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The World Belongs to Us for a Season

2 Pages 922 Words
In today’s world, everyone is so involved in making a secure future that they have no control over their present. We are fed with this notion of a future day in our lives when everything will be secure, and then will we be able to enjoy to the fullest. Our lifestyle is based on working for a future we have...

The Value of Being Yourself

1 Page 424 Words
Primary school wasn’t as eventful as it was supposed to be for majority of children, instead it felt like I was drowning in what the world perceived me to be instead of who I wanted to be. As a child growing up, I never really knew who I was and how I should act. All I ever did was try...

Theme of Jealousy in Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’

3 Pages 1152 Words
Jealousy is a parasite on the soul, and feeds on self-gratification. Othello in Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ is susceptible to narcissistic thoughts that cloud his judgement and opens a door for Iago to plot revenge. It ironic that Iago already had everything he needed to exact revenge inside of Othello. Othello has spent his whole life trying to cultivate a reputation as...

Role of the Accumulation of Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Health of Adults

6 Pages 2926 Words
Evidence from a rising number of epidemiological and neurobiological studies show that adverse childhood experience (ACE) such as abuse, neglect and related adverse experiences show long lasting impacts on brain function and physical health, resulting in a predisposition to physical and mental health disorders throughout their lives. Community surveys from Europe and worldwide show the great prevalence of physical (22.9%),...

Reality of Dreams in John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’

3 Pages 1284 Words
Envisioning dreams which are meant to be accomplished is a human created concept to motivate ourselves to alter the course of our future, or as quoted by renowned poet Henri Amiel, “Dreams are excursions into the limbo of things, a semi-deliverance from the human prison”. In other words, dreams are an imaginary escape route from our inescapable reality. John Steinbeck’s...

Problem of Social Awareness on the Examples of Distracted Driving and Environmental Issues

2 Pages 769 Words
Social awareness is the ability to accurately interpret a social environment as well as infer the emotions of others in the same environment. In this essay, the problem of social awareness shines through. Both of the examples that will be presented in the paper use powerful, emotionally charged images to raise the audience's awareness of two major social issues. Texting...

Power of Being Yourself

1 Page 530 Words
Being yourself is classified as not letting others to depict or choose who you are. You are being judged regardless of what you do, so being yourself makes happiness easier to obtain. Live life on your terms, not someone else's. Being yourself is important because you will not be happy otherwise. I have discovered the value in being true to...

Life Story of Eminem

4 Pages 1815 Words
This is the life of the greatest rapper. This is the story of Eminem and his challenges. The story of his obstacles, style, and how he is one of the greatest. What were the key factors that made Eminem successful? They were that he had many obstacles to overcome, developed a unique style, and the struggles that made him great....

Laws of Physics That Apply to Roller Coasters

3 Pages 1170 Words
The roller coaster has its beginning in Russia, where people applied in different ways during the 1600’s. People crafted slides made out of wood and went to the hills with sand where it could help them slowdown when they reach the downhill. This topic discussed in the essay is all about how these laws of physics apply to its design...

Importance of Being Yourself and Living for Yourself

1 Page 435 Words
“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself” - Friedrich Nietzsche. This quote is the proof that you cannot please everyone in your surroundings, even your closest...

Goal of Impressing Society and How Devastating It Was for Me

2 Pages 854 Words
I may not be the ‘perfect model’ with long silky hair, glowing tanned skin, bright colored eyes, and a perfectly slimmed body, but society, by embedding this image forcibly into my mind, gained my trust into thinking that there was this ‘perfect model’. This always leads me to drift of deep down within my mind, thinking, that maybe, just maybe,...

Evolution of Barbie in Society

6 Pages 2683 Words
Since 1959, the iconic Barbie doll has been one of the most popular toys worldwide. It has been the global symbol of a certain kind of American beauty for many generations and has been formed by the broader social climate of what is believed as the ideal female. The doll still circulates in our society today and has evolved to...

Destructive Power of Jealousy in the Films ‘Al Shak Al Qatel’ and ‘Othello’

3 Pages 1464 Words
‘Al Shak Al Qatel’ and ‘Othello’ are two films depicted from William Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’. ‘Al Shak Al Qatel’ is an Egyptian television film that was released in 1954, directed by Ezz El-Dine Zulficar. While ‘Othello’ is a British television film, released in 2001 and directed by Geoffrey Sax. Both films touch upon themes, such as suspicion, jealousy, loyalty betrayal...

The Day I Chose Myself

1 Page 689 Words
I was born in Redding, California. After my parents divorced, my mom moved my sister and me to a small town. Growing up, my sister regularly spoke for both of us. While this played a significant role regarding my shyness, I was invariably a happy kid. After the move, I developed a tight-knit friend group, consisting of 3 girls and...

Thank You for Those Who Appreciates Me

1 Page 433 Words
I always figured out myself in the mirror and end with tears because I always find my flaws. Some people laughed at me because of my body, my face and even my emotions. Some hurt me by their words, by their eyes and by their lame jokes. I wake up in the morning with a glare and try to hug...

Stereotypes Surrounding Women and Driving

3 Pages 1290 Words
Stereotypes can be defined as “a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong” (Cambridge University Press, 2019). Subconsciously stereotypes are used liberally to help simplify our social worlds. Through using a preconceived or widely held idea about a person based off of one of their characteristics (e.g., ethnicity, gender)...

Sesame Place Amusement Park: Overview

1 Page 508 Words
Amusement parks are mainly known as the most exciting places in the world. They are mostly visited in the summer by families. It is a place where you can strengthen your bond between family and friends. Amusement parks are great because they offer a great choice of attractions for all different types of age groups. In many families, it becomes...

Sciences Integrated into the Job of a General Physician

1 Page 527 Words
A general physician is a future job that I would be interested in. Overall, general physicians treat patients for many different things such as small and long-lasting illnesses. They also provide preventive care, and health education. A general physician works with a lot of people varying in age, size, and mental health stages. Although this job uses a lot of...

Safe Driving: Persuasive Speech

1 Page 626 Words
Aggressive or violent behavior stemming from a driver’s uncontrolled anger at the actions of another driver. This behavior is portrayed in sudden acceleration and braking, deliberate blocking or preventing someone from merging into a lane, excessive hooting, unnecessary flashing of car lights, and yelling of blasphemous profanities. I have not yet mentioned the agitation or trauma that the other driver...

Review of Ann duCille's 'Dyes and Dolls: Multicultural Barbie and the Merchandising of Difference'

2 Pages 786 Words
Ann duCille, a popular author known for her works on race and popular culture, in her article ‘Dyes and Dolls: Multicultural Barbie and the Merchandising of Difference’ speaks about Barbie, a doll with which many users identify their personal experiences with. The questions asked by duCille are eye-opening and revitalize new responses and answers among readers. Lack of a Barbie...

Relationship of Temperature to Fungal Growth on Bread

4 Pages 1821 Words
Bread makes up a substantial part of many people’s diets, and moldiness presents a considerable issue in regards to maintaining bread’s freshness. However, there’s more to the mold-fungus- growing on bread that meets the eye. Fungi are made up of filaments called hyphae, and the network of hyphae are known as mycelia. All fungi are heterotrophic and secrete hydrolytic enzymes...

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