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Eminem: The Journey of the King of Hip Hop

3 Pages 1170 Words
Let’s be honest, we all love celebrities. As fans, we can’t enough of their activities, likes, and everything else. Some people are actually really crazy about their favorite celebrities and follow them everywhere. But there’s much more to a celebrity’s life than getting all dressed up and flaunting their luxury accessories or giving some nice interview and hitting the stage...

Eminem and His Moral Responsibility as a Famous Singer

4 Pages 1647 Words
“Look. If you had… One shot, or one opportunity. Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?”. Does it familiar to you? Does it remind you anyone? This was a part of Eminem’s famous song, ‘Lose Yourself’. His stage name ‘Eminem’ was formed from the sound ‘M and M’, which referring the initials of his true name ‘Marshall Mathers...

Edward Snowden: A Traitor or a Hero

1 Page 596 Words
Edward Snowden, born on June 21, 1983, is an American fugitive, former Central Intelligence Agency employee, and former contractor for the United States government who copied and leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013. In high school in 1998, he caught glandular fever which caused him to miss 4 months of school, eventually he flunked out...

Earthquake Emergency Scenario for My City

2 Pages 862 Words
I have never witnessed any sort of emergency, I have never even been in a mild earthquake, but in this essay, I will try to describe what would happen if a strong earthquake was to happen in my city. The city I live in is very small, so in case of an earthquake, definitely, everyone living in the city will...

Cyber Libel Awareness among Adolescents

1 Page 410 Words
The 21st century shapes the modern face on how people communicate. The use of Internet information and communications technology hastily arises over the past years. These technologies are widely used by adolescents since it becomes a medium for getting excellent sources of news and information, yet they are the most ignorant about the risks of sharing information online. Adolescent’s level...

Child Hunger in the Modern World

2 Pages 900 Words
Child hunger is a big problem in the United States and around the world. Lately, child hunger has been hitting even harder than it has already been in the past years before 2020. This is because people are losing their jobs because of Covid-19. People aren't being able to get money for food, the only way the kids get to...

Billie Holiday: The Queen of Jazz

4 Pages 1932 Words
Considered by many to be the greatest jazz vocalist of all time, Billie Holiday lived a difficult and hard life. Her singing expressed an incredible depth of emotion that spoke of hard times and injustice. Although her career was short, she left behind a body of work that is still touching people today. Holiday rose to fame in the 1930’s...

Benefits of Ginger Root

1 Page 490 Words
Ginger is a wonderful natural herb with amazing benefits for normal functionalities of the human body as well as a few other major problems of the internal organs. This is a rhizome-based product of a flowering plant which is similar to other valuable herbs such as turmeric and cardamom. Since it is rich in most of the necessary properties for...

Being a Man Is Harder Than We Used to Think

1 Page 564 Words
‘Boys don’t cry because they are strong’ is a line all of us heard since we were little kids. If that is right, being a man is easier than being a woman. But in reality, that line becomes a stigma when we are growing that actually makes men themselves also think they should be stronger than women, not only about...

Being a Man in 2019

1 Page 417 Words
I feel being a man in 2019 is as complicated as ever. Let me start by talking about one of the things I believe are not talked about as much, mental health. Sadness, anger, happiness and fear are the four basic emotions we feel as humans. Of these four emotions, happiness is considered the most acceptable in our modern-day society....

Beethoven's Political Views Reflected in His Cantata 'The Glorious Moment'

2 Pages 753 Words
Beethoven’s political ethos was liberal; however, he did at times seem to express views that were quite conservative and could also be interpreted as ambiguous. He was not afraid to express his political views through music. Examples of which could be heard in the opera ‘Fidelio’, about the unjust imprisonment overcome by a heroic individual. Also, in his cantata on...

Anpan for the Canadian Bread Industry

4 Pages 1711 Words
The industry of bread production in Canada has only seen a discreet growth from 2013 to 2018. The situation arose from steady growth in exports and solid demand for higher-end types but only to be offset by the festering consumption of wheat products in the domestic market. Due to consumer preferences for healthier products as a current trend, the efforts...

Analysis of Sappho’s Fragment 31 in the Light of Jealousy, the Triangle of Desire and Erotic Longing

3 Pages 1570 Words
“He appears to me, that one, equal to the gods the man who, facing you, is seated and, up close, that sweet voice of yours he listens to” Lacking the firm consensus present in the poem, Sappho’s Fragment 31 is one of the most complex poems to interpret. The narrator watches a man, seated across her beloved, and admires his...

Essay on an Inspirational Person: Taylor Swift

1 Page 437 Words
Reviewed double_ok
For many people, she is an idol, the best, most inspiring person ever. She went from being a farm girl and collecting insect eggs from her family's farm to performing her own songs worldwide in front of big audiences, inspiring many people, including me. Taylor Swift is the queen of pop and a big role model to people around the...

An Artist Who Inspires Me

1 Page 573 Words
Art has changed and developed in drastic ways throughout history. You can often tell when an artist created by the methods and techniques that they learned and perfected. An artist who inspires me because of his timeless art and independence from other art movements that were developing during his career is Edward Hopper. Hopper’s unique American realism celebrates modernity, while...

Aggressive Driving Should Be Avoided

1 Page 476 Words
In this essay I am going to argue my point that aggressive driving should be averted. Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which has completely presently bought the public worried. The National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) defines aggressive riding as “the operation of a motor car in a manner that endangers or is in all probability to endanger humans or...

African American Challenges and Aspirations Depicted in 'Sympathy', 'Harlem' and 'The Lesson'

3 Pages 1480 Words
During the Great Migration, thousands of African Americans poured into industrial cities to find work and fill labor shortages created by World War I. Blacks faced exclusion and discrimination in employment, as well as some segregation in schools and public accommodations. However, the war and migration bolstered a heightened self-confidence in African Americans that manifested in the New Negro Movement,...

A Person Who Inspires Me

2 Pages 774 Words
Reviewed double_ok
It is impossible to deny that our lives are shaped by a multitude of influences, whether positive or negative, from advertising, through the media or by all kinds of leaders. When asked which people had the most significant impact on their own life, the most common answer for everyone is ‘my parents’. But outside of my parents, would be my...

Ratatouille': Making Dreams Come Reality

4 Pages 1756 Words
‘Ratatouille’ is a movie about a rat who wants to pursue his dreams of cooking for anyone. He has a passion and tries desperately to make his dream a reality. This dream is to work for Gusteau’s restaurant and Gusteau himself is alongside Remy, the main character, through this journey. Although this dream is very inspiring and passion-filled, there are...

Essay about Your Favorite Sport

1 Page 657 Words
Introduction Football, my favorite sport, holds a special place in my heart. Its exhilarating nature, strategic gameplay, and ability to bring people together have made it an integral part of my life. In this critical essay, I will explore the reasons why football has become my favorite sport, examining its physical demands, strategic elements, and the sense of community it...

End of the Year Reflection Essay

1 Page 441 Words
Introduction As the academic year comes to a close, it is a time for reflection and introspection. Looking back on the past year, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the experiences, challenges, and growth that I have encountered. This reflective essay will delve into the lessons I have learned, the obstacles I have overcome, and the personal...

Essay on Real Estate

1 Page 628 Words
Introduction Entering the world of real estate was not a planned career path for me. However, my journey in this dynamic industry has been nothing short of transformative. In this narrative essay, I will share my personal experiences and reflections as I embarked on a career in real estate. From my initial interest to the challenges I encountered along the...

Essay on ‘The Notebook’

1 Page 600 Words
Introduction 'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks is a poignant love story that captures the hearts of readers around the world. This literary critique will delve into the themes, narrative techniques, and character development within the novel. By analyzing the novel's portrayal of love, memory, and the passage of time, we can gain a deeper understanding of the emotional impact and...

Essay on How to Prepare Jollof Rice and Chicken

1 Page 528 Words
Introduction Jollof rice and chicken is a popular and flavorful dish that originates from West Africa. It is a delicious combination of spiced rice and tender chicken, cooked together to create a harmonious and satisfying meal. In this essay, we will explore the process of preparing jollof rice and chicken, providing a step-by-step guide to help you recreate this delightful...

Essay on Advanced Pipe Welding

2 Pages 739 Words
Introduction In the realm of welding, few skills require as much precision and expertise as advanced pipe welding. With the increasing demand for infrastructure development and industrial projects, the need for highly skilled pipe welders has become crucial. This essay aims to explore the intricacies of advanced pipe welding, highlighting its importance, techniques, equipment, and advancements in the field. Understanding...

Personal Narrative Essay about Grand Canyon

1 Page 639 Words
Introduction As I stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon, the vastness and beauty of the natural wonder before me took my breath away. The towering cliffs, the vibrant colors of the rocks, and the sheer magnitude of the canyon created a sense of awe and wonder within me. In this personal narrative essay, I will recount my unforgettable...

Essay about Jerk Chicken

1 Page 575 Words
Introduction Jerk chicken is a popular and iconic dish originating from the beautiful island of Jamaica. It is renowned for its distinctive flavors, aromatic spices, and unique cooking techniques. This informative essay will delve into the history, ingredients, preparation, and cultural significance of jerk chicken, providing readers with a deeper understanding and appreciation of this mouthwatering culinary delight. Historical Background...

Do You Have to Be Competitive to Succeed: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 484 Words
Introduction In today's fast-paced and competitive world, success is often associated with being the best, outperforming others, and striving for victory at all costs. The prevailing notion is that a competitive spirit is necessary for success. However, I argue that while competition can be a driving force for achievement, it is not the sole determinant of success. In this persuasive...

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