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Reflections on My City

3 Pages 1353 Words
From birth, I have had the same address, lived in the same house, stayed in the same bedroom. My current home is the only home I have ever known and the only place I have ever truly been comfortable with. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, “among all respondents to the survey only 37% have never left...

Prosocial Behaviour Increases Happiness

3 Pages 1332 Words
Do you have some spare change or extra time on your hands? If so, deciding to spend it on someone else might make you happier than spending it on yourself. The following literature review addresses that topic: the effects of prosocial behavior on people’s happiness in light of three scientific articles. Simply put, the first article focusses on how spending...

Potential Application of Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Preservatives in Bread

4 Pages 1817 Words
Food safety is a global priority and one of the major objectives of the food industry due to high incidence of spoilage microorganisms that cause a risk after consumption. The food industry continues to examine ways to reduce the use of traditional chemical preservatives, some of which have been not linked with microbial resistance and health risks, while improving quality...

Positive and Negative Influence of Barbie Dolls on Young Girls

2 Pages 1007 Words
Barbie dolls, they’ve around since the late 50’s, most young girls grow up them, and I highly doubt anyone living today doesn’t know what they are. Yet so little people really look into the implications of showing young girls these dolls which are unrealistically and have unattainable to the average person bodies. They’re crazily slim, and have ‘perfect’, model bodies....

Personal Beliefs about Eating Patterns

5 Pages 2274 Words
The way we are living, our attitude, our emotion, the basic mental state, how streamlined our minds are, the level of activity we are going through, all these are very much a part of our health. A person’s health is influenced by health behaviors that are part of their individual lifestyle. Any behavior that affects the individual physical health or...

Paul Theroux's View of What It Means to Be a Man

1 Page 530 Words
In Paul Theroux's essay ‘Being a Man’, he argues that there is a hole present between genders is the predominant cause of the social misfits that exist in our society. He moreover mentions that manhood itself has made some guys disown their very own identity. Theroux's asserts that the whole thought of manhood in the United States is pitiful compare...

My Unforgettable Roller Coaster Experience

3 Pages 1263 Words
No matter how hard I pushed, the lump in my throat wouldn’t go away. I was about to be escorted to the roller coaster car. I looked up and couldn’t help but gulp, as I saw the treacherous roller coaster tower in front of me. I was already rethinking my choice of actions. I tried to take my mind off...

My Fascination with Roller Coasters

1 Page 414 Words
The sight of fair rides has invariably piqued my interest. It surprises me that your typical person is delighted in giving up the tranquility of the earth beneath you with the excitement of throwing themselves in the air like a food processor’s vegetables. At some point in history, someone believed that people could derive pleasure in it and created what...

My Baalbeck, the City That Taught Me to Appreciate Nature

2 Pages 788 Words
I have beautiful memories from my childhood walking through the mountains near my house and exploring the huge temple that was surrounded by the oak and poplar trees and laid down lots of leaves to walk in. Through walking at the leaves and watching the artifact that God created to us, I found myself that I was connected to the...

Life in the Present

1 Page 559 Words
In the words of the sage Ashtakvarga: “Bondage is created when the mind needs something or it grieves for something, rejects or holds on to something or it is pleased or displeased about something. Liberation is when the mind is no longer attached to anything”. The human body undergoes a transformation from a newborn to youth and to old. The...

Jealousy as a Stimulus to Obsession on the Example of the Characters of Robert Bloch’s ‘Psycho’ and Patricia Highsmith’s ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’

1 Page 612 Words
This paper examines the claim that in both Robert Bloch’s ‘Psycho’ and Patricia Highsmith’s ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’, an overarching sense of jealousy that is driving the obsession. In ‘Psycho’, Bloch allows the readers to see Norman’s jealousy when his mother took a lover named Joe Considine, he went over the edge with jealousy and poisoned them both, forging a...

Jealousy and Its Fatal Consequences Based on William Shakespeare's 'Othello' and Khaled Hosseini's ‘The Kite Runner’

3 Pages 1315 Words
Everybody will sooner or later experience jealousy in their lives. Jealousy is when a person feels fear or concern about another person’s advantages and achievements. Some people make attempts and take actions in order to end someone else’s accomplishments, however that may develop into some unfortunate events that can affect them as well. Jealousy is a terrible trait which leads...

Influence of Multicultural Environment on an Individual

1 Page 656 Words
The multicultural environment is maintained by a group of individuals from different nationalities, languages, religions and ethnicity in same place. At present days people engaged in a multicultural environment due to the reason for their work, migration and study activities. The number of individuals including in multi-culture expanding day by day. It found that in 2001/2002 the quantity of international...

Ignorance Is Strength in the Novel '1984'

1 Page 560 Words
Choices exist in everyday life, beginning with the time of birth until the time of death and everyone changes life, whether it's by making a beneficial choice or not. In the novel ‘1984’, the Party has introduced slogans to manipulate and control the minds of citizens while putting ‘thoughts from the Party’ about what is important for them and what...

Ginger and Its Benefits

4 Pages 1623 Words
Ginger is a root vegetable this is featured in a lot of cultural cuisines as a spice and well-being meals. It's in the similar circle of relatives as turmeric, which we have now additionally reviewed. Historically, ginger has been used for the remedy of low-level nausea and dizziness. It has additionally won a name as a testosterone booster inside health...

Ginger and Its Ability to Treat Nausea

2 Pages 1120 Words
Ginger, a member of the plant family, that has been utilized for a variety of ailments from cooking to medicinal uses, dated back for thousands of years in history. It is available in several different forms, but most commonly for medicinal use, ginger is usually consumed in beverages such as teas or sodas, but can also be added to foods...

Review on Gardenia Whole Wheat Bread

1 Page 548 Words
Whole wheat bread has more nutritional value than white bread. Nonetheless, despite its health benefits, I prefer white bread. I like to top it with Nutella, peanut butter, or ladies' choice sandwich spread. And I enjoy slightly dipping the white bread in hot milk, so my breakfast is complete. Yes, it's true that I prefer the taste of white bread...

Gadsby's View of Active Ignorance in Her 'Nanette'

2 Pages 917 Words
Active ignorance is described by Mills as lacking confinement to those who are uneducated, but is cultivated in the highest positions of power and is presented as simply knowledge, since those in the positions of power have the privilege to be so ignorant of issues that do not affect them (Mills, 2007). Gadsby uses her Netflix special, ‘Nanette’ to deconstruct...

Everything We Need to Know about Ginger

2 Pages 810 Words
The kitchen is a place where many spices and flowers join to form delicious meals throughout the day. It is where food is obtained and where creativity occurs. Throughout history, ginger has been an important aspect in our daily lives, but we have not noticed it. It has been a very popular plant ever since farmers first originated it in...

Evaluation of Plato's View of Immorality as Ignorance

3 Pages 1262 Words
Plato’s view on immorality is ignorance is derived from the argument put forward in ‘Protagoras’ by Socrates, who claimed that all wrong and evil is done due to a lack of knowledge. In this essay I plan to critically analyze this argument and evaluate an objection to Plato’s claim that immorality is ignorance by disproving the premise that every action...

Essay on Why Teenagers Should Take Driving Courses

1 Page 642 Words
Teenagers should be encouraged that driving is a task that is unpredictable and demanding. Parents know how much knowledge a youthful motorist has, and they realize precisely how badly arranged it is the point at which they should drive with their teen all over while they have their permit. Teenagers will in general be the reason to cause most auto...

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