biotechnology involves the use of living organisms. It is mainly used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. It is used all around the world, but mainly by the rich countries, like the United States, Spain, France and more. In medicine, biotechnology has many functions. From DNA sequencing, to healthcare biotechnology, to cell replacements. The main focus of this report is cloning. Cloning is the act of duplicating an organism through the use of biotechnology. Cloned subjects are known as...
4 Pages 1763 Words

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