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Essay on My Dream Destination - Disneyland

2 Pages 1137 Words
I could name a million presents that have been unfathomably significant to me: an electronic gadget given by my parents, a book given by my best friends, or even a couple of Nike sneakers from my great cousin. However, the present that has had the most significant meaning to me and in my cherished memory was my trip to Disneyland...

Essay About the Multi-Objective Transportation Problem and Approaches for Its Solution

6 Pages 2584 Words
Transportation is important in the sense that it allows people to take part in human activities. The classical transportation problem can be described in a special case of linear programming problem and its models are applied to determine an optimal solution of the transportation problem required for deterministic of how many units of commodity to be shipped from each origin...

Contemporary Issues at the Three Levels of Leadership in the United States Army

4 Pages 1729 Words
The Army is the largest or the United States Armed Forces (Reynolds & Shendruk, 2018). Like other military branches it exists for the purposes of defense and to serve the national interest. Like any organization, such as a corporation, it has a stratification of leadership with higher positions holding higher responsibilities over larger portions of the institution. This holds more...

Essay on Why I Want to Live and Work in Japan

1 Page 567 Words
Living and working in Japan is an exciting, valuable opportunity for my personal and professional growth. There are several reasons why people desire living and working in another country but I have chosen three main goals for myself. First, I want to help the children develop a love for learning and give back to the community. I believe that the...

Example Essay Letter to the President

1 Page 431 Words
Dear Mr. President, I believe that the civic and political participation is way more than important to the United States government and even the society we live in. Therefore, the country can function or stay function properly. I think if most of the people stop ignoring the civics and participate as human beens and not make poor choice. I think...

The Effects of the Internet on Education on the Example of Personal Experience

3 Pages 1182 Words
I strongly believe that the Internet is very important for modern education. A number of positive effects that it gives create a favorable environment for high-quality, comprehensive and comfortable education of the modern generation. I am going to base my position in this essay on the example of personal experience and how the Internet has influenced me personally as a...

My First Trip to San Juan: An Essay

1 Page 505 Words
Every year, my family takes a trip to Puerto Rico to visit family and friends. In 2017, Hurricane Maria came to the Island and devastated Puerto Rico, ‘La Isla del Encanto’. The next time we visited our home in Las Marias was in the summer of 2018. We were able to see our family and bring some things that were...

Essay About My School Trip to Portland

1 Page 448 Words
For my third block English class, we voted to go to Portland Oregon merely a two-hour flight away. Arriving at the airport I knew this would be a trip I would remember for a good while and I was thrilled to be there. Although I did not go to these places myself a lot of my other classmates went to...

Why I Want to Attend Texas State Girls: An Essay

2 Pages 759 Words
I first heard about Girls State through my cousin who attended California Boys State, but I did not really learn about it until a good friend, who actually attended Texas Girls State last year, talked about the amazing experience she had in the 7 days she spent in Seguin. What intrigues me most is the opportunity to have a hands-on...

An Essay About a Trip to Paris

2 Pages 721 Words
My first trip to Paris was a remarkable experience, which I will never forget. My parents drove from Vitoria to Paris at the cold Christmas weather. We stayed until the New Year in a hotel located in a suburb of Paris and visited the city every day. It was a great feeling to arrive in Paris and see the city...

Why Do I Want to Study Cyber Security Engineering at TalTech Information Technology College? Essay

1 Page 625 Words
I humbly wish to further my educational career on the field of Cyber Security Engineering with TalTech Information Technology College. I sat down to look at our world from the past, present and visualize the future of information technology, how advance it has grown over the years. Everything in our day-to-day activities is computerize through the help of information technology,...

Essay on What Liberty Means to Me

2 Pages 732 Words
Throughout history, a plethora of battles have been fought in hopes of gaining one thing, - liberty. Whether it was the French Revolution or America's Civil War, the goal of the oppressed was to gain freedom. These individuals sacrificed their time, money, and lives for a cause that they truly believed in. Even though these individuals were all working towards...

My Unforgettable Trip: An Essay

1 Page 620 Words
It was just one of the ordinary days I was sitting on the gentle sofa drinking my cup of freshly brewed americano while preparing for the last exam. It seemed that nothing could disrupt me at this moment as I was too concentrated but suddenly rang out a call with a title: ‘Darling is calling’. I was sure that he...

My Trip to Mexico: An Essay

3 Pages 1575 Words
It was the winter of 2013 and it was the last day of school before Christmas break, the weather was cold and grey as usual this time of year. I was excited for Christmas break but mostly nervous because my dad and I planned a trip to Mexico for the next two weeks. I had never been to Mexico or...

My Trip to the China’s Border: An Essay

5 Pages 2089 Words
In this essay I’m going to talk about my trip to the China’s border about five years ago with my friends. So, we departed from Lahore at midnight and reached Islamabad next morning. In Islamabad we enjoyed a delighted breakfast then we departed towards Abbotabad via Muree and Nathia Gali, we enjoyed the most famous dish of NathiaGali that is...

Motivations and Consequences of Fear in North Korea

2 Pages 1077 Words
North Koreans, from childhood, are indoctrinated to idolize their leaders and to never doubt the system in which they live. This manipulation and brainwashing stems from insecurity and fear residing in the souls of North Korea’s dictators, making them believe that complete control is a necessity for their rule. They believe that for the government to maintain control, it must...

Did Shi Huangdi Improve China?

2 Pages 906 Words
As the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi was determined that his absolute rule would create lasting changes in China. He has been praised for several accomplishments, such as unifying China for the first time, developing a network of roads and canals to improve trade, and standardizing measurement, language, and writing so that China’s different languages could be understood...

Cherishing the Children of Ireland

3 Pages 1331 Words
The 1916 Proclamation was read by Padraig Pearse on the steps of the GPO Easter Monday. It included this aspiration that all children of Ireland would be cherished equally. The UN convention sanctioned by Ireland on the 28th of September 1992, “committed to promote, protect and fulfil rights of children”. Despite these aspirations and commitments, the economic, civil, political and...

Disneyland Is the Most Magical Place on Earth

2 Pages 1035 Words
People from all parts of the world travel to Orlando, Florida to witness and experience the magical land of Walt Disney World; a place where dreams come true. Every child dreams of having a life full of adventures and making their imagination turn into reality, and the four Disney theme parks allow those kids to do so. At Disney, people...

An Essay About a Trip to a Museum

2 Pages 706 Words
Last week I had an opportunity to visit a famous art museum in Iowa. It was the Figge Art Museum in downtown Davenport. I’m not a fan of art but visiting a museum has always been an enjoyable experience for me. I wasn’t surprised to see all kinds of people speaking different language from different backgrounds and some from foreign...

Liberty and Freedom in My Life

2 Pages 750 Words
Freedom is the right and privilege to do what you want and aspire what you want. Freedom can shape people in a positive or negative way. Liberty is the condition of being free inside from restrictions by authority on one's views of position and behavior. Freedom has to do with certain situations in which you have to deal with. As...

Sleep Deprivation Among Nurses in Florida and How to Prevent It

3 Pages 1207 Words
Sleep is an essential physiological need. It is a natural process that helps in human well-being, and it facilitates better physical, mental, and overall health (Filip, Tidman, Saheba, Bennett, Wick, Rouse, & Radfar, 2017). Unfortunately, many Americans do not realize that they are sleep deprived, often feeling tired, sluggish, irritable, and drowsy throughout the day (Filip et al., 2017). Sleep...

Essay on My Unforgettable Road Trip with My Family

2 Pages 767 Words
We can all agree that it’s nice to have a little break from our daily routines. I still remember the road trip my family and I took to Lake of the Ozarks and Rogers, Arkansas. It was a two-day vacation we took in 2017. Some days earlier, my dad got back from work with some exciting news! “Pack your bags...

Small Town Vs Big City: An Essay

1 Page 651 Words
It was my sophomore year that I went from being a small-town girl to a big city girl. My family and I left my home of Eagle Pass, Texas and moved to Orlando, Florida. During the ten months of living there, I was very excited to have a fresh start in a bigger city. But I did not realize how...

The Impact of Geography on China

1 Page 406 Words
The Silk Road is the identify given to a collection of alternate routes formally mounted all through the Han Dynasty round 200 BC that connected historical civilizations across Asia, North Africa and Europe. These routes aided in establishing early world commerce, as well as the dissemination of culture, know-how and technology. Prior to the formation of these routes, the diverse...

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