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Surveillance Capitalism: An Essay

5 Pages 2386 Words
In an interview with the Harvard Gazette, Zuboff defined surveillance capitalism as “the unilateral claiming of private human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioral data; these data are then computed and packaged as prediction products and sold into behavioral futures markets business customers with a commercial interest in knowing what we will do now, soon, and later”,...

Can Cell Phones Be Educational Tools? Essay

1 Page 457 Words
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Learning can be done in several different ways, methods, and procedures. As what Marvin Minsky, an American computer scientist concerned with research of artificial intelligence, “You don’t understand anything until you learn in more than one way”. We are now in the 21st century a modern world full of vast technologies to provide wider platforms, and tools. Moreover, what is...

Cell Phones Are Dangerous to Health: An Essay

2 Pages 759 Words
Are cell phones dangerous to your health? The answer to that question is ‘yes’; cell phones are dangerous because it can cause traffic accidents, germs and eye strain. The first reason why cell phones are dangerous is because it can cause germs if you don’t wash your hands very often. According to the article ‘Health Risks of Mobile Phones’ states...

Money Can't Buy Happiness: An Essay

2 Pages 699 Words
'Money cannot buy true happiness'. Some people may say that this adage is no longer relevant because in this 21st century, we can’t live without money and without money, we won’t be happy. However, I strongly think, that this adage is indeed valid and relevant. In fact, the predominant reason I choose this topic is that it is food for...

Essay on Should Every Child Have a Mobile Phone

5 Pages 2339 Words
“The cell phone has become the adult's transitional object, replacing the toddler's teddy bear for comfort and a sense of belonging”, - Margaret Heffernan. As mobile phones are widely used by people all over the world, there is an opinion arise, that parents should let their children have their own mobile phones. Mobile phones or cell phones are a device...

Is Capitalism Humane? Essay

1 Page 617 Words
The debate over how humane capitalism is and most probably will be never completely settled. However, in a lecture at Cornell University in 1977, Milton Friedman provides a different perspective. One that does not fault the systems of the economy itself, but the results the system encourages and the role of individual morality. He touches upon the social injustices that...

Digital Literacy as a Necessary Skill in the Modern World

1 Page 408 Words
Today, our world became a place where everyone and everything is connected digitally. Technological achievements have an impact on every aspect of our life. Without digital literacy, which is the ability to use digital technology effectively, we can’t be successful. I completely agree that digital literacy should be required in all sectors for the following reasons. First of all, our...

Significant Impact of Marcus High School Cheerleading on My Personal Growth

1 Page 591 Words
As a senior looking back upon my four years apart of Marcus High School Cheerleading, I have grown immensely as a person. I have learned many qualities about myself, both positive and negative. This program has carved me into the person I am today and helped me to realize the person I ultimately strive to become. Throughout the years I...

Joining the NHS as a Great Opportunity for Personal Growth

1 Page 672 Words
The National Honors Society was established to recognize outstanding high school students. It allows you to strengthen your abilities and grow as a person through school and community activities. Having said that, I am extremely honored to be nominated for this organization. The National Honors Society is said to represent four pillars; character, leadership, service, and scholarship. Over the course...

Hard Work to Make Dreams Come True

3 Pages 1153 Words
Ever since I can remember, I have been intrigued by how things in the world go round. I like getting my hands dirty and trying to invent my own unique creations like, my own homemade restaurant with bad sketches of multiple blueprints of how I wanted it to look like. Blueprints just sucks me in and I can spend hours...

Motivation to Apply for the 2018 Plum + Grander Scholarship

1 Page 492 Words
Before I tell you about my gymnastics career, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. I started gymnastics at eight years old after watching Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin at the Olympics. They were the two gymnasts that inspired me to start artistic gymnastics. Three years after I enrolled in gymnastics, I started...

Career Interest in Computer Programming

1 Page 606 Words
When I get older, I want to be a computer programmer. I have no idea what I’d want to specialize in but I’d use it to express my creativity. Back in 5th grade, I used to be good at programming as it was my main hobby and I made multiple programs, including games and pointless applications. The world inside computers...

Nothing Could Be as Hard as Middle School

1 Page 522 Words
According to the famous actress Zooey Deschanel, “Nothing could be as hard as middle school'. My three years at Leslie H. Walton Middle School were full of excitement and learning, but what Mrs. Deschanel stated is completely accurate. Walton, without a doubt, had been part of the hardest years of my life. Finding out my identity and where I belonged...

Proud of My Indian Roots

1 Page 640 Words
Being the youngest child of immigrant parents has impacted my views on the world in many ways. Growing up, my parents would tell my sisters and me stories about what it was like to live in India, as well as the cultural shock they received when they arrived in America in 1996. My dad would recall a time when he...

Reflections on Personal and Academic Achievements after High School

1 Page 509 Words
Throughout my high school career I have made a lot of achievements, and faced challenges I thought I couldn’t overcome. I have made great progress in school and in my personal life. I have also overcome challenges. I know these things that I have accomplished and overcome will help me move forward in my future. The achievements I have made...

Statement of Educational Philosophy

3 Pages 1491 Words
Before pursuing my dream of furthering my education to become a teacher, I would get asked multiple different questions. “Why do you want to become a teacher?”, “What grade level would you prefer to teach?”, “Where and what type of school could you see yourself teaching?”, “Who do you want to be as a teacher?”. All of the questions seem...

Choosing a Career Based on Money or Passion: An Essay

1 Page 663 Words
Money is undeniably vital in life. You can’t pay your bills and nourish your family on just love and passion, and this a cruel truth. When we are talking around career development, we are talking about people who are prepared to win less in arrange to contribute in their expertise improvement and network, which in turn helps them to gain...

Philosophy of Life: Smile, Laugh and Love

1 Page 434 Words
My philosophy in life could be different to others. Cause our philosopy will be depending on our different experience in life. I've experience of sometimes lossing someone, and feeling of doesn't have anything in life and not all could experience on it. There would be many people that have similar philosophy on life but not all of them would be...

Ambition to Become a Member of the National Junior Honor Society

2 Pages 1121 Words
Scholarship is a commitment to learning. Scholarship means academic study or achievement or learning at a high level. A good scholar is willing to spend lots of time in important reading and study, as they know the lasting benefits of a learned mind. Learning should be lifelong and continuous. Lifelong learning improves our understanding of the world around us and...

Applying Florence Nightingale's Theory to Perioperative Nursing

2 Pages 952 Words
Perioperative nursing applies to patient care before and after surgeries or intervention procedures. These nurses work closely with surgeons and anesthesiologists to assist them during operative procedures. Cleanliness is the main concept for all perioperative nurses as it is reflected on their hygienic image and this is shown by how the nurse is dressed from head to toe. As per...

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