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Recovery Approach in Mental Health Care

4 Pages 1917 Words
Mental health refers to our psychological, emotional, and social well-being, where an individual realizes his/her capacity and can handle the normal stress of life. It is the way people feel, behave, and think. Mental health is essential in every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence through adulthood. Basic human psychological needs like self-actualization, self-esteem needs, belongingness, and love need,...

Nelson Mandela's Imprisonment Essay

3 Pages 1163 Words
Leadership is a social process in which an individual uses the support of others in attaining particular goals. A leader is an individual who is moving towards a certain direction, whereas managing to influence others to be his or her followers. Nelson Mandela is one of the leaders who demonstrated clear leadership styles during his tenure of office as the...

Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself

2 Pages 731 Words
We all know that we have a different understanding about philosophy but for me philosophy is about knowing yourself. There are many philosophers but among those philosophers Socrates is the one who really drawn my reflections in life`s realities or experiences and also my view in life. He is the Father of Western Philosophy in the Western Era. Socrates thought...

Freedom as a Philosophy of Life

1 Page 555 Words
Each person has own different philosophy in life. It will depend on the experience we have in life. There are people will have seen life in the same way but no one will be exactly similar philosophy in life. The way we have experience in life has changes, it may think once but it will change again. So, I will...

My Philosophy of Life: ‘I Think; Therefore I am’

2 Pages 752 Words
Philosophy, etymologically, came from the word ‘Philos’ which means love and ‘Sophia’ which means wisdom. Hence, it literally means love of wisdom. There are certain individuals that engage in philosophy called philosophers, that is, a lover of wisdom. These individuals, called philosophers, are the people who question the very being and origin of Man. They are trying to know and...

Positives and Negatives of the Gilded Age

2 Pages 885 Words
Between the 1870s and 1900s, the United States underwent major changes that led to the increase and growth of big businesses. This was a big turning point for the United States. This led to our economy becoming one of the best in the world. Some things that led to this increase in industrialization were technological advances, an abundance of natural...

Invalidity of Title IX in Relation to Women’s Athletics

4 Pages 1672 Words
Title IX - the best document for the progression of female athletics… more like the beginning of increased criticism, setbacks and discouragement for women in sports. Since Title IX, which states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any...

Analysis of Albert Camus' Idea of the Absurd in the Context of Physicians' Professional Activity

5 Pages 2401 Words
Viktor Frankyl, a holocaust survivor recounts his time in Aushwitz in his book, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’. He found that while himself and others suffered through one of the greatest tribulations in history, they were still able to find meaning among the suffering and thus were building resilience against ungodly misery. Frankyl believed that by changing one’s attitude of suffering,...

Big Game Hunting Should Be Banned

2 Pages 878 Words
“Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game”, - Rodriguez. Poachers, and rich big game hunters, kill millions of animals each year. Trophy hunters alone, kill over 70,000 animals each year. Despite how much money people make for big game hunting, it should be illegal because it doesn’t only control the animal...

Relationships as an Important Factor in College Life

4 Pages 1693 Words
This paper explores college students and relationships. During emerging adulthood relationships are important because previous research has shown that positive close relationships with peers correlate to how well they adapt in college, academic achievement, retention rates, and their well-being among other college students (Parade, Leekers, & E.M., 2009). Relationships are an important topic to study because they have been consistently...

Abstract Art in Tattoo

3 Pages 1333 Words
If you are tired of the tradition and you are not one of those who opts for typical or conventional tattoos, abstract tattoos are perfect for you. These are much more artistic designs that do not seek to resemble or imitate reality but are in themselves authentic works of art. In addition, these types of tattoos hide more than what...

Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain

2 Pages 739 Words
Pain is the body voice that you need to listen to your body. Chronic body aches really make you suffer a lot; relieve it with natural methods and Ayurvedic remedies and herbs. “It’s not just pain. It’s a complete mental and emotional assault on your body” – Jamie Wingo. Popping up pills is surely an instant but not permanent solution...

Reflections on Whether Hard Work Always Equals Success

1 Page 533 Words
Over the pass of time, many people were whining about their work and benefit. They said they could work 8 hours long but they could never really succeed remaining stuck in the same position during years or maybe during a lifetime. Well, I will argue that the key to success does not only depends on hard work but on luck,...

The Knowledge and Attitude Towards Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among University Students

4 Pages 2040 Words
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a group of diseases that can be transferred from person to person or between sexual partners through sexual intercourse. These diseases travel via semen, sperm, blood or vaginal fluids from one person to the next through sexual contact, and from mother to child. These includes diseases such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV and genital herpes...

Inspiring Personality of Nelson Mandela

2 Pages 989 Words
Nelson Mandela was born July 18, 1918 in the Eastern Cape Province of the South near Umtata. A surname was formed on behalf of his father. At birth, Mandela was given the name Rolihlahla, but at school Mandela was called Nelson, in honor of the British admiral. Nelson Mandela attended Fort Hare College, from which he was expelled in 1940...

Robots Vs Humans: Essay

1 Page 677 Words
In the pursuit of the perfect world, where everyone will be happy with smart technologies because machines will do all the hard work instead of us, we risk complicating our lives. As you have noticed, robots are already around us. We order food through applications, fly on aircraft with the autopilot system. Our phone knows more about our lives than...

A Man’s Best Weapon is His Work

2 Pages 866 Words
If a man shrinks then the nation will be known for its weakness, but if he strives then the nation will be known for its glory. Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States and in 1899, he gave his famous speech ‘The Strenuous Life’. This speech was a collection of Roosevelt’s works and experiences. It talks about...

South Korea’s Work-Life Imbalance

2 Pages 1024 Words
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development’s (OECD) report on the average annual hours actually worked per worker (OECD. Stat, 2019), Korea ranked second from the top with an average of 2,108 hours a year since 2008. This means Korean work 1.3 times more than the OECD average working hours (1,770), and 1.5 times the Germany’s working hours...

The Day You Find Out You Have Lupus

1 Page 514 Words
The day you find out that you have lupus is a day you’ll always remember. It sticks with you like remembering where you were the day Elvis died. It is like a dividing line between the “normal” days before and your “new normal” afterward. Everyone has different symptoms that lead them to make that first appointment. Mine came when I...

Gloria Anzaldua's and Amy Tan's Growing Up with Language Barriers

3 Pages 1171 Words
Individuals tend to evade things they don't comprehend, to abuse the new. This is something that Gloria Anzaldua and Amy Tan know all too well. The author of 'How to Tame a Wild Tongue' Gloria Anzaldua was an American scholar of Chicana cultural and feminist theory. She grew up on the Mexico–Texas border and incorporated her lifelong experiences of social...

Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs by Athletes

3 Pages 1200 Words
Some athletes take a form of steroids, acknowledged as anabolic-androgenic steroids or just anabolic steroids, to enlarge their muscle mass and strength. The important anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body is testosterone. Testosterone has two most important outcomes on your body. Anabolic consequences promote muscle building. Androgenic consequences are responsible for male traits, such as facial hair and a...

Negative Effects of Over-Dedication to Work

2 Pages 824 Words
Constituted as an ideal, favorable way of living, the American Dream is achieved through hard work and dedication. Yet, some take diligence and dedication to hard work to an extreme causing them an unhealthy relationship between themselves and their occupation. As Clausen claims, dedication to one’s work proves disadvantageous and creates conflict with other aspects of life, causing one to...

Dog-Friendly Events in the United States

2 Pages 838 Words
The United States is home to a large variety of incredible activities and events for families, friends, and individuals who are looking for ways to entertain themselves and forget their worries and problems even just for a moment. No matter what state you are in or you want to visit, there are all types of entertainment you can enjoy. But,...

The Rise Of Robots

5 Pages 2182 Words
The word ‘robot’ can be defined as “a machine that can navigate through and interact with the physical world of factories, warehouses, battlefields and offices” (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014). To famously quote Warren Bennis, “The factory of the future will have two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will...

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