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Romanticism and Its Impact on How We See and Perceive the World

1 Page 541 Words
Romanticism was the largest artistic movement of the late 1700s. Romanticism came around because of political, social, and economic changes. Some important features of romanticism are emphasis on imagination, a capacity for wonder, and the importance of self expression and feeling. This style of writing was a way for artists and writers to express themselves in a different way. Some...

From Habit to Tradition

1 Page 655 Words
There is a lot of multiculturalism in the world. Each ethnic group has its own history and culture. Being so, there is also a big diversity of habits and traditions. Habit and tradition share a common characteristic: both involve repetitive actions that a person feels compelled to take, whether it's a conscious decision or not. But there's also a decided...

Live to Work or Work to Live

7 Pages 3143 Words
Dr. Tetsunojyo Uehara first used the term of ‘過労死 (karoshi)’, and it is defined as 'death from overwork and stress'. Since the latter half of the 1980s, karojisatsu has also become a social issue in Japan. The occurrence of overwork death is closely related to a country's unique economic and social conditions, and even the value orientation of the entire...

Why Is Capitalism Good? Essay

2 Pages 931 Words
Capitalism is a form of economy driven by economic freedom. In this system, private individuals and corporations own capital and independently decide how to use their capital to make profit. They determine which goods to produce, the quantity to produce and try to sell their goods at a profit based on consumer demands. Producers, motivated by making profit, produce new...

Life Without Cell Phones: An Essay

1 Page 626 Words
Cell phones are everywhere these days. We see people of all ages — from toddlers in strollers to their grandparents — using cell phones, particularly the ubiquitous smartphone. We use cell phones to indulge in leisure activities and to work. It certainly seems to me that most people nowadays cannot, or dare not, imagine life without a cell phone. Among...

Pros and Cons of Video Games

2 Pages 1038 Words
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Video games are an amazing escape for anyone, they act as a story that you can control and can help you fully understand a character and empathise with them better than in any other media such as book or film. If you ask a person who plays video games, a moment that stuck with them for example a death of...

Exploring the Discourse Community of Personal Trainer

2 Pages 864 Words
As a newly certified coach and professional personal trainer, I am writing this report for the new comer to the discourse community of personal trainers. What is the history of this community? What are its primary mechanisms of intercommunication? What kind of threshold levels does it have? This report will explore these and related questions, drawing on my careful observation...

Essay on Negative Effects of Raising Minimum Wage

4 Pages 1749 Words
Most of exchanges of goods and services, in modern times, said to be dictated by the ‘law of supply and the law of demand’. The former being that as prices rise the greater the number of suppliers, willing and able to supply and the later, as price rise, the fewer the number of people willing and able to buy the...

Elie Wiesel's Nobel Prize Speech

1 Page 621 Words
Prize is an internationally recognized award that is delivered to an individual or organization that has accomplished an ameliorative effort for mankind. In the year 1986 the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize was a man named Elie Wiesel, a holocaust survivor and humanitarian. A day after receiving the award, Elie gave a Nobel lecture entitled ‘Hope, Despair and Memory’,...

Personal Motivation to Study Geographic Information Science (GISci)

1 Page 642 Words
The prominence of GIS and Remote Sensing has gained immense importance over the past few years, especially for environmental management. My primary motive to study Geographic Information Sciences (GISci) at Central Michigan University (CMU) engenders from the massive advances in GIS and Remote Sensing Technology in the U.S., which I would like to replicate in India. Although India is making...

Great Adventure Being a Nurse

2 Pages 706 Words
Although I earned an Associate of Arts Degree, I became interested in nursing when my country of birth (Sierra Leone) was faced with an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus which decimated hundreds of the population. As more people lost their lives, I became increasingly aware of the importance of medical care in our society. Within that same year, I...

Computer Engineering Essay

1 Page 516 Words
Computer engineering merges together with computer science and electrical engineering to further developments in digital technology, computer networking and computer system. Computer engineers design, and develop technological devices. It is a combination of skills in hardware and software. With a growing, insatiable desire for technological advancements – both by businesses and consumers alike – the need of trained, skilled and...

Nelson Mandela's 'Long Walk to Freedom' Essay

3 Pages 1410 Words
When researching books for my reading list, I always like to link my choices to past events or current situations. Stumbling upon this book, I remembered a conversation I had a few years ago. During my middle school days, I was a member of the ‘Anti-Violence Committee’, dealing with bullies on a daily basis. I remember as if it happened...

Essay on Robots in the Future

2 Pages 971 Words
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Before knowing about the future of robotics, let’s understand what is robotics? Robotics is a branch of engineering that deals with synergy mechanics, computer science, information science and electronics. Robotics deals with the construction, design and control system for controlling movements of robot by perceiving the environment. The idea of robot was first introduced in a movie. The first ever...

Faulty Scholar, Faulty School

5 Pages 2093 Words
Throughout a student’s academic career, the path they take to progress from youthful and yearning to wisened and learned will be one featuring many ups and downs. The student will experience anger and anguish, moments of brashness and boredom, spurs of claustrophobia and bouts of captivity - and those are only the alliterations. However, while many of these toils can...

National Junior Honor Society Essay

1 Page 505 Words
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National Honor Junior Society would be a great opportunity for me, as I have exemplified each of the four characteristics listed as qualities of a NJHS member. Leadership is an important quality and I believe that I've contemplated that trait. I’m part of an orchestra, where leadership comes as an important trait. Based on my experience in orchestra, I can...

Gun Violence as a Key Problem of Modern Society

1 Page 499 Words
In the course of recent years, gun violence has ascended to the cutting edge of open awareness. A significant part of the discussion has concentrated on firearm guidelines and keeping savage weapons out of the hands of potential executioners, especially those with psychological instabilities. Lamentably, far less consideration has been devoted to the effect of weapon viciousness on unfortunate casualties....

The Origin of Ballet and Indlamu Dance

3 Pages 1161 Words
Ballet and Indlamu dance are both forms of dance which depict their respective origins - the Sun King’s Court and the demonstration of the expertise of isiZulu warriors. Both dance forms are immensely influenced by their respective political contexts which illustrate how the forms may or may not be displayed in concert theatre in South Africa in the 20s to...

The Importance of Internal Controls for Company Survival

6 Pages 2561 Words
Internal controls are often overlooked in company planning, and are usually underemployed in businesses. Despite this, internal controls are very important in order for a company to be afloat, and it helps the company to be more efficient and run smoothly. The AICPA defines internal control as the process affected by plan management and other personnel, and those charged with...

Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras? Essay

2 Pages 880 Words
Should every cop have tiny video cameras? I think, they should, because you will be able to go back to the footage in case you need something to be proven. Also, to see how the problem started at first. Officers wearing tiny video cameras benefits the citizen and officers because everything is being recorded the moment you interact with them....

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