Life essays

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Why Do You Want to Be a Leader? Essay

3 Pages 1382 Words
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Introduction Leadership is when a group of people are motivated by an individual to reach a similar goal and capacity. “Leadership is about taking initiative and influencing those around you” (Kotter international, 2012). In order to be effective as a leader you have to be able to inspire others. Effective leaders are committed to building a team who want to...

Immersing Myself In Nature To Help My Mental Wellbeing

3 Pages 1308 Words
“Reading that article was the first hint my subconscious gave me that I wasn't okay.” I've put this essay off till the very last possible day. Anytime my lecturers ask me to write something for my assignment, the question that pop in my mind is always, 'When is the submission date? The deadline?' It's not that I don't enjoy writing,...

Reflecting On Myself: Expectations And Mistakes

2 Pages 726 Words
An event that has really affected me in my life is when I got my first detention. I never did see it coming. One minute I was just messing around with my friends, the next I had a detention at quarter past one in the afternoon. I couldn’t believe it. The shame was like a brick to the face. I...

Emotional Intelligence: Improving Myself

2 Pages 894 Words
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. In the class, we spent several week discussing and learning about emotional intelligence and how it affects us in our daily as well as professional lives. The first emotional intelligence activity we did was an emotional intelligence self-assessment that portrayed our...

Self Esteem And Confidence: How Do I See Myself

1 Page 637 Words
Self Confidence and Self Esteem is the key to success, or we can say, the first step to success. If one has confidence about something, he can surely achieve it, as my teacher has rightly said, “Our lives are moved by our actions, which take form by our thoughts”. So, if a person is confident about something, if he thinks...

A Letter To Myself In The Future

2 Pages 787 Words
I didn’t know what sadness was when I was 4 years old. I used to scrape my knees and burst into tears and now I burst into tears because I don’t scrape my knees. I found a vice more torturous than wanting a physical pain. I found you. My shoulders are softer, my cheeks rounder. My hips don’t go up...

Love Myself: Take Actions To Make A Difference

2 Pages 956 Words
Child violence has been an extremely serious problem for many decades. Do you know that 75% of 2 to 4 years old children have received corporal punishment frequently by their caregivers, and 50% of adolescents worldwide have encountered peer violence near school area (UNICEF, 2017)? What’s worse, every seven minutes, there is a teenager dies of violence (UNICEF, 2017). Thus,...

The Self And The One's Soul

6 Pages 2842 Words
Abstract The following paper attempts to understand of how “ the self ” is at the peak of disorientation and personal crises, identification of the psychological calamity and how the self is able to co-relate that with the advancement of different soul ages. The purpose of this study is to understand the essence of a young person’s journey of psychological...

Knowing Myself: Understanding Addiction

3 Pages 1445 Words
INTRODUCTION Life has many surprises and challenges, but sometimes we just have to follow through the many different things life throws our direction. Some people go out of their way to escape the many challenges they might have to face. You know, that’s okay because that’s why there are people out there willing enough to help them out. When you...

Brand Myself On LinkedIn

1 Page 427 Words
On the journey of pursuing my career, I tend to think what would be the best way to brand myself on LinkedIn. My goal is to let professionals find me and land a job with related field that I am in. Moreover, I want to make people know who am I, what do I do, and why should they like...

How Does Language Carry The Sense Of Self?

2 Pages 996 Words
We, the people, use language every day to communicate, negotiate, express feelings, etc. We can call the language as a system of different symbols such as; writings which allows us to communicate our ideas when we do not have the opportunity to express in front of an audience. Thoughts and feelings with this I mean that we need language to...

Diet And Lifestyle For The Prevention Of Cancer

2 Pages 1052 Words
ABSTRACT Cancer is the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth of cells. Cancer causes fast cell growth. There are several causes of cancer, and few are preventable. Genetic factors also cause the cancer. Cigarate smoking, lot of alcohol consumption, excess weight, physical inactivity and poor nutrition, these causes cancer and these are preventable causes. The chances...

Lifestyle Factors Influencing Purchase Behavior Of Youth In India

7 Pages 2948 Words
ABSTRACT Lifestyle is an approach centered on way one leads life. Lifestyle is the way in which the people live, spend their time and money. Lifestyle of an individual is his way of expressing his feelings, attitudes, interests and opinions. The Lifestyle of individuals has always been of great interest to marketers. They deal with everyday behaviorally oriented facets of...

The Role And Effects Of Technology On Lifestyle

4 Pages 1882 Words
Technology has captured the attention of many people in the world especially the young generation and this has affected their lifestyle. They use electronic devices such as phones, laptops, iPods, tablets, computers and many others. The electronic devices are so addictive that they don’t use it because they need it or it is necessary for them to use but they...

The Factors Of Lifestyle Modification

2 Pages 794 Words
Lifestyle is the aggregation of personal decisions over which an individual has control that can be said to contribute to, or cause illness or disease Lifestyle modification involves altering long-term habits and maintaining the new behaviour for months or years. Lifestyle modification involves major modifiable factors such as diet, exercise, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption.Life style modification can be used...

The Aspects Of Nomadic Lifestyle

2 Pages 686 Words
In the year 1206 Genghis Khan had banded the Mongolian tribes together for the first time forming a united front to lead them on an expedition still known as one of the greatest conquests in history, forming the Mongolia we know today. Beyond the great Genghis Khan, the Mongols were known for their pastoral way of life, known as pastoral...

How To Follow Healthy Lifestyle

4 Pages 1654 Words
Abstract Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia due to absolute (Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus) or relative (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) deficiency of insulin hormone. Diabetes Mellitus virtually affects every system of the body as a result of the metabolic disturbances caused by hyperglycemia, and if improperly managed can cause medical complications such as cardiovascular diseases, neuropathy,...

From Unhealthy Lifestyle Into Healthy Lifestyle

1 Page 660 Words
Teenagers need to stop our addiction to an unhealthy lifestyle due to the fact that an unhealthy lifestyle can cause diseases. In order to live a stronger life we need to quit our addiction to eating unhealthily and give up unhealthy habits. A healthy lifestyle is important to maintain a strong life. As teenagers we prefer to take care of...

Halal Lifestyle In The Concept Of Sharia Economy Law

1 Page 576 Words
This essay describes the halal lifestyle in the concept of sharia economy. Lifestyle is the life pattern of a person expressed in activities, his interests and opinions of spending his money and allocating the time it has (Sumarwan, 2011). Lifestyle encourages the attitude of one’s aktivities in meeting the needs and use of the products. With the development of Islamic...

Summary On Personality Traits Of Entrepreneurs

1 Page 687 Words
There are different components capable for the entrepreneurial victory. The researchers have distinctive suppositions as for the effect of differing parts on entrepreneurial achievement. Numerous researchers, has confirmed that personality traits have an essential influence in making pioneering success. This article centres around three primary segments and they are 1) Personality trait of the entrepreneurs 2) the risk attitudes of...

Difference Between Personality Vs Character

2 Pages 704 Words
What do you readily see when you meet someone for the first time? Does the person seem intimidating, brilliant, and proper, or do they come across as calm, introverted, and reserved? Whatever be the case, we all have the tendencies to perceive the characteristics of a person, even before we get to know that person. What we find out about...

The Character Traits Of Brutus

2 Pages 781 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction The character of Brutus in the drama Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare is a complex character. The possible problem encountered when discussing the character of Brutus throughout the play of Julius Caesar, is if your opinion and how your opinion of this character has changed. This essay aims to prove why my opinion of Brutus did not change...

The Features Of Swimming Experience

2 Pages 746 Words
Before this, I never join any swimming programme or class. I’m just swimming to fill my leisure time but not too often. Besides it, I am an easy person to feel nervous and panic when I am in a pool deeper than my height. Also, I don’t know much about technique and others knowledge about swimming. BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO SWIMMING...

The Human Experience And Religious Intolerance

2 Pages 1034 Words
What are the consequences of when people are intolerant? Sadly, in the world today, many people remain prejudiced against others. There are many forms of intolerance such as bias against those based on race, religion, and gender. In the novel Inherit the Wind by Robert Lee, the character of Reverend Brown amplify’s central theme surrounding intolerance because of his biased...

Life Individual Experiences In The Poems Out Of Time And William Street

2 Pages 967 Words
Kenneth Slessor's suite of poetry enhances the complexities of the human experience and he invites us to challenge our predetermined consumptions and asks his audience to question what it means to human. Slessor's dichotomous poem, 'William Street' is a clear representation of the experiences of living in an urban metropolis whilst observing into a different perspective. Slessor's 'Out of Time'...

Human Experiences In The Film Ringing Bell And The Poem I Am

6 Pages 2655 Words
Texts act as keys in our everyday lives, opening the door to a plethora of human experiences that connect with us. That is their purpose, to capture and lure us in because they are a reflection of our own lives, actions, thoughts, and experiences. We take comfort in knowing that our own lives are illustrated in wider regard, and therefore...

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