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The Significance of German Imperial Ambition in the Origins of the First World War

6 Pages 2600 Words
The First World War lasted from July 1914 to November 1918, a war that some historians argue was the fault of Germany’s Imperial ambitions. Others disagree presenting it as the inevitable fault of strained international relations, some arguing that the countries “slipped” into the war. This essay will attempt to evaluate the extent and significance of Germany’s aggressive policies and...

The Physical and Psychological Impact of Misogyny in The Handmaid’s Tale

1 Page 675 Words
Organizations like MeToo and TimesUp have recently become important movements that shed light on sexism and misogyny. In October 2017, the hashtag #MeToo stood out in the news universally, inspiring women from around the world to openly share their experiences with sexual harassment or assault. The movement gained momentum after sexual assault charges were alleged against movie producer Harvey Weinstein....

The Nepal Earthquake Overview

1 Page 527 Words
The Nepal earthquake happened in 2015 on the 25th of April. It destroyed many homes, health facilities and took about 9000 lives away. The intensity of the earthquake had a maximum Mercalli Intensity of VIII (Severe) and magnitude of 7.8. How it Happened Since Nepal is in between two large tectonic plates, it is particularly prone to earthquakes. The Nepal...

The Main Impact of The Vietnam War

1 Page 646 Words
The Vietnam war which ran from 1955 to 1975, had a huge and devastating impact on both the north Vietnamese people and the South Vietnamese people. Vietnamese civilians endured the tragedies inflicted on them by a war not of their making. It is estimated that approximately 2 million civilians were killed or wounded during the conflict. Much of the death...

The Life and Influence of Julius Caesar

2 Pages 850 Words
Introduction Gaius Julius Caesar, one of Rome’s iconic leaders, was born in 100 B.C. in Rome, Italy. He was an army general, a politician, a governor, and an administrator. Unlike other influential and wealthy Roman politicians, Caesar was raised by a humble family. Wealth and a class type of family was a critical source of power in Rome of that...

The Importantce of Establishing Awareness of Earthquakes and the EWS as a Precaution

2 Pages 782 Words
An earthquake is the sudden vibration of the ground caused by movements of the Earth’s crust. These disasters originate from a focus point commonly located underground in a fault zone. A fault is the fracture found inside a tectonic plate where pressure builds up and exceeds causing a release of energy (Seismic Waves) that cause the tremble of an earthquake....

Sports Management Internship: Lessons Learnt

4 Pages 1926 Words
Sports facility management is a concept in sports designed to help keep leagues, tournaments, sports complexes, and all other activities orderly and running most efficiently (American Association for Health Education). Sport facility management is not just an issue of making sure that the leisure center is organized. It also involves providing better services and ensuring all stakeholders, especially the customers...

Solar Energy and Its Impact on Health

2 Pages 935 Words
I have chosen this topic because in the world there are too many people whose living conditions that are not the right ones for a human and in a world so globalized like ours, we should not looking the other way and from developed countries like ours we have to help these people for as a minimum they have a...

Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

1 Page 553 Words
Solar energy is one of the most beneficial sustainable forms of energy that human beings can use for a variety of purposes. It is a thoroughly renewable form of energy and can be used by the entire human race till the end of time. There are several different uses of solar energy in our day to day life, such as...

Social World of Coffee Analysis

5 Pages 2088 Words
This book is about the life of the people socially connected through coffee. Paige West, the author of the book has tried to provide an account that roams around the globe, from a small village of eastern highland of Papua new guinea(PNG) to western Europe and the USA. As the title of the book suggests the Social world of coffee,...

Should Advertising to Children be Banned? Essay

3 Pages 1407 Words
There are frequent debates over whether advertising to children should be banned. The main question asked is “Is marketing to children a harmful or useful tool for teaching them?”. In some cases advertising is already restricted on certain products such as tobacco and betting, mainly to protect the health of consumers or potential consumers but also to prevent items which...

Responsibility Not to Cause Environmental Damage

3 Pages 1528 Words
The second element of principle 21principle 2 reflects the opinion that countries are subject to environmental restrictions when exercising their rights under the principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources42. As stated in Principle 21Principle 2, the responsibility of not harming the environment of other countries or areas beyond the jurisdiction of the country has been accepted as an obligation...

Reasons Why Men Avoid Online Dating

2 Pages 817 Words
There are two main reasons why men avoid online dating. First, is because of their lack of patience, and second is the stigma that it’ll bring them. Simply put, they are afraid of what others will think of them when it gets out that they’ve been relying on online dating to find a girlfriend or lover. Success in online dating...

Pros and Cons of Birth Control

2 Pages 704 Words
Today I am taking on the pros and cons of Birth Control. I chose to talk about this because as we all know that babies are a gift embraced by God and women; however, no body wants to have a baby by chance. It’s important to have an option avoiding that birth control method can secure pregnancy till the right...

Problems of Water Pollution Essay

1 Page 400 Words
Do you want our sea creatures and our plants to die? Water pollution has been a massive problem for centuries. It occurs when damaging substances such as chemicals enter and contaminate bodies of water, causing water to become toxic to the environment and us humans. I strongly believe that water pollution should be stopped because it kills our sea creatures,...

Persuasive Speech on Solar Energy

3 Pages 2520 Words
Essay Example #1 Most of us know a thing or two about solar energy, its great power and the wonderful benefits that it provides. We also know that it’s free and sustainable. The discovery that the sun is another renewable source that we can utilize to generate our own electricity without leaving any carbon footprint into the atmosphere is such...

Persuasive Essay on Solar Energy

6 Pages 2791 Words
This paper talks about Sb2S3, which is binary semiconducting compound being used as light harvesting material for solar cell applications these days. It has high light absorption coefficient, excellent air and moisture stability. Sb2S3 can serve as sole light absorption material or top cell light absorption material in solar cells coupling with low band gap solar cells for obtaining more...

Online or Offline: A Shift of Attitude Towards Dating

3 Pages 1297 Words
In recent years, the Internet has become an important part of people’s daily lives, and therefore the element of dating and romance online is no longer a surprise to people. For as long as humans have recognized the urge to form romantic relationships, they have also recognized that finding an appropriate partner can be challenging, and that sometimes it is...

My Biggest Pet Peeve

1 Page 638 Words
In January 2017, my family and I were going to India for two weeks. We were excited to go to India as it had been more than a year since our last visit. As soon as we boarded the plane, I rushed to my seat, which was a window seat. In front of me, in the window seat, was a...

Makeup Revolution - How Beauty Influencers Started a New Revolution

2 Pages 1072 Words
Skincare, magnificence, and cosmetics are an industry that's values millions of dollars and expected to grow even further in the future also. And, it truly is a sector which has become the chosen profession path to countless persons internationally, no one besides beauty bloggers. They are waiting for preserving their followers up-to-date using the hottest developments, elegance influencers scout the...

Julius Caesar and Czar Nicholas II of Russia: Comparison

2 Pages 935 Words
Leaders whose names become remembered long after their death often had a great direct or indirect effect on the course of history. On first glance, Julius Caesar and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia are only superficially similar. However, at a closer examination, it is possible to see some important similarities and differences. This paper will provide background information on each...

Internship Report Done at the United Nations

7 Pages 3035 Words
Introduction Graduate employment opportunities are becoming rare by the day. With the global economic crisis that recently hit almost all sectors globally, the situation is worsening with some firms retrenching their staff. This is because it is not economically viable to maintain them when the firm is making losses. The few opportunities that are coming up as some of the...

Informative Speech on Online Dating

1 Page 469 Words
Online dating is getting more and more popular every single year. I remember ten years ago when hardly any people were using dating sites or applications. With the exploding popularity of online dating websites brings lots of people that are looking to take advantage of others.Let’s see what these specific dangers are and how vulnerable we are to them.What are...

Influences on Nutrient Intake and Food Choices

1 Page 602 Words
Our eating patterns are influenced by numerous contributing factors like our cultural backgrounds and our daily lifestyles. Identifying and understanding the determinants that affect our food choices can impact our diets and our food patterns drastically. There is a variety of components that affect our daily intake of nutrients such as biological, economic, physical, social, psychological, and our attitudes have...

How Does Solar Energy Work? Essay

4 Pages 1985 Words
It's generated when the sunlight hits solar panels, which then transform sunlight in electricity suitable for our homes. This process of transformation is the way in which this energy is produced. We will analyze in depth how does solar energy works and how a domestic solar system harnesses the sun's energy. The process of creating electricity from sunlight begins with...

How a Lack of Access to Healthy Food May Destroy Your Mind just as Your Body?

2 Pages 787 Words
It is generally realized that an absence of access to crisp, sound nourishments can add to horrible eating routines and larger amounts of eating regimen related infections. On account of cerebrum wellbeing, we realize that everybody who has a mind is in danger of building up Alzheimer's infection, with the most serious hazard elements being maturing and hereditary qualities. Be...

Fiza Khan As the Best Makeup Artists in Jaipur

1 Page 404 Words
Most of the women these days apply makeup, whether on a daily basis or occasionally. One of the basic products is to apply a light shade of foundation in combination with sunscreen to get the charming look while protecting your face from harmful rays of sun. A bit of mascara and blush goes along to give you a sharp even...

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