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Examining Lost Identity and Dignity Through Stevens

5 Pages 2180 Words
The novel The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro examines the different facets of dignity. The protagonist, a butler named Stevens, adamantly seeks to become a great and dignified butler, a task that he believes only the most imperturbable can achieve. As he examines his life while on a motoring trip, the self-deception and disillusionment fostered by this concocted...
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A Narrative of My Strengths and Weaknesses

2 Pages 927 Words
No person on Earth is perfect. If this were true, then the world would be a very boring place. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Some people know how to handle their weaknesses in the right way and try to learn from them. Others keep hiding their own weaknesses and do not want any help with them. I am one...

Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned

4 Pages 1780 Words
I will never forget March 25th, 2016. It was the day that turned my life on its toes. It was the day I was granted the opportunity to pursue a truly unmatchable educational, experiential vision. I was flooded with overwhelming feelings of relief, gratitude, excitement. The time leading up to my freshman fall quarter was defined by conversations on whether...

Studying Abroad: Its History and Aspects

1 Page 470 Words
Studying abroad is considered by many “ A once in a lifetime extravagant experience”. This experience is thrilling as students take the first step into a new journey. This first step isn’t just about going to university, but also the first step towards adulthood, independence, and most importantly a step into the of discovering one’s true self and purpose. Even...

The Clinical Waste Management in Cameroon

2 Pages 778 Words
Poor clinical waste management is a common problem in Africa and other developing parts of the world. Ineffective clinical waste treatment methods put many people at risk of contracting waterborne diseases and blood-borne pathogens (Chang & Wey, 2006). Uncontrolled and substandard burning of clinical waste also increases environmental pollution and exposure to harmful metals and gases. For example, clinical waste,...

Thomas Jefferson Pros and Cons of Presidency

1 Page 554 Words
Jefferson was one of the most brilliant men ever to serve as president. His interest in geography and natural science helped him to understand the true significance of the Louisiana Territory, and when Napoleon made his fateful offer, Jefferson acted swiftly and decisively to accept it, thereby doubling the land area of the U.S. He then dispatched his personal secretary,...

Features and Functionality of Endpoint Security Products

2 Pages 705 Words
Endpoint security is the process of securing the various endpoints on a network, often defined as end-user devices such as mobile devices, laptops, and desktop PCs, although hardware such as servers in a data center are also considered endpoints. Precise definitions vary among thought leaders in the security space, but essentially, endpoint security addresses the risks presented by devices connecting...

Was Thomas Jefferson a Good President for People? Essay

2 Pages 837 Words
In discussing the Declaration of Independence and it’s effects, it is important to start at the beginning. America was under the rule of Great Britain, and up until 1776, the American colonists believed that Great Britain was doing a great job protecting them, giving them their rights, and they, the colonists in turn, offered Britain their loyalty. But, the relationship...

George Washingtons Presidency Analysis

3 Pages 1349 Words
George Washington was inaugurated april 30th, 1789. He accomplished the most within the first 100 days (153 days) than any other president has done. He was unanimously elected for both terms. He spent his first term in office creating a path for the executive branch. His first term also consisted of him creating the first form of the United states...

Growing of Adventure Tourism and Sports in India

1 Page 520 Words
Tourism remains as the most trending topic across the world. With contribution of over 9% of GDP globally to finding at least 1 out of 11 people working in tourism sector, it is indeed one of the rising challenges that individuals are taking up. The Indian youth is all set to shatter the myths around travel getting their backpack on...

Life Twists and Turns

1 Page 460 Words
As we say, we live once. This means that the opportunities provided by life should be used as much as possible. But how do you know that the chosen path is correct? So often we have to make decisions, think about it, or is it what I want? Already from elementary school, we have a choice - what to do...

Pollution - a Global Issue that Needs to Be Addressed with Urgency by The Citizens of The World

6 Pages 2819 Words
WHO air quality model affirms that 90% of the total populace live in places where air quality levels surpass WHO’s Ambient Air quality guidelines. This news is definitely not a surprise to many of us as it has become rather common to look up the sky and see smoke or haze blocking the sun. Before we dive into the topic...

Report on My Internship in The Banking Industry

4 Pages 1753 Words
Throughout the summer 2019 semester, I got the opportunity to receive a Management Information System internship in one of the various well-known corporations in Viet Nam. The association I connected to being HongLeong Bank Vietnam (HLBVN). ‘The Bank is technology-focused and emphasizes the development of financial capabilities to serve its clients across Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, and China. Hong...

Gentrification and the Continuous Impact Throughout New York City Communities

2 Pages 794 Words
Generations of all kinds have arrived to this nation with dreams of living a life of success. Gentrification removes lower class citizens, and in turn increases the cost of living and leads to major demographical changes. Gentrification certainly has some advantages, but overall it has led to the increase of the homeless population, culture loss, increased group based tensions, increase/change...

My Autobiography and Future Plans

4 Pages 1638 Words
My name is Tharun and I was born on the 18 of December, 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My parents were Suresh and Karolina. Both of my grandparents are deceased. My grandmother died when i was 4 years of age, at the age of 65 in 2008 from lung cancer which was the result of smoking her whole lifetime even...

The Importance of Respect for Others

2 Pages 773 Words
Reviewed double_ok
700+ Words Respect Essay We live in a world that is filled with conflict, dislike and negative criticism. In this, we believe that we are open-minded toward individuals who see the world uniquely. But that may not be the case always. Expressing yourself can be done in different ways and the way you choose is really important. You can either...

Gentrification as a Product of Globalization

5 Pages 2291 Words
Gentrification is a product of Globalization. But, what even is Globalization? According to Richard C. Longworth in Caught in the Middle, us, Hoosiers don’t even know what it is - let alone have a working understanding of the concept. Globalization by definition is the “connection of different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and...

Reasons of Slavery in Civil War

2 Pages 1056 Words
It seems as if it was just yesterday that I was another normal boy, born in Hodgenville, Kentucky on February 12, 1809. My mother was conceived in Hampshire County while my dad in Rockingham County, both of them from average families and were considered the norm of the populace. My mother, who departed from me to the heavens, when I...

Abraham Lincoln as a Fighter Against Slavery Essay

4 Pages 1669 Words
Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 to uneducated farming parents, in his young ages he was respected and prosperous inhabitant of Kentucky. His family worshipped in the Baptist church, which opposed slavery practices in the region. However, Lincoln never belonged to the church and he showed no interest in any religion. At her young ages, he had encountered the side...

Gaius Julius Caesar: Analysis of a Biography

1 Page 509 Words
Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman Republic politial leader who expended what became the Roman Empire dramatically during his rule. The birth of Caesar brought about a new chapter in Roman history. During his youth, the Roman government was unstable, and had lost much of its dignity. At the age of 16, Caesar’s father, Gaius Caesar, passed away and this...

Role Of Penny in American Economy

1 Page 650 Words
Will the penny survive? During recent years there has been significant debate over whether to keep the penny as part of the US currency or to discontinue production of the penny. Every year the United States Mint produces around 12 billion new pennies, but 6 billion get lost, stored, or disposed of. Even so, a recent poll shows most Americans,...

Stress and Self Confidence of Athletes and Non Athletes

3 Pages 1146 Words
Stress, it is the actions your body goes through as it tries to adjust to your changing environment. It can cause physical and emotional effects on you which can be positive or negative. Stress can ruin your performance and it can also enhance your performance. Self-confidence is not the same as self-esteem, which is an evaluation of one's own worth,...

George Washington, Father of The USA

2 Pages 753 Words
One of the most influential figures in the upbringing of the United states of America ? We all have seen or heard of George Washington. Whether it was in History class, on a dollar bill, or even in famous paintings. George Washington represents to America the power of never giving and standing up for what you believe in. Throughout George...

Problems and Solutions of Cyberbullying

4 Pages 1777 Words
What are the problems and solutions of cyberbullying? Introduction The topic of cyberbullying was chosen because I am interested on learning how much of a problem this is and how to decrease this problem. Cyberbullying is linked to the topic of digital world. Social media and phones have become a necessity in most people’s lives. Although most of these online...

Role of Curiosity in My Life

3 Pages 1362 Words
I glared bitterly at the intricate but bold murals of ancient scriptures which dawned the ceilings of the dark hued church I was forced to be in, but at the same time transfixed by the way the reds, greens, and yellows of the dented stained glass windows playfully clashed against the serene blue-lighted water of the baptism pool in the...

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